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Name not shown inside the County of Bonner August 14, 2023, 11:55 AM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Skylab's vision challenges the status quo and invites the City and the public to envision possibilities that may not have otherwise been conceived. While their plan evokes a dreamlike fantasy of a town that may not be reasonable to implement or maintain, it does challenge us to think bigger and in different directions than the obvious.

I appreciate their ideas on adaptive lighting that enables darker skies throughout the night. I like that this plan considers how to connect the Granary district to downtown cohesively, while letting them maintain distinct characters. As buildings are going more vertical downtown, I like that they are presenting ideas for public viewing opportunities.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I would like to see a stronger emphasis on historic preservation measures and retaining the historic character of downtown. The Rewilding Blocks ideas seems like it would present challenges for emergency vehicle access; perhaps there are ways to maintain driving access while still implementing some of the stormwater concepts? City Beach feels crowded, and while I know many citizens would like to enjoy their favorite activities at City Beach, some of the ideas, like the spa and surf pool, seem to serve a niche audience.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? While Skylab's ideas are certainly creative, many elements of their design are unlikely to be feasible for the City to implement or maintain. They also show a certain lack of understanding of the community's history and contemporary values; for instance, the historical context they present as the foundation of the plan leans heavily on the history of the Missoula Lake floods, which, while fascinating, is a facet of our history that predates human life here and is therefore unlikely to resonate with the majority of citizens (the floods largely bypassed Sandpoint; the bulk of the water routed south through Bayview, carving out the lake). This is one example of several specific focuses within the plan that seem to indicate a particular interest on the part of the design team or a niche audience, rather than an understanding of the character of Sandpoint's current and future citizens.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? First Forty Feet shows a deeper understanding of the community's character, presenting the community's values in a way that I believe would resonate with the majority of citizens. Their plan for City Beach seems to be well thought out and shows a consideration of both pedestrian and vehicle accessibility, which are necessary in that area. I am intrigued by the boardwalk and swimming lagoon, which could offer a broader array of lakefront experiences to visitors of different abilities and interests. I love the idea for the Sand Creek Discovery Center, and I like how they've considered Sand Creek as a multi-seasonal recreation area, though boat navigation may be challenging as presented.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? As the shortest of the three presentations by far, I wish FFF has gone into some areas in greater detail, particularly integration of the Granary district and stormwater planning. While I appreciate many of their ideas and their efforts to present historically-based design standards, I do wish they had rooted these in a more comprehensive acknowledgement and understanding of our local history, which is not mentioned in any specific terms.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? Many of their ideas walk a solid line between innovative and feasible, presenting practical solutions in a realistic way. I applaud their understanding of the community's interests and priorities. However, the team members could have put more efforts into elaborating on various ideas throughout the plan; in some ways, it feels that their product is unfinished.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? I love the idea of restoring the point at City Beach to a natural environment as an acknowledgement to its early history. I also think they have struck a feasible balance between creating pockets of wild landscape amid practical, navigable spaces.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? I'm not a big fan of the blue light theme. This may be because I don't know the reasoning behind the first blue light installation in town; perhaps it is rooted in more meaning than I realize. But it seems to be a concept that started with an arbitrary decision and has since become our defining characteristic. The blue light feels inherently cold and I don't understand how it's meant to represent Sandpoint's character. That said, I do like the Camas Path idea, if the flowers could thrive in the plantings they propose. Many of GGLO's ideas seem fairly standard to all urban planning presentations; while I do appreciate that their design is based on the City's plans and public feedback, there is not a lot in their design that feels distinctive to Sandpoint. I would like to see a stronger emphasis on historic preservation measures and retaining the historic character of downtown.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? GGLO's designs feels the safest and most achievable. Their documents are professional and polished, and they have given consideration to all of the goals of the competition. They have successfully met all of the tasks given them.That said, I feel a lack of Sandpoint's funky character shining through in their design.
Where do you live? resident of Bonner County (outside Sandpoint City limits)
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? Yes

gregg Hovey inside the County of Bonner August 14, 2023, 10:01 AM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I like the boat ramp relocation and the reconfiguration of the sport court facilities and the connection of the walking trail; Bladder Dam is a great idea to maintain some water level in the creek, although this needs to be coordinated with floating dock owners whose docks would be damaged by freezing water if the water level remains high during winter. I like the thoroughness of incorporating more improvements throughout downtown and up to 5th ave.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? i think the theatre is probably going to be underutilized for its cost - also it possibly would interfere with boat traffic going up to upper Sand Creek (to the north). Currently Sand Creek is the most used kayak, canoe, paddle board and small sailboat area of the entire Lake Pend Oreille. Do not adversely affect this. Any pedestrian walkways across Sand Creek need to be 10' above high water level and wide enough openings to allow two power boats to pass safely. You also need to guaranty continued motor-boat access for boats up to 30' long to upper Sand Creek where there are over 30 current boat slips.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? Seems the most integrated plan for the entire city, waterfront and City Beach.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? By-Way Trail Crossing. Amphitheatre in the City Beach area; Main Street Improvement
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Berms and addition of bridges in Sand Creek which will make boat traffic north of Cedar Street Bridge difficult if not impossible. Any negative impact on the ability of upstream property owners to access the lake from their properties with power boats up to 30' in length (current boats north of the Cedar Street bridge) will have a significant negative effect on property values and will result in legal intervention to prevent any redesign of Sand Creek that denies the current uses.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? Berms and Bridges will have to be carefully thought out to allow upstream boat traffic including power boats up to 30' in length with a minimum of 10' height at high water and sufficient depth to allow access the creek north of Cedar Street Bridge. This plan like the other two also misses the point entirely of the current successful use by the public of Sand Creek and upper Sand Creek (north of the Cedar Street Bridge). This is the only safe water access area for small boat, paddle board, canoe, kayak and other water sports users on the ENTIRETY of Lake Pend Oreille. When the wind blows or the water temperature is cold, Lake Pend Oreille is dangerous. Sand Creek offers SAFE recreation. Do not destroy one of the major benefits of Sandpoint by designing and building an urban wetland/rewilded creek. We are surrounded by millions of acres of wild. We need a safe aesthetic water recreation area in Sand Creek.
Also the number of tennis/pickle ball courts has been reduced and these need to be replaced (and I don't play pickleball but there is a need).
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Ice Ribbon; Board walk (so long as it does not prevent power boat access to upper Sand Creek); the amphitheater in City Beach; the storm water control system-seems more practical than other designs.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Boat trailer turnaround is unrealistic at boat ramp. Construction of side channels needs to be carefully though out so as not to constrict boat traffic into too narrow of a main channel. Downtown visits by boat are a major driver of summer revenue for Sandpoint business. This plan does not seem to emphasize that.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? Large boat traffic to upper Sand Creek needs to be guaranteed. There are currently over 30 boat slips north of the Cedar Street Bridge. Any physical structures build to enhance walking paths or across Sand Creek access need to be high enough and wide enough to allow boat traffic.
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Donald Blaese inside the County of Bonner August 14, 2023, 8:36 AM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Nothing
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Changes made to Sandcreek.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? I fail to see why these changes need to occur. Sandpoint is awesome place that people love for what it is. Don't understand why we need to compete with Coeur d'Alene.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? This is my least favorite option.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Turning a navigable waterway (Sandcreek) into a nature path is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Also, a lagoon at city beach? How about just better funding for lifeguards?
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? The whole plan is ridiculous.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? It changes Sandpoint the least.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? The narrowing of the gap off city beach with more boat docks.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? This option does the least amount of damage to Sandpoint and Sandcreek. While I don't live in Sandpoint, I do own residential property in downtown.
Where do you live? resident of Bonner County (outside Sandpoint City limits)
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Thomas BOkowy inside the County of Bonner August 14, 2023, 8:29 AM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I like the Main Street Greenway and they accounted for drive through access on Farmin Landing
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? The structures along Sand Creek feel too artificial and I think take away from the natural beauty of the creek.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? I think Sand Creek has a lot of possibilities. While I like the idea of a movie night, we have to be aware that when the times are best for a movie, that is when our days are longest. Having a movie start around 10 pm so people can actually see it might be a challenge.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? I like that Sand Creek is envisioned as a more natural areas that provides more walkways and less artificial looking development
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? The Sandpoint 2 building style seems to lack the character of our historic buildings.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? Stringing lights above the walkways will look really cool.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? I like the pathways that create more natural loops walks as opposed to the out and back options that we have now. For example, the parking lot by the highway on Sand Creek is really a dead space. Creating walkways to connect the path will make it much more active. Making Bridge Street Bridge a central feature is a great idea and separating cars from pedestrians is critical.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? City Street Underpass seems to miss the mark in terms of what I think of when I think of Sandpoint. I like the current sign over the highway and feel it is more aligned with our character. This is a small detail, but using a picture of a boat flotilla a la Lake Havasu it totally wrong and represents abuse of City Beach and not a goal outcome.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? I like the concept of a boardwalk off of City Beach. As a boater at windbag, I think any way to keep separation from swimmers and boat traffic is welcome.
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? Yes

Maureen Ballard inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 8:59 PM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Not much.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? With regard to City Beach - this team tried to cram too much into a small space. Unnecessary grasslands crowd out meeting areas where local community has been gathering for decades along the perimeter of the beach under existing trees. The south end of the beach needs to be preserved, not turned into wetland and unnecessary and unclear 'floating spa'. Many other details are off-putting in this design and the overall feel is that it caters to tourism, doesn't respect a established community meeting grounds, and is overall rather corporate.

With regard to Farmin's Landing - the concept here feels very blocky, whereas the nature of the creek is curvy. Again, this seems to demonstrate their concepts to be rooted more in corporate art adorning city blocks, rather than understanding a small town's preference for nature and the natural flow. Too many docks, Sand Creek doesn't need motorized boat traffic. Please no floating screen along Sand Creek. We underground parking along the creek sounds infeasible and the height of buildings appears to be too tall.

With regard to Farmin Park walkway - I'm not sure that an above ground waterway will not end up looking mucky and unkempt. The ease of ongoing maintenance should be a key consideration for stormwater management. Can we see some examples of what design teams have done before, and what do they have in mind now?
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? I'm not particularly impressed with the lighting specialist. My concern is that this kind of stuff is gimmicky and tends to malfunction over time. 'Cool lighted water features' tend to be for the tourist and/or for the purpose of decorating a bank or other corporate building. No thanks. Once basic structures are decided on, it's not that hard to add stair lighting, for safety and aesthetic appeal.

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? With regard to City beach – The location of the boat launch area seems most reasonable in this design. It preserves the south beach and provides parking to boaters. However, it is not to scale and therefore hard to assess whether even feasible.

With regard to Farmin Park walkway – From the digital pictures, this design appears to favor trees and greenspace along the Oak and Main walkway, but is that actual or just decoration? In any case, yes to green streets. Is there a hotel going in at this location!? The heart of this town is not a 'resort town', despite how the state characterizes our tax code.

What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? With regard to City Beach – again, this team also tried to cram too much into a small space. Big circular lagoon unnecessary and off-putting. Amphitheater does not need an additional concrete seating area. Existing playground is fine as it is. Please please please, no more concrete. What planning and zoning issues need to be considered around City Beach. If none, let's hold off on all of this. Do we want more boats in the water and putting in at this location? What are the regulations presently around boats?

With regard to Farmin's Landing – it is not clear from the design how much they are proposing to preserve the historic feel of downtown. One slide has 4 story, modern and blocky looking buildings lining First Street, and another slide has a discussion on curved archways and recessed entrances to simulate architectural styles of an earlier period. I would be open to a mix of some modern looking buildings, as well as more historic. However, some of the historic facsimiles that you see in towns across the West end up looking very artificial, overly planned. We need a public-approved, coordinated effort to get a cohesive overall look for that First Street corridor, most of which is fine as it is. Naturally eclectic is authentic. Regarding the Sand Creek, this design appears to have too much infill. The existing marshland is much better suited for a walkable boardwalk. Furthermore, downtown is not the winter wonderland depicted in pictures here. These kind of oversights undermine trust for the larger vision. Furthermore, we don't need a cultural learning center along the waterway, yet another example of design aimed at tourism rather than the people who live here and appreciate the natural beauty without unnecessary signage and shacks constructed along the walkway.

With regard to Farmin Park walkway – The building along Oak and Third to house public parking looks far too big and tall. Planning and Zoning, let's please regulate building height here.

On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? With regard to Farmin's Landing – This team seems to have spent the most attention of the three to displaying water management strategies, including graphics on bioswales, etc. This is a good indication of best fit - though would be nice to see their portfolio examples, and verify that it's more than just nice ideas and graphics. This team's vision for the walkable boardwalk that goes from Cedar Street bridge, crosses under Bridge Street and continues to City Beach feels useful, is least impactful, and preserves nature. Their proposed use of the old Arlo's appears to be a good shared public use of space, provided that wood or wood alternatives are used – NO OR VERY LITTLE CONCRETE PLEASE! Design concepts here are by far the best of the three. It is curious that this team has examined the two related private lots in detail - The One Bridge Street building and the Zero Point Development. Does this team already have a hand in the development of these private lots? The buildings in their depictions are too tall and have far too much luxury condo space, and therefore I'd like some transparency on any conflicts of interest in working with this team. I strongly feel that the downtown corridor should not have housing, much less luxury. Buildings should be kept no higher than 2 stories. I appreciate that the implementation plan begins with this area of the three areas, and that is clear from the design pamphlet.

With regard to City Beach – again, less is more. Boat launch and previous RV park look more to scale than other teams' designs, but it's hard to be certain. South beach is preserved, so that's good. The amphitheater looks most tasteful with this team, yet I still question if City Beach is the right place for that. How about Travers? Relative to other teams, this team seems to have gone with least impact on City Beach, which is good.

With regard to Farmin Park walkway – this team appears to have characterized their design goals the best, by naming styles: Timeless Restoration, Respectfully Eclectic and Design-Oriented Contemporary and showing examples of each. This demonstrates a better understanding of the existing infrastructure and a sense of our local aesthetic. However, it's still not clear what their portfolio actually contains and whether these are deliverable concepts. Is the Camas Meadow planting part of the stormwater management strategy? If this is what is needed in this area, I like the plan for a recessed and planted drainage and would want to be assured that Camas is the appropriate plant and won't get completely dirty with debris or neglect.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? With regard to City Beach – Please do not re-wild most of City Beach, especially the area that spans from the boat launch, through the pavilion and up along the perimeter, past the statue of liberty and all the way to the concession stand. This area has been a prime mountain gazing, late afternoon picnic and gathering space for the community for decades. To lose this would be to lose many ties and connections that we have with each other.

With regard to Farmin's Landing – I'm not sure I agree that Bridge Street needs to be completely redone, much less with tall iron and steel decorations. If that's what's needed to get a boardwalk for pedestrians, then let's reconsider the boardwalk. Or consider how much space is needed for non-motorized watercraft to pass under. The park area along the West bank of Sand creek looks good, but the building on Bridge and First appears far too tall. This should not be condos nor residential. Please no Carousel of Smiles there, and just no building on that nice peninsula that was re-wilded several years ago after the old hotel there was taken out.

On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? This team appears to capture the essence of Sandpoint the best out of the three teams – although it is an imperfect assessment, based on poster boards and lofty words, rather than a review of their actual portfolio. Nonetheless, they seem to have put together more drawings and discussion than the other teams, they have included discussion on historic and/or modern eclectic aesthetics, as well as on projects yet to be built, such as the hotel development of the Edgewater. With that said, it seems pertinent to discuss not only the pros and cons of the teams, but the particulars of what the city wants to do. Let's get those zoning and permitting details dialed in please, sooner than later. The plan Parks and Rec plan from 2020 was adopted in a record weird year. Many people missed this process. What were the survey and participation stats, do they truly reflect the majority? Now that you have the strong emotional response and attention of the community, please reassess whether City Beach needs an amphitheater, whether the volleyball courts need to be moved, whether we need wild grasses? How about we just plant a few more trees and care for the grounds a little more. It is beloved as it is by many. It will be a major heartsore if you go messing with City Beach. Though understood that the RV park could be utilized better.

Furthermore, it deserves to be said again, please do not put in more concrete, anywhere!! Not even for an amphitheater. When Parks and Rec adopted a master plan in 2020 for City Beach, was it known that Oak Street and Farmin Park would be developed into a walking, pedestrian plaza? Probably not. The stage there, at a pedestrian expanded plaza, might well be sufficient to host musical events that blow through town! Trains and traffic down at City Beach might make that space non-ideal for events that requiring listening anyway – has a noise study be conducted, or at least decision makers gone down there to listen? The directionality of the stage on the present plans would furthermore position onlookers to be gazing into the sunset. Not ideal for Shakespeare in the Park or music venues, for example, as no one would be able to actually see the show. Please don't move the volleyball court to the far south east corner of the lawn. That is where generations of people gather to picnic for decades now, in the grass and insufficient shade. Please plant a few more trees there instead. Volleyball courts in this area would take up too much space and introduce too much noise to an area that is prized for its quiet and calm.

With regard to Farmin's Landing – Once again, please minimize the concrete laying as much as possible. While a pedestrian boardwalk that crosses under Bridge Street would be lovely, given that boats need clearance, this intervention would require the entire bridge to be rebuilt and arched, just to make the boardwalk distinct from the one there is now. Does introducing an incline like that promote or inhibit bikers from biking to City Beach?!? Encouraging bikers should be a goal here, given the parking situation down there. Filling in the gaps between concrete slabs on the bridge would be a good start, as those are jarring. Pedestrians can cross the bridge as it presently is – so how can we make that more beautiful? Or, if we can restrict boat traffic up Sand Creek to be solely un-motorized (allowing for kayaks and paddleboards), maybe a lower hanging boardwalk can serve as a natural barrier, and the entire bridge street wouldn't have to be rebuilt.

Please don't cut down any of the tall Cottonwoods or other trees that line Farmin's Landing right now. Those are old and provide beautiful shade and sound, as one paddles by or sits in their shade. Sand Creek should be designated for non-motorized boat traffic – quiet is prized here, and that could be written into zoning and code perhaps, as done in Germany. Please don't put in a Carousal of Smiles - it will definitely disturb the quiet and emphasis on nature of the Sand Creek corrider. That is very kind of the family who has been collecting carousel pieces, but we need to be in agreement as to where to place it! How about at Travers, where kids who live here go to play? It feels gimmicky, out of place, installed for the tourists, probably overpriced and overcrowded, if it were placed at City Beach or along Sand Creek. Please do not do this. Brightening up an otherwise less than exciting part of town for the kids, would be a MUCH BETTER use of this gift and it stands to generate much more value for people who live here if were placed elsewhere.

Where do you live? Don't live in Bonner County
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? Yes

Name not shown inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 8:22 PM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Docks in Sand Creek.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Too much hard surface. Focus more on town than waterfront. Mining theme Sandpoint was a timber town. Carousel of Smiles takes away Farman Park which is great spot for farmers market
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? Damming Sand Creek is not realistic.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Use of Sand Creek during the winter.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Taking away from boating in Sand Creek. Lacking uniqueness.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Keeps SandCreek open for boating. Keeps the boat launch in current location and makes area for non motorized. Board walk that connects to long bridge which was discussed during the byway meetings. Ties city beach to downtown with bridge and use of area along byway for carousel.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Not more thought to the downtown area.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? For all three there is not much thought into the parking issue. All address expanding beach parking but not sure their ideas work in reality. Non address any more than just a corridor from Farman Park to Sand Creek and there is a lot more to downtown.
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Elle Susnis inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 7:43 PM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I thought the inclusion of the Granary District was interesting, as way finding to Downtown from the West.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I think the scale of the proposed buildings is too large to preserve our historical character.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? I like the idea of multi-season use on Sand Creek. However: see next answer.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? The buildout of Sand Creek is not realistic.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? The downtown design guidelines. We need historic preservation in our downtown core.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? The ‘blue necklace’ name is not my favorite. I like the concept, but perhaps a different name: Blue Path, Bleu Trail, etc.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? I like the submission overall. I think this team ‘gets’ that we need historic preservation in downtown, yet Sandpoint has a quirky side and can handle what would become iconic additions (like the Bridge Street re-design).
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Pam Duquette inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 6:46 PM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I think the dark sky component is definitely needed in downtown and throughout Sandpoint community. Rewilding the shoreline of sand creek, however I like the stairs we have now on the east side so bikers/peds can walk down to water. Stormwater treatment zone and pedestrian connectivity.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Modernized (futuristic) building look - observation tower? Sand Creek movie screen.

No charm of Sandpoint left.
Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? Too many parking lots around beach - should promote public transport/bikes/ped way.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Kayak launch and byway trail to beach. Winter use on sand creek. Protected bike and pedestrian pathways.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? We don't need a swim lagoon, we have the lake! Too many manmade structures restricting paddling up sand creek. I don't see a "preservation ethic" throughout. Do not like the habitat lighting frames or the new steel structures supposed to be archways?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? Buildings too tall, too modernistic and futuristic looking. Lacks Sandpoint "charm"
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Rewilding Sandcreek, as long as you still have access to paddle all the way to the narrowing of the creek (Schweitzer roundabout) Ice ribbon (winter usage)Like the idea of separate traffic and pedestrians on bridge. Walkway on Sandcreek off of shoreline on west with walkway. Cedar street terrace if it is not "over the top" in design.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? The private residences atop buildings overlooking the creek. Bridge design is a bit over the top! We do not need "gateway" design structures.

The 57 page booklets for each design is too much to digest in order to answer the rating scale of 1-5 on all the 11 "bullet points."
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? This is the easiest to view.

There is a lot for a lay person to take in in all of these designs. I am afraid the money spent for this competition is not leaving me with a future look of Sandpoint that I look forward to. I like most of the ideas for Farmin park - I would like to see both Main and Oak shut off to vehicles along the greenbelt there. Please do not cut down any trees for these designs. We are losing too many as it is.
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Name not shown inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 4:19 PM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Consideration of a daylight stormwater treatment system and possibly the bladder dam on Sand Creek that might permit an area for ice skating/ hockey. And more trees along Main and Oak between 2nd and 3rd street.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? Overdevelopment of areas that do not need more of anything except a sense of simplicity and keep things the way they are.
Farmin Park is a treasure... partly because its current size sets the tone for a "small town community experience". Current size does not restrict participation. It does encourage " community". Our down town does not need any more large structures... the height of Umqua Bank bldg complex is already imposing enough. City Beach does not need more distractions. It is a precious gem of a small town beach The minimal development of existing grass areas is perfect for small gatherings of families/friends. It does not seem appropriate to take away any existing green space in order to create more sports courts.The courts seem adequate, especially given proposed expansion at Travers Park. We do need public awareness of "cleaning up after oneself".. however. Perhaps a focus on better/more convenient access to recycling, garbage and some cover educational visuals. Also replicating the composting "garbage goat" found along Riverfront Park walk in Spokane.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? Too developed. Nothing higher that 2 stories anywhere along First Avenue. and no new bridge over Sand Creek for access to beach/Bay trail/condos, etc.

I do appreciate awareness of mineral extraction activity in this area. But there is no reference to the First People- Kalispell anywhere!
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? notion of curbless Main, Oak, more trees, and consideration of pedestrians/bicyclists.Possibly the berms/"wetland flux zones"and snow sports possibilities
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Overdevelopment! We will lose the sense of small town, historic Sandpoint. First Avenue will disappear as we have known it. The proposed condo development on the corner of First and Bridge is an example of inappropriate planning decisions.
We do not need any more. City Beach does not need to re "re-arranged".Courts only minimally expanded. The open green space adjacent to the beach is an essential aspect of the beach experience. "Entertainment features" need to be relocated to existing Lakeview Park, Travers Park, Hickory Park, or extensions to Farmin School play areas. And there is no acknowledgement of the Kalispell. And where is any recognition of attention to Historicl Preservation guidelines for area between First and city Beach?
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? It seems that hosting the Arts and Crafts Fair along the Second Avenue corridor is working well enough. Traffic congestion is more easily managed in downtown than at City Beach, And leaving City Beach as a "natural" recreation site feels urgently important. There are soo few just plain beaches left in this region. No reference to the area's indigenous Kalispell presence.Where is there any effort to acknowledge/ align with Historic Preservation guidelines?
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? It appears all development along First Street might be 3 stories or less? I realize a president for " more than 2 stories in height"has already been set at the corner of Bridge St./First. This should be the only exception.. no more 3 story structures on the east side of of First, please! At City Beach- the acknowledgment of native plants in the landscape and a more "open sense of space". Maintaining access to sport courts but hopefully prioritizing OPEN GREEN SPACE with shade trees intact.
And.. restoration of riparian habitat along Sand Creek- thank you! And for acknowledging the parking issue!
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? No new bridge needed on Bridge Street needed.Pedestrian bridge already exists. (It could be upgraded?) Any possible development/redevelopment along First Avenue that exceeds two stories. Where is acknowledgment of Kalispell Tribe/first people to reside here?
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? Thank you for considerations for habitat for people, plants, and animals/aquatic life with which we share our precious beach/creek space!!
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No

Name not shown inside the County of Bonner August 13, 2023, 11:37 AM

What do you like MOST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? I do not like this design at all.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team A: Skylab? A movie theater screen in the water. How are boats supposed to navigate the sand creek. Seems like a recipe for disaster.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team A: Skylab considered and met the competition design goals?

Any other comments on the Team A: Skylab submission? This whole project seems completely unnecessary and waste of money.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? I do not like this design.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team B: First Forty Feet? Again, how are boat’s supposed to navigate the Sand creek. Putting more structures in the Sand creek improves nothing. Also why do we need a lagoon at city beach? Protect children from the walleye?
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team B: First Forty Feet considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team B: First Forty Feet submission? This whole project seems completely unnecessary and waste of money.
What do you like MOST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? I like this design most due to the fact that it changes things the least.
What do you like LEAST about the submission of Team C: GGLO? Again the Lagoon. Not needed.
On a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, how well do you think Team C: GGLO considered and met the competition design goals?
Any other comments on the Team C: GGLO submission? This whole project seems completely unnecessary and waste of money.
Where do you live? resident of Sandpoint
Do you own a business in Downtown Sandpoint? No