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What should the City Council consider as top priorities during the 2025-27 fiscal years?

724 registered responses

Which statement best describes you? Click all that apply

Response Percent Response Count
I live in the City of San Luis Obispo. 79.4% 570
I work in the City of San Luis Obispo. 44.7% 321
I play (recreate, shop, eat, etc.) in the City of San Luis Obispo. 62.5% 449
Other 7.9% 57

What should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years (select your highest five priorities)? The following are the priorities, listed in alphabetical order, that have been consistently identified by the community in the past. You may also add your own.

Response Percent Response Count
Climate Action (e.g., implement the City’s Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and develop the local green economy) 35.4% 256
Childcare (e.g., support policies, partnerships, and incentives to help expand childcare options) 17.4% 126
Cultural Vitality (e.g. preserve arts and culture, expand public art programs, and support community partnerships) 16.4% 119
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (e.g., focus on activities and initiatives that support marginalized racial, ethnic, and cultural groups) 17.5% 127
Downtown Vitality (e.g., continue to improve safety and cleanliness, invest in infrastructure and maintenance in the Downtown) 42.8% 310
Fiscal Sustainability and Responsibility (e.g., continue to implement efficiencies, strategic economic development, and plans to address unfunded liabilities) 35.6% 258
Homelessness (e.g., partner with the County and community-based organizations to implement programs that prevent and support people experiencing homelessness, continue City Mobile Crisis Unit and Community Action Team efforts) 60.2% 436
Housing Supply and Affordability (e.g., facilitate increased production of all housing types designed to be economically accessible to the area workforce and to low and very low-income residents) 46.3% 335
Infrastructure Maintenance (e.g., maintenance of roads, sidewalks, parks, and other City infrastructure) 45.6% 330
Open Space (e.g., preserve, maintain and enhance open space and natural areas) 40.5% 293
Public Safety (e.g., expand Fire/Police services, response for emergencies and disaster preparedness) 21.1% 153
Safe Housing and Neighborhood Wellness (e.g., promote safe housing and neighborhoods, expand renter protection programs, and support initiatives that foster community connection and inclusion among residents) 17.1% 124
Sustainable and Multi-Modal Transportation (e.g., enhance accessible transit, bicycle, and pedestrian opportunities) 26.5% 192
Other 24.7% 179
Other 6.8% 49
Other 2.6% 19
Other 0.8% 6
Other 0.4% 3
Jared Hagemann inside Neighborhood 7
December 13, 2024, 10:43 PM
  • Which statement best describes you? Click all that apply
    • I live in the City of San Luis Obispo.
    • I work in the City of San Luis Obispo.
    • I play (recreate, shop, eat, etc.) in the City of San Luis Obispo.
  • What should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years (select your highest five priorities)? The following are the priorities, listed in alphabetical order, that have been consistently identified by the community in the past. You may also add your own.
    • Childcare (e.g., support policies, partnerships, and incentives to help expand childcare options)
    • Downtown Vitality (e.g., continue to improve safety and cleanliness, invest in infrastructure and maintenance in the Downtown)
    • Homelessness (e.g., partner with the County and community-based organizations to implement programs that prevent and support people experiencing homelessness, continue City Mobile Crisis Unit and Community Action Team efforts)
    • Open Space (e.g., preserve, maintain and enhance open space and natural areas)
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Thank you for participating in the Community Priorities Survey. Your responses will be used to help shape the future of the City of San Luis Obispo.

If you would like to share your thoughts on how the City could implement the Major City Goals please come to the Community Forum at the Ludwick Community Center (864 Santa Rosa St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401) on January 23, 2025 at 6:00pm. If you are unable to attend the Community Forum, please send your feedback to: [email protected].

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