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What is the best way to achieve San Luis Obispo’s Climate Action Goals related to energy use in existing buildings?

107 registered responses

What are your priorities?

Average priorities over 107 responses
  1. A building energy retrofit policy should save money on energy bills. 

    Cost Effectiveness
  2. A building energy retrofit policy should be clear about what building owners need to do and implementation should be streamlined and simple. 

    Clear Expectations for Builders and Owners
  3. A building energy retrofit policy should aligned and paired with financial incentives and technical assistance. 

    Supported with Financial Incentives and Technical Assistance
  4. A building energy retrofit policy should rapidly reduce emissions in buildings so the City can reach its carbon neutrality goal for 2035.

    Greenhouse Gas Reductions
  5. A buildings energy retrofit policy should give building owners the option to choose between different types of retrofits (e.g., appliance replacements, insulation and window improvements, installing solar or batteries, etc.) that they could complete to comply with the policy. 

    Consumer Choice
  6. A building energy retrofit policy should reduce indoor air pollutants that harm public health. 

    Health and Safety
  7. A building energy retrofit policy should be supported by workforce training programs.  

    Green Workforce

Please share any further thoughts you have about the statements above. Is there anything you think a building energy retrofit policy in SLO must do, or must not do?


Is there anything else you'd like the City to know as it considers an energy retrofit policy for existing buildings?


What is your age group?

Response Percent Response Count
1997 - now (age 0-26) 1.9% 2
1981 - 1996 (age 27-42) 18.3% 19
1965 - 1980 (age 43-58) 25.0% 26
1946-1964 (age 59-77) 48.1% 50
1928 - 1945 (age 78-95) 6.7% 7

Do you speak another language / consider yourself bilingual or multilingual?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 23.8% 25
No 66.7% 70
Prefer not to answer 9.5% 10

Do you have any of the following conditions that fit into one of the definitions of a disability or different ability? Ambulatory, Cognitive, Employment, Sensory, Self-care, Mental, Physical.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 7.5% 8
No 82.1% 87
Prefer not to answer 10.4% 11

Which racial group do you most closely identify with? For reference, race refers to arbitrary physical characteristics and is a socially constructed term.

Response Percent Response Count
White/Caucasian 76.2% 80
Two or more races 2.9% 3
Prefer not to answer 21.0% 22

Which of the following best describes your annual income in the last year or past 12 months? Please select one of the options below.

Response Percent Response Count
$0 - $19,999 1.0% 1
$20,000 - $49,999 8.6% 9
$50,000 - $79,999 12.4% 13
$80,000 - $99,999 8.6% 9
$100,000 - $129,999 17.1% 18
$130,000 - $149,999 12.4% 13
$150,000+ 17.1% 18
Prefer not to answer 22.9% 24

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As the City considers potential building energy retrofit policies, it is committed to cost effectiveness and alignment with Major City Goals (e.g., housing, economic developing, and diversity, equity, and inclusion). City staff have found that the following priorities are all important when designing a building energy retrofit policy, but some trade-offs may occur depending on which of these items are identified as the highest priorities. Please identify which of the following are most important to you. 

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A building energy retrofit policy should save money on energy bills. 

A building energy retrofit policy should be clear about what building owners need to do and implementation should be streamlined and simple. 

A building energy retrofit policy should aligned and paired with financial incentives and technical assistance. 

A building energy retrofit policy should reduce indoor air pollutants that harm public health. 

A building energy retrofit policy should rapidly reduce emissions in buildings so the City can reach its carbon neutrality goal for 2035.

A buildings energy retrofit policy should give building owners the option to choose between different types of retrofits (e.g., appliance replacements, insulation and window improvements, installing solar or batteries, etc.) that they could complete to comply with the policy. 

A building energy retrofit policy should be supported by workforce training programs.  

NOTE: The following demographic questions are OPTIONAL and will ONLY be used to understand satisfaction rates, identify service gaps, and inform service enhancements in programs. Please choose the answers that are applicable to you. 

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