Want to learn more about local climate action, how you can participate, and share your input on next steps?
Next Steps for Climate Action
The City has made progress on the 2020 Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery and is now working with community members to decide what’s next for climate action. The City is updating the Climate Action Plan work program to define the next four years of climate action. This update will keep the same goals and targets from the 2020 Climate Action Plan. Community members are invited to help shape the updated work program.
How to Provide Feedback
Scroll down and click "Add Your Annotation" to read about and provide feedback on the goals, progress, and actions for each of the six sector-specific pillars. You can view each pillar by selecting their associated tabs.
After you have had a chance to review the materials for a pillar, attend to the questions listed towards the bottom of the pillar pages. To leave a comment, click on the comment bubble under each question. A pop-up will appear prompting you to answer a question. Click "Add Your Annotation".
Enter your answer and click "Next". You will be taken to a page asking you to claim the notation. Click "Claim this notation".
You will automatically return to the pillars. Continue answering any remainging questions for each pillar and/or move on to the next pillar by clicking a new tab and repeating the process until you have provided feedback on all six pillars.
Background on the City's Climate Action Plan
On August 19, 2020, City Council approved the 2020 Climate Action Plan and adopted Resolution 11159 (2020 Series), which sets the goal of community-wide carbon neutrality by 2035 along with six sector-specific goals and 27 foundational actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve community equity and well-being, and support local economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. For your reference, you can review Volume 1: Stories from 2035 and Volume 2: Technical Foundation and Work Program.
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