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The City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Department wants your input! Please share your thoughts and ideas of future park designs for Emerson Park.

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136 registered responses

1.What is Your Proximity to Emerson Park? (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
0 to a 1/4 mile away 16.2% 22
1/4 to a 1/2 mile away 11.8% 16
1/2 to a 1 mile away 18.4% 25
1 mile to 1.5 miles away 36.8% 50
Other 16.9% 23

Please Rank the Following Potential Design Features From High to Low

Average priorities over 136 responses
  1. Restrooms

  2. Revitalize Field Area

    Revitalize Field Area
  3. Children’s Bike Pump Track

    Children’s Bike Pump Track
  4. Update Picnic Area

    Update Picnic Area
  5. Lighting to Allow for Extended Nighttime Use

    Lighting to Allow for Extended Nighttime Use
  6. Playground shade structure

    Playground shade structure
  7. Safety Lighting on Walkways

    Safety Lighting on Walkways
  8. Add Benches 

    Add Benches
  9. Resurface Black top

    Resurface Black top
  10. Update Basketball court 

    Update Basketball court
  11. Update Exercise Equipment

    Update Exercise Equipment
  12. Educational Garden

    Educational Garden
  13. Additional Hydration Station

    Additional Hydration Station
  14. Public Art (mosaic tile, sculptures, murals) 

    Public Art (mosaic tile, sculptures, murals)
  15. Update Bocce Ball Courts 

    Update Bocce Ball Courts
  16. Zen Garden

    Zen Garden
  17. Other

Name not shown inside Neighborhood 6
January 8, 2021, 5:10 AM
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Additional Hydration Station

Update Basketball court 

Revitalize Field Area

Safety Lighting on Walkways

Zen Garden

Update Picnic Area

Children’s Bike Pump Track

Public Art (mosaic tile, sculptures, murals) 

Update Bocce Ball Courts 

Lighting to Allow for Extended Nighttime Use

Playground shade structure


Resurface Black top


Add Benches 

Update Exercise Equipment

Educational Garden

* required
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