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What should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years?

368 registered responses

Based upon the results of the Virtual Community Forum, what should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years? (Use Up to 10 Dots on Your Highest Priorities)

Response Percent Response Count
Climate Action (ex: implement the City’s Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and develop the local green economy) 2.2% 77
Climate Action: Create Car Free Zones 1.7% 59
Climate Action: Additional Community Education Programs on Climate Action 0.1% 3
Climate Action: Community Shared Cars and Bicycles (Ex. Zip Cars and Zip Bicycles) 0.4% 16
Climate Action: Install Downtown Solar Infrastructure 0.9% 33
Climate Action: Encourage Remote Work and Activities 0.4% 15
Climate Action: Increase and Incentivize Renewable Energy Resources 0.8% 27
Climate Action: Incentivize Sustainable Upgrades (e.g. Bikes, Housing, Transportation) 0.8% 29
Climate Action: Partner with Non-Governmental Organizations to Address Climate Action 0.2% 6
Climate Action: Make Transit Free 0.9% 33
Climate Action: Support Regional/State Climate Actions 0.4% 13
Climate Action: Plant More Trees and Provide Tree Planting Incentives 1.9% 66
Climate Action: Improve Plastic Waste Reduction 1.1% 38
Climate Action: Prioritize Active Transportation Plan Projects 1.4% 49
Climate Action: Create Publicly Owned Energy Sources 0.2% 6
Climate Action: Reduce Traffic Congestion 0.6% 21
Climate Action: Renewable Energy Job Creation 0.5% 18
Climate Action: Restrict Diesel Emissions 0.1% 4
Climate Action: Retrofit Buildings 0.4% 15
Climate Action: Support Sustainability Staffing 0.0% 1
Climate Action: Support Sustainable Agriculture 0.5% 18
Climate Action: Support Sustainable Transportation 0.3% 9
Climate Action: Support Sustainable and Zero Waste Programs 0.4% 15
Climate Action: Update Design Guidelines and Adopt Housing Policies to Meet Climate Action Guidelines 0.3% 9
Climate Action: Address Drought Concerns 1.3% 45
Climate Action: Maintain Population Growth Management 0.6% 21
Climate Action: Plan for Neighborhoods that Reduce Car Needs 0.7% 24
Climate Action: Start a 20oz Water Bottle Container Ordinance 0.1% 4
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts (ex: focus on activities and initiatives that support marginalized racial, ethnic, and cultural groups) 0.8% 27
DEI: Provide DEI Focused Business Support 0.1% 4
DEI: Promote DEI Public Art 0.3% 12
DEI: Create a Multi-Cultural Center 0.4% 13
DEI: Defund Police / Reduce Police Budget 1.4% 51
DEI: Establish a Police Oversight Commission 0.9% 32
DEI: More Police Training (e.g.De-escalation Training) 1.1% 38
DEI: Investment in DEI Community Groups 0.2% 8
DEI: Support Inclusive Meetings 0.0% 1
DEI: DEI Training for City Staff 0.0% 1
DEI: Broaden Community Outreach to Underrepresented Groups 0.2% 8
DEI: Incorporate DEI into Hiring process for City Staff 0.2% 7
DEI: Support Recommendations from the DEI Task Force 0.3% 12
DEI: More City DEI Programming (e.g. book club, events, discussions, etc.) 0.0% 1
DEI: Create an Office of DEI at the City/Add City DEI Staff 0.1% 4
DEI: Create City Signage in Multiple Languages 0.1% 3
DEI: Support DEI Programs in Schools 0.2% 8
DEI: Incorporate DEI into City COVID-19 Response 0.0% 1
DEI: Incorporate DEI into City Policies 0.1% 5
DEI: Support Welcoming City Efforts 0.0% 1
DEI: Focus on Proactive/Community Policing 0.5% 19
DEI: Increase Engagement with Indigenous Populations 0.1% 5
DEI: Double the Amount of Funding for the Grants in Aid Program with the Human Resources Commission 0.1% 4
DEI: More intersectional LGBTQIA+ and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Support for Community Members 0.3% 11
DEI: Provide Migrant Services, Community Centers, Language Courses, and Other Skill Courses for Unemployed 0.2% 7
DEI: Support the Chumash Community with Dedicated Staff Coordination 0.1% 4
Downtown Vitality (ex: continue to improve safety and cleanliness, invest in infrastructure and maintenance in the Downtown) 1.6% 57
Downtown Vitality: Permanent Parklets 1.2% 44
Downtown Vitality: Close Higuera and Monterey to Traffic 1.4% 50
Downtown Vitality: Affordable Housing Downtown 0.4% 16
Downtown Vitality: Support Downtown Ambassadors 0.3% 9
Downtown Vitality: Encourage and Provide Multi-Modal Transportation to and Throughout Downtown 0.3% 12
Downtown Vitality: More Mixed Use Zoning / Accelerate Mixed Use Projects 0.3% 11
Downtown Vitality: Increase Homeless/Social Services in the Downtown 1.2% 43
Downtown Vitality: Increase Police Presence 1.4% 50
Downtown Vitality: Free/More Parking 0.8% 29
Downtown Vitality: Activate Mission Plaza (e.g. Playgrounds, Local Artists) 1.0% 36
Downtown Vitality: Make Downtown More Dog Friendly 0.1% 5
Downtown Vitality: Keep Downtown Clean and Safe 1.2% 44
Downtown Vitality: Support Downtown SLO 0.4% 13
Downtown Vitality: Support Young Entrepreneurial Programs 0.0% 1
Downtown Vitality: Implement Sliding Scale for Business Fees 0.1% 5
Downtown Vitality: More Pop-Up Shops 0.1% 4
Downtown Vitality: Prioritize Locally-Founded Co-Ops 0.7% 24
Downtown Vitality: Support for Worker-Owned Businesses 0.9% 33
Downtown Vitality: Increase Public Art Downtown 0.2% 6
Downtown Vitality: Incentives for Small Businesses to Fill Vacancies 0.5% 18
Downtown Vitality: Downtown Public Market 0.4% 15
Downtown Vitality: Palm/Nipomo Parking Structure 1.7% 62
Downtown Vitality: Do Not Build Palm/Nipomo Parking Structure 0.5% 18
Downtown Vitality: Reduce COVID-19 Enforcement 0.8% 29
Downtown Vitality: Increase COVID-19 Enforcement 0.4% 14
Downtown Vitality: Focus on Small Businesses, Not Franchises 0.7% 26
Downtown Vitality: Focus on Downtown Beautification 0.3% 11
Downtown Vitality: Convert Existing Metered Parking on Higuera to Loading/Rideshare Zones 0.1% 2
Downtown Vitality: Eliminate Cars in the Downtown 0.4% 16
Economic Stability, Recovery and Resiliency (Current Major City Goal) (ex: continue to implement economic recovery strategies that support local jobs and businesses in response to COVID-19 pandemic) 0.9% 32
Economic Stability: Implement Rent and Mortgage Relief Programs and Eviction Protections for Businesses and Residents 0.4% 14
Economic Stability: Implement City Beautification Services and Projects 0.2% 8
Economic Stability: Reduce Business Regulations 0.3% 11
Economic Stability: Implement Economic Development Programs with a Focus on DEI 0.0% 1
Economic Stability: Provide More Business Grants 0.1% 3
Economic Stability: Reduce City Services 0.1% 2
Economic Stability: Provide Business Support 0.1% 4
Economic Stability: Support Worker Cooperatives 0.0% 1
Economic Stability: Create Job Training Centers 0.1% 4
Economic Stability: Protection, Support, and Investments for Small Businesses 0.1% 4
Economic Stability: Pay Down City Debt and Provide Retirement Incentives to Reduce Salaries and Pension Costs 1.1% 40
Economic Stability: Support Programs that Diversify Businesses that Incentivize Young Families and Professionals Retention 0.1% 2
Homelessness (ex: partner with community-based organizations to implement programs that prevent and support people experiencing homelessness, continue City Community Action Team efforts) 1.5% 53
Homelessness: Provide Access to Transportation for the Homeless 0.2% 8
Homelessness: Provide Affordable Housing for the Homeless 0.9% 33
Homelessness: More Social Workers/Community Groups Embedded with Police 0.9% 32
Homelessness: Increase Funding for Homeless and Mental Health Programs/Services 1.3% 47
Homelessness: Increase Enforcement 2.4% 84
Homelessness: Provide Equitable Distribution of Homeless Resources 0.1% 2
Homelessness: Implement a Non-Police Crisis Hotline 0.4% 15
Homelessness: Increase Public Safety Funding for Homelessness Response 0.3% 10
Homelessness: Address Trash and Waste Issues 1.6% 58
Homelessness: Create Safe Places for Camping 0.8% 27
Homelessness: Provide More Substance Abuse Services 0.3% 10
Homelessness: Provide More Work Programs for Homeless 0.4% 14
Homelessness: More Transitional Housing 0.5% 17
Housing (ex: facilitate increased production of all housing types designed to be economically accessible to the area workforce and low and very low-income residents) 0.7% 24
Housing: Support More On-Campus Housing at Cal Poly 0.5% 17
Housing: Increase Housing Density 0.2% 7
Housing: Reduce Parking Requirements for Housing 0.3% 10
Housing: Increase Affordable Housing 0.4% 16
Housing: Make it Easier to Access Affordable Housing 0.1% 2
Housing: Provide Housing Subsidies 0.0% 1
Housing: More Deed-Restricted Housing 0.1% 4
Housing: Increase Local Control of Housing 0.1% 2
Housing: Pursue Grants for Affordable Housing 0.1% 2
Housing: More Funding/Incentives for Affordable Housing 0.2% 6
Housing: More Programs to Connect People with Available Housing 0.0% 1
Housing: City Purchased Properties for Housing 0.1% 2
Housing: Make 100% of New Housing Affordable for Low Income Households 0.3% 11
Housing: Increase Maximum Building Height 0.1% 5
Housing: More Multi-Family Housing 0.1% 4
Housing: Reduce Speed of Development 0.4% 14
Housing: Rezone Areas for More Housing 0.1% 4
Housing: Institute Rent Caps/Control 0.1% 4
Housing: Create Community Land Trusts or Real Estate Cooperatives 0.1% 2
Housing: Reduce Fees/Process for Housing Developments 0.1% 4
Housing: More Infill Housing 0.1% 5
Housing: More Workforce Housing 0.1% 3
Housing: More Tiny Homes/Housing 0.0% 1
Housing: Stop Granting Homestay Permits 0.1% 3
Housing: Increase Housing Opportunities for Low-Income Seniors 0.1% 3
Infrastructure Maintenance (ex: maintenance of roads, sidewalks, parks, and other City infrastructure) 0.8% 30
Infrastructure Maintenance: More Street Lights on Bike Paths 0.1% 5
Infrastructure Maintenance: Prado Rd. Overpass 0.8% 27
Infrastructure Maintenance: More Class 1 Bike Paths 0.9% 32
Infrastructure Maintenance: Build a Less Expensive Police Station 0.1% 2
Infrastructure Maintenance: Don't Build a New Police Station 0.2% 8
Infrastructure Maintenance: Build a New Police Station 0.3% 10
Infrastructure Maintenance: Collect Full Development Fees/Increase Development Fees 0.1% 5
Infrastructure Maintenance: More Street Lights 0.1% 2
Infrastructure Maintenance: Create Municipal Fiber Program 0.2% 6
Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize Roadway Maintenance and Fix Potholes 0.2% 7
Infrastructure Maintenance: Traffic Safety Improvements 0.0% 1
Infrastructure Maintenance: Explore Public/Private Partnerships 0.0% 1
Infrastructure Maintenance: Invest in Long Term Lasting Projects 0.1% 3
Infrastructure Maintenance: Focus on Maintenance 0.1% 4
Infrastructure Maintenance: Expand Bike Path Along Railroad 0.8% 29
Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize Paving for Concrete Streets including Monterey Street and Palm Street 0.1% 5
Infrastructure Maintenance: Rebuild Fire Stations 0.6% 20
Infrastructure Maintenance: Focus on Cleaning the Streets 0.1% 3
Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase Urban Forest Maintenance 0.2% 6
Infrastructure Maintenance: Incorporate Bicycle Improvements During Maintenance Projects 0.6% 20
Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase Transit Infrastructure 0.1% 4
Infrastructure Maintenance: Complete Infrastructure Projects 0.0% 1
Infrastructure Maintenance: Dredge Laguna Lake 1.4% 49
Infrastructure Maintenance: Improve/Increase Bike Infrastructure 0.8% 29
Infrastructure Maintenance: Improve/Increase Pedestrian Infrastructure 0.1% 5
Infrastructure Maintenance: Close the Highway 101 ramp at Broad Street and turn it into a through street with bike lanes. 0.4% 15
Infrastructure Maintenance: Complete the Tier 1 of the Active Transportation Plan and additional bike facilities 1.7% 62
Infrastructure Maintenance: Build Protected Bike Lanes on Tank Farm and Buckley roads 0.4% 14
Infrastructure Maintenance: Plant More Trees in French Park and Make it a Dog Park as Well 0.1% 2
Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase the Level of Maintenance and Replacement of Sidewalks 0.2% 8
Infrastructure Maintenance: Provide Incentives for Community to Plant Trees on Private Property 0.1% 4
Open Space (ex: preserve and maintain open space and natural areas) 0.8% 30
Open Space: Continue and Increase Night Hiking Program 0.2% 7
Open Space: Stop Night Hiking Program 0.2% 8
Open Space: Improve/Maintain Current Open Spaces 0.5% 18
Open Space: Preserve/Purchase Additional Open Space 1.0% 36
Open Space: Increased Funding for Ranger Services 0.4% 13
Open Space: Pursue Grant Funding for Open Space Acquisition 0.3% 10
Open Space: Restoration of Laguna Lake with More Recreational Opportunities 0.8% 29
Open Space: Return Land to Indigenous Groups 0.1% 3
Open Space: Maintain Current Urban Reserve Line 0.1% 5
Open Space: Lower the Fines for Violating Open Space Regulations 0.0% 1
Open Space: Increase Enforcement for Violations in Open Space 0.1% 5
Open Space: Educate Users on Impacts to Open Space 0.1% 2
Open Space: Complete the Bob Jones Trail 0.9% 32
Open Space: Address Unhoused Population in Open Spaces 0.3% 11
Open Space: Expand Concept of Open Space to Include Streetscapes 0.1% 4
Open Space: Better Bike and Pedestrian Transportation to Open Spaces 0.2% 8
Open Space: Create Land Trusts 0.1% 2
Open Space: Designate Some Trails Leash Free for Dogs 0.3% 12
Open Space: Expand Greenways 0.1% 5
Open Space: Increase Funding for Fuel Reduction to Prevent Wildfires 0.1% 3
Other: Do Not Build Additional Golf Courses 0.3% 10
Other: Acquire New Water Resources 0.2% 6
Other: Build a Park and Playground in the Margarita Neighborhood 0.1% 4
Other: Build an Enclosed Dog Park 0.2% 6
Other: Limit Any Increases to the City Council's Term Limits 0.2% 8
Other: Focus on City Core Services 0.1% 3
Other: Health and Wellness Programs 0.0% 1
Other: Increase Funding for the Fire Department 3.3% 117
Other: Invest in Public Art 0.1% 2
Other: Limit Large Development Projects 0.3% 10
Other: Neighborhood Wellness 0.1% 5
Other: Promote Volunteer Opportunities 0.1% 3
Other: Create a Cap on Donations to Politicians 0.2% 6
Other: Increase City Employees' Salary to the Median Wage 5.1% 180
Other: Support Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts 0.5% 17
Other: Increase Childcare Options and Accessibility 0.1% 4
Other: Pay People to Stay Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic 0.1% 2
Other: Increase Public Safety 0.5% 19
Other: Support Universal Basic income 0.1% 5
Other: Reduce Light Pollution 0.1% 3
Other: Increase Information on City Spending 0.1% 2
Other: Animal Crossing Over 101 0.1% 3
Other: Increase Parking Fees 0.0% 1
Other: After Hours Urgent Care 0.0% 1
Other: Prioritize Core Services 0.1% 3
Other: Ranked Choice Voting 0.2% 6

What types of services and projects should the Local Revenue Measure fund during the next two years?

Response Percent Response Count
Protecting the City’s financial stability 3.0% 99
Maintaining fire/community safety 2.2% 73
Health emergency/disaster preparedness 1.1% 36
Protecting creeks from pollution 1.7% 55
Addressing homelessness 5.9% 191
Keeping public areas clean/safe 3.7% 120
Retaining local businesses 2.3% 75
Maintaining youth/senior services 0.4% 14
Maintaining streets 1.8% 58
Maintaining open space/natural areas 3.6% 116
Enforce Zero Waste in all Businesses 0.8% 25
Enforce No Styrofoam 0.8% 27
Consider Water Resources/Shortage 1.5% 49
Build a multicultural center 0.4% 12
Additional child care services 0.7% 24
Additional funding for local Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) organizations and groups 1.4% 45
Maintain and improve the City's urban forest 1.5% 50
Keep the parklets and bike lane changes in the Downtown 2.9% 96
Support economic recovery, small business support efforts and worker co-ops 2.9% 96
Maintain the City's budget reserve, current level of safety and transit services 0.6% 20
Prioritize Fiscal responsibility 1.7% 54
Additional programs, services, facilities and housing for the homeless 1.6% 52
Support non-profits and organizations that provide social services 1.5% 50
Additional City staff focused on addressing homelessness 1.3% 41
Address mental health issues, increase the number of detox beds and capacity at the 40 Prado Homeless Shelter 2.5% 82
Increase the supply of affordable housing and transportation projects to reduce the need for cars 1.7% 55
Support tiny home villages on underutilized plots and storefronts in the downtown 1.2% 40
Build affordable housing on Orcutt 0.3% 10
Maintain City infrastructure 1.4% 46
Maintain City parks and add benches, play areas and community gardens 1.0% 31
Additional dog parks 1.2% 39
No more dog parks; enforce leash laws 0.5% 16
Implement Tier 1 of the Active Transportation Plan and additional bicycle facilities 4.6% 150
Secure affordable water resources 1.3% 42
Improve City infrastructure 0.8% 27
Re-pave Monterey Street 0.6% 21
Build additional bike paths and complete the Bob Jones Trail 3.2% 105
Build a new police station 0.9% 28
Prioritize building out and completing existing plans rather than new studies 0.9% 29
Protect and maintain natural areas and open space 3.6% 117
Maintain and increase the access/use of the City's creeks 0.5% 15
Dredge Laguna Lake 5.7% 187
Disaster preparedness for another pandemic/climate crisis 0.7% 24
Increase funding for the Fire Department 10.5% 342
Increase availability of health and medical services 1.4% 46
Name not shown inside Neighborhood 7
January 15, 2021, 9:46 PM
  • Based upon the results of the Virtual Community Forum, what should the City Council consider as the City’s top priorities during the next two years? (Use Up to 10 Dots on Your Highest Priorities)
    • Climate Action: Create Car Free Zones (1)
    • Climate Action: Reduce Traffic Congestion (1)
    • DEI: Defund Police / Reduce Police Budget (2)
    • Downtown Vitality: Close Higuera and Monterey to Traffic (1)
    • Economic Stability: Reduce Business Regulations (1)
    • Housing: Reduce Parking Requirements for Housing (1)
    • Housing: Reduce Fees/Process for Housing Developments (1)
    • Infrastructure Maintenance: More Class 1 Bike Paths (1)
    • Infrastructure Maintenance: Expand Bike Path Along Railroad (1)
  • What types of services and projects should the Local Revenue Measure fund during the next two years?
    • Prioritize Fiscal responsibility (1)
    • Additional programs, services, facilities and housing for the homeless (1)
    • Support non-profits and organizations that provide social services (3)
    • Increase the supply of affordable housing and transportation projects to reduce the need for cars (2)
    • Re-pave Monterey Street (1)
    • Build additional bike paths and complete the Bob Jones Trail (2)
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Climate Action (ex: implement the City’s Climate Action Plan for Community Recovery to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and develop the local green economy)

Climate Action: Create Car Free Zones

Climate Action: Additional Community Education Programs on Climate Action

Climate Action: Community Shared Cars and Bicycles (Ex. Zip Cars and Zip Bicycles)

Climate Action: Install Downtown Solar Infrastructure

Climate Action: Encourage Remote Work and Activities

Climate Action: Increase and Incentivize Renewable Energy Resources

Climate Action: Incentivize Sustainable Upgrades (e.g. Bikes, Housing, Transportation)

Climate Action: Partner with Non-Governmental Organizations to Address Climate Action

Climate Action: Make Transit Free

Climate Action: Support Regional/State Climate Actions

Climate Action: Plant More Trees and Provide Tree Planting Incentives

Climate Action: Improve Plastic Waste Reduction

Climate Action: Prioritize Active Transportation Plan Projects

Climate Action: Create Publicly Owned Energy Sources

Climate Action: Reduce Traffic Congestion

Climate Action: Renewable Energy Job Creation

Climate Action: Restrict Diesel Emissions

Climate Action: Retrofit Buildings

Climate Action: Support Sustainability Staffing

Climate Action: Support Sustainable Agriculture

Climate Action: Support Sustainable Transportation

Climate Action: Support Sustainable and Zero Waste Programs

Climate Action: Update Design Guidelines and Adopt Housing Policies to Meet Climate Action Guidelines

Climate Action: Address Drought Concerns

Climate Action: Maintain Population Growth Management

Climate Action: Plan for Neighborhoods that Reduce Car Needs

Climate Action: Start a 20oz Water Bottle Container Ordinance

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts (ex: focus on activities and initiatives that support marginalized racial, ethnic, and cultural groups)

DEI: Provide DEI Focused Business Support

DEI: Promote DEI Public Art

DEI: Create a Multi-Cultural Center

DEI: Defund Police / Reduce Police Budget

DEI: Establish a Police Oversight Commission

DEI: More Police Training (e.g.De-escalation Training)

DEI: Investment in DEI Community Groups

DEI: Support Inclusive Meetings

DEI: DEI Training for City Staff

DEI: Broaden Community Outreach to Underrepresented Groups

DEI: Incorporate DEI into Hiring process for City Staff

DEI: Support Recommendations from the DEI Task Force

DEI: More City DEI Programming (e.g. book club, events, discussions, etc.)

DEI: Create an Office of DEI at the City/Add City DEI Staff

DEI: Create City Signage in Multiple Languages

DEI: Support DEI Programs in Schools

DEI: Incorporate DEI into City COVID-19 Response

DEI: Support a Broad Definition of DEI

DEI: Incorporate DEI into City Policies

DEI: Support Welcoming City Efforts

DEI: Focus on Proactive/Community Policing

DEI: Increase Engagement with Indigenous Populations

DEI: Double the Amount of Funding for the Grants in Aid Program with the Human Resources Commission

DEI: More intersectional LGBTQIA+ and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Support for Community Members

DEI: Provide Migrant Services, Community Centers, Language Courses, and Other Skill Courses for Unemployed

DEI: Support the Chumash Community with Dedicated Staff Coordination

Downtown Vitality (ex: continue to improve safety and cleanliness, invest in infrastructure and maintenance in the Downtown)

Downtown Vitality: Permanent Parklets

Downtown Vitality: Close Higuera and Monterey to Traffic

Downtown Vitality: Affordable Housing Downtown

Downtown Vitality: Support Downtown Ambassadors

Downtown Vitality: Encourage and Provide Multi-Modal Transportation to and Throughout Downtown

Downtown Vitality: More Mixed Use Zoning / Accelerate Mixed Use Projects

Downtown Vitality: Increase Homeless/Social Services in the Downtown

Downtown Vitality: Increase Police Presence

Downtown Vitality: Free/More Parking

Downtown Vitality: Activate Mission Plaza (e.g. Playgrounds, Local Artists)

Downtown Vitality: Make Downtown More Dog Friendly

Downtown Vitality: Keep Downtown Clean and Safe

Downtown Vitality: Support Downtown SLO

Downtown Vitality: Support Young Entrepreneurial Programs

Downtown Vitality: Implement Sliding Scale for Business Fees

Downtown Vitality: More Pop-Up Shops

Downtown Vitality: Prioritize Locally-Founded Co-Ops

Downtown Vitality: Support for Worker-Owned Businesses

Downtown Vitality: Increase Public Art Downtown

Downtown Vitality: Incentives for Small Businesses to Fill Vacancies

Downtown Vitality: Downtown Public Market

Downtown Vitality: Palm/Nipomo Parking Structure

Downtown Vitality: Do Not Build Palm/Nipomo Parking Structure

Downtown Vitality: Reduce COVID-19 Enforcement

Downtown Vitality: Increase COVID-19 Enforcement

Downtown Vitality: Focus on Small Businesses, Not Franchises

Downtown Vitality: Focus on Downtown Beautification

Downtown Vitality: Convert Existing Metered Parking on Higuera to Loading/Rideshare Zones

Downtown Vitality: Eliminate Cars in the Downtown

Economic Stability, Recovery and Resiliency (Current Major City Goal) (ex: continue to implement economic recovery strategies that support local jobs and businesses in response to COVID-19 pandemic)

Economic Stability: Implement Rent and Mortgage Relief Programs and Eviction Protections for Businesses and Residents

Economic Stability: Implement City Beautification Services and Projects

Economic Stability: Reduce Business Regulations

Economic Stability: Implement Economic Development Programs with a Focus on DEI

Economic Stability: Provide More Business Grants

Economic Stability: Reduce City Services

Economic Stability: Provide Business Support

Economic Stability: Support Worker Cooperatives

Economic Stability: Create Job Training Centers

Economic Stability: Protection, Support, and Investments for Small Businesses

Economic Stability: Pay Down City Debt and Provide Retirement Incentives to Reduce Salaries and Pension Costs

Economic Stability: Support Programs that Diversify Businesses that Incentivize Young Families and Professionals Retention

Homelessness (ex: partner with community-based organizations to implement programs that prevent and support people experiencing homelessness, continue City Community Action Team efforts)

Homelessness: Provide Access to Transportation for the Homeless

Homelessness: Provide Affordable Housing for the Homeless

Homelessness: More Social Workers/Community Groups Embedded with Police

Homelessness: Increase Funding for Homeless and Mental Health Programs/Services

Homelessness: Increase Enforcement

Homelessness: Provide Equitable Distribution of Homeless Resources

Homelessness: Implement a Non-Police Crisis Hotline

Homelessness: Increase Public Safety Funding for Homelessness Response

Homelessness: Address Trash and Waste Issues

Homelessness: Create Safe Places for Camping

Homelessness: Provide More Substance Abuse Services

Homelessness: Provide More Work Programs for Homeless

Homelessness: More Transitional Housing

Housing (ex: facilitate increased production of all housing types designed to be economically accessible to the area workforce and low and very low-income residents)

Housing: Support More On-Campus Housing at Cal Poly

Housing: Increase Housing Density

Housing: Reduce Parking Requirements for Housing

Housing: Increase Affordable Housing

Housing: Make it Easier to Access Affordable Housing

Housing: Provide Housing Subsidies

Housing: More Deed-Restricted Housing

Housing: Increase Local Control of Housing

Housing: Pursue Grants for Affordable Housing

Housing: More Funding/Incentives for Affordable Housing

Housing: More Programs to Connect People with Available Housing

Housing: City Purchased Properties for Housing

Housing: Make 100% of New Housing Affordable for Low Income Households

Housing: Increase Maximum Building Height

Housing: More Multi-Family Housing

Housing: Reduce Speed of Development

Housing: Rezone Areas for More Housing

Housing: Institute Rent Caps/Control

Housing: Create Community Land Trusts or Real Estate Cooperatives

Housing: Reduce Fees/Process for Housing Developments

Housing: More Infill Housing

Housing: More Workforce Housing

Housing: More Tiny Homes/Housing

Housing: Stop Granting Homestay Permits

Housing: Increase Housing Opportunities for Low-Income Seniors

Infrastructure Maintenance (ex: maintenance of roads, sidewalks, parks, and other City infrastructure)

Infrastructure Maintenance: More Street Lights on Bike Paths

Infrastructure Maintenance: Prado Rd. Overpass

Infrastructure Maintenance: More Class 1 Bike Paths

Infrastructure Maintenance: Build a Less Expensive Police Station

Infrastructure Maintenance: Don't Build a New Police Station

Infrastructure Maintenance: Build a New Police Station

Infrastructure Maintenance: Expand Community Facilities Districts

Infrastructure Maintenance: Collect Full Development Fees/Increase Development Fees

Infrastructure Maintenance: More Street Lights

Infrastructure Maintenance: Establish Roads/Bridges Enterprise Fund

Infrastructure Maintenance: Create Municipal Fiber Program

Infrastructure Maintenance: Create Wider Streets

Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize Roadway Maintenance and Fix Potholes

Infrastructure Maintenance: Traffic Safety Improvements

Infrastructure Maintenance: Explore Public/Private Partnerships

Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase Streets Division Staffing

Infrastructure Maintenance: Invest in Long Term Lasting Projects

Infrastructure Maintenance: Focus on Maintenance

Infrastructure Maintenance: Expand Bike Path Along Railroad

Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize Paving for Concrete Streets including Monterey Street and Palm Street

Infrastructure Maintenance: Rebuild Fire Stations

Infrastructure Maintenance: Focus on Cleaning the Streets

Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase Urban Forest Maintenance

Infrastructure Maintenance: Prioritize Concrete Street Reconstruction

Infrastructure Maintenance: Change Engineering Standards to Address 1" Lip at Driveway Aprons

Infrastructure Maintenance: Incorporate Bicycle Improvements During Maintenance Projects

Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase Transit Infrastructure

Infrastructure Maintenance: Provide/Maintain Infrastructure

Infrastructure Maintenance: Complete Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure Maintenance: Dredge Laguna Lake

Infrastructure Maintenance: Improve/Increase Bike Infrastructure

Infrastructure Maintenance: Improve/Increase Pedestrian Infrastructure

Infrastructure Maintenance: Close the Highway 101 ramp at Broad Street and turn it into a through street with bike lanes.

Infrastructure Maintenance: Complete the Tier 1 of the Active Transportation Plan and additional bike facilities

Infrastructure Maintenance: Build Protected Bike Lanes on Tank Farm and Buckley roads

Infrastructure Maintenance: Plant More Trees in French Park and Make it a Dog Park as Well

Infrastructure Maintenance: Increase the Level of Maintenance and Replacement of Sidewalks

Infrastructure Maintenance: Provide Incentives for Community to Plant Trees on Private Property

Open Space (ex: preserve and maintain open space and natural areas)

Open Space: Continue and Increase Night Hiking Program

Open Space: Stop Night Hiking Program

Open Space: Improve/Maintain Current Open Spaces

Open Space: More Signage, Maps, and Trash Cans at Trail Heads

Open Space: Ensure Adequate Parking Spaces

Open Space: Preserve/Purchase Additional Open Space

Open Space: Increased Funding for Ranger Services

Open Space: Pursue Grant Funding for Open Space Acquisition

Open Space: Restoration of Laguna Lake with More Recreational Opportunities

Open Space: Return Land to Indigenous Groups

Open Space: Maintain Current Urban Reserve Line

Open Space: Lower the Fines for Violating Open Space Regulations

Open Space: Increase Enforcement for Violations in Open Space

Open Space: Educate Users on Impacts to Open Space

Open Space: Complete the Bob Jones Trail

Open Space: Address Unhoused Population in Open Spaces

Open Space: Expand Concept of Open Space to Include Streetscapes

Open Space: More Open Space Programs for the Community (e.g. hikes)

Open Space: Better Bike and Pedestrian Transportation to Open Spaces

Open Space: Create Land Trusts

Open Space: Designate Some Trails Leash Free for Dogs

Open Space: Expand Greenways

Open Space: Increase Funding for Fuel Reduction to Prevent Wildfires

Other: Do Not Build Additional Golf Courses

Other: Acquire New Water Resources

Other: Build a Park and Playground in the Margarita Neighborhood

Other: Build an Enclosed Dog Park

Other: Develop a Task Force to Increase Community Involvement

Other: Limit Any Increases to the City Council's Term Limits

Other: Focus on City Core Services

Other: Health and Wellness Programs

Other: Improve Digital and Electronic Access

Other: Increase Funding for the Fire Department

Other: Invest in Public Art

Other: Limit Large Development Projects

Other: Neighborhood Wellness

Other: Offer Additional Child Care Programs in Housing Developments Through Incentives

Other: Promote Volunteer Opportunities

Other: Support Programs at the Food Bank

Other: Create a Cap on Donations to Politicians

Other: Increase City Employees' Salary to the Median Wage

Other: Support Covid-19 Vaccination Efforts

Other: Increase Childcare Options and Accessibility

Other: Pay People to Stay Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Other: Increase Public Safety

Other: Support Universal Basic income

Other: Reduce Light Pollution

Other: Increase Information on City Spending

Other: Animal Crossing Over 101

Other: Increase Parking Fees

Other: After Hours Urgent Care

Other: Prioritize Core Services

Other: Ranked Choice Voting

Protecting the City’s financial stability

Maintaining fire/community safety

Health emergency/disaster preparedness

Protecting creeks from pollution

Addressing homelessness

Keeping public areas clean/safe

Retaining local businesses

Maintaining youth/senior services

Maintaining streets

Maintaining open space/natural areas

Enforce Zero Waste in all Businesses

Enforce No Styrofoam

Consider Water Resources/Shortage

Build a multicultural center

Additional child care services

Additional funding for local Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) organizations and groups

Maintain and improve the City's urban forest

Keep the parklets and bike lane changes in the Downtown

Support economic recovery, small business support efforts and worker co-ops

Maintain the City's budget reserve, current level of safety and transit services

Prioritize Fiscal responsibility

Additional programs, services, facilities and housing for the homeless

Support non-profits and organizations that provide social services

Additional City staff focused on addressing homelessness

Address mental health issues, increase the number of detox beds and capacity at the 40 Prado Homeless Shelter

Increase the supply of affordable housing and transportation projects to reduce the need for cars

Support tiny home villages on underutilized plots and storefronts in the downtown

Build affordable housing on Orcutt

Maintain City infrastructure

Maintain City parks and add benches, play areas and community gardens

Additional dog parks

No more dog parks; enforce leash laws

Implement Tier 1 of the Active Transportation Plan and additional bicycle facilities

Secure affordable water resources

Improve City infrastructure

Re-pave Monterey Street

Build additional bike paths and complete the Bob Jones Trail

Build a new police station

Prioritize building out and completing existing plans rather than new studies

Protect and maintain natural areas and open space

Maintain and increase the access/use of the City's creeks

Dredge Laguna Lake

Disaster preparedness for another pandemic/climate crisis

Increase funding for the Fire Department

Increase availability of health and medical services

Check out our guidelines for civility
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