Transit is an important travel option throughout San Luis Obispo County:
Strongly Agree
Please select all of the transit services that you heard of or are familiar with:
Atascadero Dial-A-Ride
Morro Bay Transit
Paso Robles Routes A & B
SLO Transit
SoCo Transit
Did the COVID-19 pandemic change your need for transit services?
How many days per week do you currently commute to attend work/school in-person?
5 days per week
If you currently work or attend school from home one or more days per week, do you anticipate that you will commute to attend your work/school in-person more often next year?
No response.
Have you used transit in the City of San Luis Obispo or in San Luis Obispo County in the last six months?
The reasons you do not use public transit are (Select all that apply):
I don’t know how to use it
I have my own transportation
On a scale of 1 (definitely would not) to 4 (definitely would), how likely is it that you would use public transit in San Luis Obispo County more often given the following improvements?
Better information - 3 (would)
Bus stops closer to home - 3 (would)
Earlier weekday service - 2 (would not)
Earlier weekend service - 2 (would not)
Improved bus stops (shelters/benches) - 3 (would)
Later weekday service - 4 (definitely would)
Later weekend service - 4 (definitely would)
More frequent weekday service - 3 (would)
More frequent weekend service - 3 (would)
Service to additional destinations - 3 (would)
Is there another transit improvement not listed which might influence you to ride the bus?
Where would you travel on the bus if transit services were expanded or improved?
Other - All of the above, as needed
Would you be interested in using Microtransit? (Microtransit is a shared ride door to door public transit service similar to Uber which you could request a ride through an app on your phone "on-demand" within certain service hours/ service area.)
More information is needed
Where do you get information about your local community?
Printed newspaper/Online newspaper
Which social media platform do you use the most frequently?
How do you prefer to learn about transportation-related services in your community?
Newspaper or local publication
Do you find it helpful to be able to purchase bus passes on your phone?
Select the number of working vehicles to which your household has immediate access (please check one):
Which community do you live in?
San Luis Obispo
What is your age group?
1946 - 1964 (age 59-77)
Do you speak another language/consider yourself bilingual or multilingual?
Do you identify as a person with a disability (including physical, mental and emotional conditions lasting 6 months or more that limit a person's movements, senses or activities)?
Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino/Latinx or of Spanish origin?
Which racial group do you most closely identify with? For reference, race refers to arbitrary physical characteristics and is a socially constructed term.
Which ethnic group do you most closely identify with? For reference, ethnicity refers to self-identified groups or subgroups who share social and cultural norms, expressions, and background.
Which of the following best describes your gender identity?
Gender variant/nonconforming/non-binary
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Gay or Lesbian
Have you or has anyone in your household served in the US military or the military reserves?
Which of the following best describes your annual income in the last year or past 12 months? Please select one of the options below.
$100,000 - $129,999
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Transit is an important travel option throughout San Luis Obispo County:
Please select all of the transit services that you heard of or are familiar with:
Did the COVID-19 pandemic change your need for transit services?
How many days per week do you currently commute to attend work/school in-person?
If you currently work or attend school from home one or more days per week, do you anticipate that you will commute to attend your work/school in-person more often next year?
No response.Have you used transit in the City of San Luis Obispo or in San Luis Obispo County in the last six months?
The reasons you do not use public transit are (Select all that apply):
On a scale of 1 (definitely would not) to 4 (definitely would), how likely is it that you would use public transit in San Luis Obispo County more often given the following improvements?
Is there another transit improvement not listed which might influence you to ride the bus?
Where would you travel on the bus if transit services were expanded or improved?
Would you be interested in using Microtransit? (Microtransit is a shared ride door to door public transit service similar to Uber which you could request a ride through an app on your phone "on-demand" within certain service hours/ service area.)
Where do you get information about your local community?
Which social media platform do you use the most frequently?
How do you prefer to learn about transportation-related services in your community?
Do you find it helpful to be able to purchase bus passes on your phone?
Select the number of working vehicles to which your household has immediate access (please check one):
Which community do you live in?
What is your age group?
Do you speak another language/consider yourself bilingual or multilingual?
Do you identify as a person with a disability (including physical, mental and emotional conditions lasting 6 months or more that limit a person's movements, senses or activities)?
Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino/Latinx or of Spanish origin?
Which racial group do you most closely identify with? For reference, race refers to arbitrary physical characteristics and is a socially constructed term.
Which ethnic group do you most closely identify with? For reference, ethnicity refers to self-identified groups or subgroups who share social and cultural norms, expressions, and background.
Which of the following best describes your gender identity?
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
Have you or has anyone in your household served in the US military or the military reserves?
Which of the following best describes your annual income in the last year or past 12 months? Please select one of the options below.