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What is your vision for SLO's future?

107 Registered Responses



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107 registered responses

The previous DEI Statement serves as a guiding principle and vision for the City’s future DEI initiatives for the community. 

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 34.3% 36
Agree 42.9% 45
Neutral 14.3% 15
Disagree 2.9% 3
Strongly disagree 5.7% 6

Please assess the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is VERY POOR and 5 is EXCELLENT.

The City is actively committed to addressing issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, in the community.
Response Percent Response Count
1 4.8% 5
2 7.6% 8
3 27.6% 29
4 36.2% 38
5 23.8% 25
The City’s DEI values are adequately reflected in communications, website, outreach strategies.
Response Percent Response Count
1 8.6% 9
2 4.8% 5
3 22.9% 24
4 41.9% 44
5 21.9% 23
The City’s DEI values are adequately reflected in programs/projects and services.
Response Percent Response Count
1 7.6% 8
2 10.5% 11
3 31.4% 33
4 32.4% 34
5 18.1% 19

Which of the following words describe your vision of DEI for the City of San Luis Obispo? Please select up to five (5) words.

Response Percent Response Count
Equitable 36.4% 39
Inclusive 47.7% 51
Fair 20.6% 22
Diverse 31.8% 34
Justice-driven 17.8% 19
Safe 39.3% 42
Resilient 6.5% 7
Innovative 10.3% 11
Progressive 18.7% 20
Sustainable 26.2% 28
Culturally-rich 29.0% 31
Prosperous 8.4% 9
Economic Opportunity 21.5% 23
Equal Opportunity 17.8% 19
Accessible 27.1% 29
Family-driven 15.0% 16
Belonging 13.1% 14
Community-led 15.9% 17
Multi-lingual 11.2% 12
Universal Mobility 1.9% 2
Sanctuary 0.9% 1
Safe-Haven 2.8% 3
Welcoming 33.6% 36
Other 8.4% 9

On a scale where 1 is VERY POOR and 5 is EXCELLENT, assess each of the following statements as priority concepts for the City’s future DEI strategic plan:

Diverse Community Engagement and Representation: Cultivating equitable pathways for expanded community partnerships rooted in diverse representation in City processes, services, and community initiatives aimed at fostering systemic change and increased public awareness.
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Very poor 7.6% 8
2 - Below average 4.8% 5
3 - Average 35.2% 37
4 - Above Average 27.6% 29
5 - Excellent 23.8% 25
Equitable Communication and Accessibility: Developing equitable communication strategies to create inclusive and accessible engagement in city programs and services that increases the participation for underserved communities and reinforces the City’s commitment to DEI.
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Very poor 8.6% 9
2 - Below average 4.8% 5
3 - Average 36.2% 38
4 - Above Average 27.6% 29
5 - Excellent 21.9% 23
Embedded Accountability and Sustainable Change: Building strategies that operationalize the City’s commitment to DEI and allow for sustained movement and continued measurable growth towards transformational change.
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Very poor 9.5% 10
2 - Below average 7.6% 8
3 - Average 32.4% 34
4 - Above Average 27.6% 29
5 - Excellent 21.0% 22
Inclusive Organizational Culture and Structure: Fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes equitable programs and policies to cultivate an environment that values, respects, and welcomes employees and community members from all backgrounds and diverse identities.
Response Percent Response Count
1 - Very poor 7.6% 8
2 - Below average 3.8% 4
3 - Average 33.3% 35
4 - Above Average 28.6% 30
5 - Excellent 22.9% 24

Do you have any additional comments or feedback about San Luis Obispo’s community needs related to diversity, equity, and inclusion or your vision for the city DEI Strategic Plan?


When were you born (what is your age group)?

Response Percent Response Count
1997 - now (age 0-26) 6.6% 7
1981 - 1996 (age 27-42) 24.5% 26
1965 - 1980 (age 43-58) 22.6% 24
1946 - 1964 (age 59-77) 38.7% 41
1928 - 1945 (age 78-95) 3.8% 4
Born 1927 or before (age 96+) 1.9% 2
Prefer not to answer 1.9% 2

Please write in your primary language at home:


Please enter your ZIP code.


Do you identify as a person with a disability? (including physical, mental and emotional conditions lasting 6 months or more that limit a person's movements, senses or activities)

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 15.0% 16
No 79.4% 85
Prefer not to answer 5.6% 6

Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx or of Spanish origin?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 11.3% 12
No 83.0% 88
Prefer not to answer 5.7% 6

Which racial group do you most closely identify with?

Response Percent Response Count
Asian 1.9% 2
Black or African American 1.9% 2
White/Caucasian 68.6% 72
Two or more races 13.3% 14
Prefer not to answer 14.3% 15

Which of the following best describes your gender identity?

Response Percent Response Count
Cisgender Male/man 40.4% 42
Cisgender Female/woman 38.5% 40
Transgender Male/Man 1.0% 1
Genderqueer 1.0% 1
Gender variant/nonconforming/non-binary 1.9% 2
Another gender identity 1.0% 1
Prefer not to answer 16.3% 17

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

Response Percent Response Count
Asexual 2.8% 3
Gay or Lesbian 6.6% 7
Heterosexual or Straight 67.0% 71
Bisexual 5.7% 6
Questioning or unsure 0.9% 1
Queer 1.9% 2
Another sexual orientation 2.8% 3
Prefer not to answer 12.3% 13

Have you ever served in the U.S. military or the military reserves?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 11.4% 12
No 86.7% 91
Prefer not to answer 1.9% 2

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Please review the following statement:

“The City of San Luis Obispo values diversity, promotes equity and belonging, actively denounces systemic racism, and believes that both in value and practice San Luis Obispo can be a place where *all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and inclusion. The City is dedicated to building a community and government in which diversity is celebrated, inclusion is embedded in policy, and all members of the public are equitably represented to ensure San Luis Obispo is a place they can thrive.” 

The City is actively committed to addressing issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, in the community.
The City’s DEI values are adequately reflected in communications, website, outreach strategies.
The City’s DEI values are adequately reflected in programs/projects and services.

Your DEI Vision for San Luis Obispo

Choose at most 5 options
1 - Very poor
2 - Below average
3 - Average
4 - Above Average
5 - Excellent
Diverse Community Engagement and Representation: Cultivating equitable pathways for expanded community partnerships rooted in diverse representation in City processes, services, and community initiatives aimed at fostering systemic change and increased public awareness.
Equitable Communication and Accessibility: Developing equitable communication strategies to create inclusive and accessible engagement in city programs and services that increases the participation for underserved communities and reinforces the City’s commitment to DEI.
Embedded Accountability and Sustainable Change: Building strategies that operationalize the City’s commitment to DEI and allow for sustained movement and continued measurable growth towards transformational change.
Inclusive Organizational Culture and Structure: Fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes equitable programs and policies to cultivate an environment that values, respects, and welcomes employees and community members from all backgrounds and diverse identities.


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