Which statement best describes you? Click all that apply.
I live in the City of San Luis Obispo.
Should the current Major City Goals & Other Important Objective continue, or should the City Council consider other priorities during the next two years? (Please choose 5 priorities)
Current Major City Goal: Multi-Modal Transportation (Prioritize implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan, pedestrian safety, and the Short-Range Transit Plan)
Current Major City Goal: Climate Action (Implement the Climate Action Plan, carbon neutral by 2035 target, and complete a Green House Gas emissions update)
Open Space Preservation
Addressing Homelessness
Infrastructure Maintenance (such as roads, sidewalks, and bike paths)
Given the current fiscal constraints, new projects or services will require prioritization and potential trade-offs unless they can generate offsetting revenue. How might the City adjust current projects or services to accomplish any new priorities?
No response.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Which statement best describes you? Click all that apply.
Should the current Major City Goals & Other Important Objective continue, or should the City Council consider other priorities during the next two years? (Please choose 5 priorities)
Given the current fiscal constraints, new projects or services will require prioritization and potential trade-offs unless they can generate offsetting revenue. How might the City adjust current projects or services to accomplish any new priorities?
No response.