What is the best way to achieve San Luis Obispo’s Climate Action Goals related to energy use in existing buildings?
Consistent with state goals, the City has an adopted target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in existing buildings by 50 percent by 2030. Reducing energy use in existing buildings looks like adding solar, replacing old appliances with high-efficiency heat pump hot water heaters and HVAC systems, and making building envelope improvements like installing new windows and insulation.
Achieving that goal will require a mix of incentives, rebates, and in some cases, may require new energy retrofit policies. As of 2023, historic levels of resources and support for voluntary retrofits are being provided at the local, regional, state, and federal levels. Nearly every building owner in the City has access to financial incentives to improve their buildings and reduce their energy use. The majority of these financial resources are focused on helping low-income homeowners access electric appliances when the time is right for them.
However, these resources alone are likely insufficient to achieve the adopted goals, and as directed by the Climate Action Plan and the 2023-25 Financial Plan Climate Action Major City Goal, staff are currently researching retrofit options to understand which policies might be a good fit for San Luis Obispo. Due to current regulatory limitations, the City is not including stoves or laundry dryers in a potential policy.
Please take this survey to inform staff's presentation to City Council about green building policy options for existing buildings, which will take place on Tuesday, December 5th 2023.
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