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What strategies should the City consider for its updated Access and Parking Management Plan?

216 registered responses

Why do you travel to Downtown San Luis Obispo? (Please select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I live downtown 13.0% 28
I work downtown 22.2% 48
I shop and dine downtown 85.6% 185
I use professional services downtown (doctors appointments, etc.) 44.0% 95
I visit parks downtown 31.0% 67
I stay in hotels/lodging downtown 1.9% 4
Other 20.4% 44

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Anyone without a parking permit should be able to park on permit-only streets that have many open spaces, as long as the parking is managed (either through pricing or time restrictions) so that permit holders can find parking.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 27.8% 60
Somewhat Agree 27.8% 60
No Opinion 18.1% 39
Somewhat Disagree 18.5% 40
Strongly Disagree 7.9% 17

Do you feel you are able to find all the information you need about ways to travel around SLO by non-automobile methods (such as having access to transit maps and schedules, bicycle route maps, and other information)?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 34.3% 74
Sometimes 24.5% 53
No 25.5% 55
No Opinion 15.7% 34

What improvements would encourage you to choose to walk, bike, roll, or use transit to get to and around downtown San Luis Obispo, instead of driving in a single-occupancy vehicle? (Please select up to three.)

Response Percent Response Count
Add more secure bicycle parking throughout Downtown 29.6% 64
Add more bikeway routes such as bike lanes, protected cycletracks, and path systems 42.1% 91
Add bus service that goes to more places around SLO 27.3% 59
I already primarily walk, bike, roll, or use transit to Downtown San Luis Obispo 20.4% 44
Improve and add walking paths, including sidewalks and paths where none exist today 38.0% 82
Increase bus service frequency 23.6% 51
Nothing would encourage me to walk, bike, roll, or use transit more 23.1% 50
Provide cash benefits to downtown employees who use non-drive-alone travel methods 19.9% 43

How interested would you be in a new parking payment program that allows you to purchase 10-packs of one-day garage parking passes that would cost less per-day than the regular daily parking cost and that you could use whenever you wish?

Response Percent Response Count
Very interested 11.1% 24
Somewhat interested 21.8% 47
No opinion 15.3% 33
Somewhat uninterested 11.6% 25
Very uninterested 32.4% 70
I’m not sure and would like to know more 7.9% 17
Name not shown inside Neighborhood 7
December 14, 2022, 1:15 PM
  • Why do you travel to Downtown San Luis Obispo? (Please select all that apply)
    • I shop and dine downtown
  • Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Anyone without a parking permit should be able to park on permit-only streets that have many open spaces, as long as the parking is managed (either through pricing or time restrictions) so that permit holders can find parking.
    • Somewhat Disagree
  • Do you feel you are able to find all the information you need about ways to travel around SLO by non-automobile methods (such as having access to transit maps and schedules, bicycle route maps, and other information)?
    • Yes
  • What improvements would encourage you to choose to walk, bike, roll, or use transit to get to and around downtown San Luis Obispo, instead of driving in a single-occupancy vehicle? (Please select up to three.)
    • Add more secure bicycle parking throughout Downtown
    • Add more bikeway routes such as bike lanes, protected cycletracks, and path systems
    • I already primarily walk, bike, roll, or use transit to Downtown San Luis Obispo
  • How interested would you be in a new parking payment program that allows you to purchase 10-packs of one-day garage parking passes that would cost less per-day than the regular daily parking cost and that you could use whenever you wish?
    • Very uninterested
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