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What priorities do you want the City to focus on in their updated Emergency Management Plan?

31 registered responses

What natural disasters do you believe will impact the City of San Luis Obispo?


What human made hazards may impact the City of San Luis Obispo?


What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo prior to a disaster?


What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo during a disaster?


What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo after a disaster?

Name not shown inside Neighborhood 7
July 11, 2019, 3:26 PM
  • What natural disasters do you believe will impact the City of San Luis Obispo?

    Fire and flood, not necessarily in that order. Drought. Low probability of earthquake.

  • What human made hazards may impact the City of San Luis Obispo?

    In case of emergency, public panic and disorder; traffic jams; looting; homeless camps and waste; drug/marijuana and alcohol abuse, which could variously impact first responders.

  • What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo prior to a disaster?

    A technically up-to-date and fully staffed EOC; fully funded police and fire first responders; clear protocols for EOC communications with citizens; regularly updated building and rental codes and regulations to reflect population growth, aging construction, improved weather and earthquake prediction; infrastructure reconstruction.

  • What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo during a disaster?

    Coordination between city, county and state agencies; transparent communication with citizenry via media and cell phone; coordinated deployment of city, local and state emergency services; enforcement of public order and protection of property.

  • What are your expectations of the City of San Luis Obispo after a disaster?

    As necessary, restore communications, order, public services; in concert with Red Cross, Salvation Army, Food Bank, and other charitable organizations, see to provision of food and temporary shelter, giving priority to families.

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