Climate Action (ex: implement the City’s Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and develop the local green economy)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts (ex: focus on activities and initiatives that support marginalized racial, ethnic, and cultural groups)
Downtown Vitality (ex: continue to improve safety and cleanliness, invest in infrastructure and maintenance in the Downtown)
Economic Stability, Recovery and Resiliency (Current Major City Goal) (ex: continue to implement economic recovery strategies that support local jobs and businesses in response to COVID-19 pandemic)
Fiscal Sustainability and Responsibility (ex: continue to implement efficiencies, strategic economic development and plans to address unfunded liabilities)
Homelessness (ex: partner with community-based organizations to implement programs that prevent and support people experiencing homelessness, continue City Community Action Team efforts)
Housing (ex: facilitate increased production of all housing types designed to be economically accessible to the area workforce and low and very low-income residents)
Infrastructure Maintenance (ex: maintenance of roads, sidewalks, parks, and other City infrastructure)
Open Space (ex: preserve and maintain open space and natural areas)
Public Safety (ex: provide Fire/Police services, response for health emergencies and disaster preparedness)
Sustainable and Multi-Modal Transportation (ex: enhance accessible transit, bicycle, and pedestrian opportunities)
Other (ex: playgrounds, youth/senior services, etc.)
Other (ex: playgrounds, youth/senior services, etc.)
Other (ex: playgrounds, youth/senior services, etc.)
Other (ex: playgrounds, youth/senior services, etc.)
Other (ex: playgrounds, youth/senior services, etc.)
Choose at most 5 options