What City services, maintenance and infrastructure are most important to you? Please give us your feedback by ranking your TOP 10 priorities, with “1” being the most important. Your response will be included with others received and shared at a future city council meeting.
Are there other high priorities related to City services, maintenance and infrastructure not listed in Question 1?
Hire more staff to clear and trim trees on city property. 2 trees have fallen on playground bench due to lack of staff response.
Clear the creeks of dead brush. Many homes are near open space and creeks, this is a fire danger.
Stop spending money on painting bike lanes on neighborhood streets and complete the Class 1 bike lanes along RR from Tank Farm to Cal Poly
Create access to Broad Street to Higuera and Hwy 101 on Prado as planned to connect to future Prado overpass
Hire more staff to support County Homeless social worker. Creek encampments are a threat to public safety and the environment. Create temporary housing
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
What are your highest priorities related to City services, maintenance and infrastructure?
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
City services, maintenance and infrastructure
Are there other high priorities related to City services, maintenance and infrastructure not listed in Question 1?