What should the City Council consider as top priorities during the 2023-25 fiscal years?
The City Council is seeking your input on what the City should prioritize for the 2023-25 Financial Plan (scroll down for the link to the survey). Every two years the City begins a community-based goal-setting process to establish Major City Goals that will help make San Luis Obispo an even better place to live, work, and play.
Your input is the first step and will help the City Council understand the community's priorities. Through the City's budget process, City Council will then match these priorities with the City's resources and integrate those priorities into its next two-year financial plan, which includes the City's core services. The adopted budget then enables the City to provide high-quality services, programs, and projects with the community’s priorities in mind (see the process infographic below).
Current Major City Goals
The City Council adopted the following Major City Goals for the 2021-23 Financial Plan, in part based on feedback we heard from the community:
- Economic recovery, resiliency, and fiscal sustainability
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Housing and homelessness
- Climate action, open space, and sustainable transportation
For more details, review the agenda packet for the November 15 City Council Meeting item 6.a Setting the Stage for the 2023-25 Financial Plan and the Strategic Scan or click the image below for the 2023-25 Financial Plan schedule and process.
Next Steps
If you would like to share your thoughts on how the City could implement the Major City Goals, please attend the Community Forum at the Ludwick Community Center (864 Santa Rosa Street) on January 26, 2023 at 6 p.m.
If you are unable to attend the Community Forum, please send your feedback to: [email protected].
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