We want to hear from you about your priorities for economic development and what you think the City of Sandpoint should focus on in order to grow a more diverse, healthy, and vibrant economy. Your response to the survey will inform the priorities set forth in the Comprehensive Plan Update.
Looking out 20 years, what does a healthy and vibrant economy in Sandpoint look like to you? Be specific.
More year-round, non-seasonal, full-time jobs for all/most of Sandpoint's residents. Fewer residents having to get multiple part-time jobs just to afford basic living expenses. Lower housing prices overall to provide homes for all who live and work in Sandpoint.
Through initial outreach during the Fall, we asked the community to start thinking about what they love about Sandpoint and to reflect on the values articulated in the existing 2009 Comprehensive Plan. Of the following, what are the top 3 that are most important for you?
Encourage companies to provide year-round employment
Capitalize on the Sandpoint Airport as a major economic driver
Maintain the diversity and quality of shops, restaurants, and services
What should Sandpoint be doing to help support these shared values?
Providing incentives and guiding local businesses to stay/work here, hire employees from here rather than bringing them in from elsewhere, and how to get involved in local work force training.
Economic Diversity Goal: Create a vibrant and diverse economy in Sandpoint. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Support existing manufacturing businesses as providers of jobs with living wage and benefits. - 5
Encourage localism and innovative techniques to increase circulating dollars within the Sandpoint economy. - 5
Attract industries that provide jobs for graduates of higher educational programs and vocational-technical schools. - 3
Encourage the development of clean technologies. - 5
Encourage arts and environmental related employment. - 5
Please comment about the economic diversity goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.
Neighboring Communities Goal: Join with neighboring communities to strengthen the regional economy. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Be an active partner with local economic development agencies. - 5
Improve transportation corridors to facilitate movement of goods into, out of, and through the region. - 5
Improve transportation facilities and services to facilitate movement of people through the region. - 5
Coordinate land use decisions with surrounding communities to limit commuting distance and redundant infrastructure. - 5
Please comment about the neighboring communities goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.
Workforce Needs Goal: Provide Sandpoint workers with affordable housing options near jobs, public transportation, and non-motorized transportation options. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Encourage diversity of housing types as appropriate in land use districts. - 5
Help reduce household transportation costs by allowing housing near jobs. - 5
Facilitate public transportation and/or non-motorized transportation connections between jobs and neighborhoods. - 5
Promote opportunities that employ Sandpoint residents in Sandpoint. - 5
Please comment about the workforce needs goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.
Downtown Revitalization: Support downtown Sandpoint’s historic role as a major economic, social, and civic center of Bonner County. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Focus economic development resources primarily on priority projects. Focus on solving specific problems. - No Opinion
Encourage residential uses on the second story and above. - 5
Collaborate with local business organizations and assist in providing the infrastructure to attract new economically diverse business in the Downtown. - 4
Create a streetscape that encourages an active street life. - 3
Make downtown a primary multimodal friendly destination. - 5
Regularly update the Downtown Revitalization Plan. - 3
Encourage preservation of historic buildings. - 4
Retain high traffic downtown anchors. - No Opinion
Encourage first floor restaurants and diverse retail utilization. - 2
Please comment about the downtown revitalization goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.
What is your current employment status?
Employed in my occupation/profession
What is your occupation/profession?
Virtual Personal Assistant
Where do you work?
I work from home
On a normal day, how long is your morning commute to work?
I work from home
Do you commute into or out of Sandpoint?
I live and work in Sandpoint city limits.
If you commute from outside of Sandpoint to work or school what is the reason (choose all that apply):
No response.
If you live in Sandpoint and commute to a job outside of Sandpoint, please tell us why.
No response.
What are the most important economic development priorities (check all that apply):
Workforce training and education
Affordable housing
Housing options (regardless of affordability)
Expanding employment opportunities
Liveable wages
Transportation options
Supporting a year-round economy
What industries should be the top economic development priority (choose up to three):
Recreation & tourism
Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement below (with 1 being not satisfied and 5 being very satisfied):
Sandpoint offers many great eating, drinking, and entertainment venues. - 3
Sandpoint offers high-quality public spaces such as parks, plazas, and walkable shopping streets - 3
Sandpoint offers high quality job opportunities in my occupation/profession. - 1
Sandpoint is a great environment for small business. - 2
Sandpoint offers adequate support and services for entrepreneurs and small business owners to startup and expand. - 2
I have access to great education and job training opportunities nearby. - Not applicable
Housing in Sandpoint is affordable to people and families with a range of different incomes. - 1
Existing transportation options in Sandpoint make it easy for me to get to work. - 4
Of the needs identified in the previous question we want to know which are the most important to you. Please select how important each action is for you (with 1 being not important and 5 being very important).
Increase the number of great eating, drinking, and entertainment places in Sandpoint - 1
Increase the number of high-quality public spaces, such as parks, plazas, or walkable shopping streets. - 4
Make it easier to find high quality job opportunities in my occupation/profession in Sandpoint. - No opinion
Improve opportunities for small businesses in Sandpoint - 4
Increase efforts to prevent displacement of small businesses in Sandpoint - 4
Offer more services for entrepreneurs and small business owners to get established or expand in Sandpoint - 4
Increase the education and job training opportunities in Sandpoint - 5
Increase the diversity and affordability of housing options in Sandpoint - 5
What types of products and services would you like to have available in Sandpoint?
No response.
Where do you primarily shop?
Autos and automotive parts - Sandpoint
Clothing - Outside Bonner County
Food/beverage stores - Sandpoint
Garden and Nursery - Outside Bonner County
Grocery - Sandpoint
Home Improvement - Other in Bonner County
Furniture and Appliances - Outside Bonner County
Pharmacy - Sandpoint
Electronics - Online
Jewelry - Not applicable
Sporting Goods - Online
Books - Sandpoint
Other - Not applicable
Where do you go to get the following services?
Automotive Repair - Outside Bonner County
Banking/Financial services - Other in Bonner County
Business services - Outside Bonner County
Childcare - Not applicable
Dry Cleaner/tailor - Sandpoint
Legal - Outside Bonner County
Medical - Sandpoint
Dental - Other in Bonner County
Restaurants - Sandpoint
Coffee/tea shops - Sandpoint
Personal - Outside Bonner County
Other - Not applicable
What are the biggest deterrents to shopping locally in Sandpoint for goods or services (choose as many as apply)?
Too expensive
Not available
What would incentivize you to shop locally?
One idea would be to get local businesses to provide a "library card holder discount", or something like that. As of now, a lot of the businesses downtown cater to tourists, at tourist prices, and so it is hard to convince locals to shop downtown (unless they're already a significantly higher income family/retirees). This could really help keep business going throughout the year rather than more seasonally.
Is there any feedback you would like to share regarding economic development within the City of Sandpoint?
No response.
Do you own a business in Sandpoint city limits? (pick one)?
If you own a business, how many employees does your business employ, excluding yourself?
If you own a business, which of the following best describes your business?
Professional Services
If you own or have owned a business in Sandpoint, please choose your level of agreement with the following statements (with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree).
Sandpoint is a good place to locate and manage a business. - 3
Sandpoint is business friendly. - 2
It is easy to attract skilled workers to Sandpoint. - 3
It is easy to retain skilled workers in Sandpoint. - 3
Sandpoint is a good place to establish and maintain a retail business. - 2
Sandpoint is a good place to establish and maintain a professional service-oriented business. - 3
Sandpoint is a good place to establish and maintain a manufacturing business. - 3
Sandpoint is a good place to establish and maintain a construction business. - 5
There are plenty of affordable, quality housing options for my employees. - 1
How can the City support local business owners?
No response.
Using the numbered areas in the map above, identify where you live in Sandpoint. If you do not live in the Sandpoint city limits, please select the city or area in which you live:
Area 4
Tell us a little about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint. Check all that apply:
I work in Sandpoint
I own property in Sandpoint
What is your age?
What is your annual household income?
$100,000 or greater
How many children under the age of 18 live at home?
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Looking out 20 years, what does a healthy and vibrant economy in Sandpoint look like to you? Be specific.
More year-round, non-seasonal, full-time jobs for all/most of Sandpoint's residents. Fewer residents having to get multiple part-time jobs just to afford basic living expenses. Lower housing prices overall to provide homes for all who live and work in Sandpoint.
Through initial outreach during the Fall, we asked the community to start thinking about what they love about Sandpoint and to reflect on the values articulated in the existing 2009 Comprehensive Plan. Of the following, what are the top 3 that are most important for you?
What should Sandpoint be doing to help support these shared values?
Providing incentives and guiding local businesses to stay/work here, hire employees from here rather than bringing them in from elsewhere, and how to get involved in local work force training.
Economic Diversity Goal: Create a vibrant and diverse economy in Sandpoint. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please comment about the economic diversity goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.Neighboring Communities Goal: Join with neighboring communities to strengthen the regional economy. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please comment about the neighboring communities goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.Workforce Needs Goal: Provide Sandpoint workers with affordable housing options near jobs, public transportation, and non-motorized transportation options. Please rate the importance of each of the following policies. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please comment about the workforce needs goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.Downtown Revitalization: Support downtown Sandpoint’s historic role as a major economic, social, and civic center of Bonner County. (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please comment about the downtown revitalization goal and policies. Are there any policies that you feel are missing from the list above?
No response.What is your current employment status?
What is your occupation/profession?
Virtual Personal AssistantWhere do you work?
On a normal day, how long is your morning commute to work?
Do you commute into or out of Sandpoint?
If you commute from outside of Sandpoint to work or school what is the reason (choose all that apply):
No response.If you live in Sandpoint and commute to a job outside of Sandpoint, please tell us why.
No response.What are the most important economic development priorities (check all that apply):
What industries should be the top economic development priority (choose up to three):
Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement below (with 1 being not satisfied and 5 being very satisfied):
Of the needs identified in the previous question we want to know which are the most important to you. Please select how important each action is for you (with 1 being not important and 5 being very important).
What types of products and services would you like to have available in Sandpoint?
No response.Where do you primarily shop?
Where do you go to get the following services?
What are the biggest deterrents to shopping locally in Sandpoint for goods or services (choose as many as apply)?
What would incentivize you to shop locally?
One idea would be to get local businesses to provide a "library card holder discount", or something like that. As of now, a lot of the businesses downtown cater to tourists, at tourist prices, and so it is hard to convince locals to shop downtown (unless they're already a significantly higher income family/retirees). This could really help keep business going throughout the year rather than more seasonally.
Is there any feedback you would like to share regarding economic development within the City of Sandpoint?
No response.Do you own a business in Sandpoint city limits? (pick one)?
If you own a business, how many employees does your business employ, excluding yourself?
1If you own a business, which of the following best describes your business?
If you own or have owned a business in Sandpoint, please choose your level of agreement with the following statements (with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree).
How can the City support local business owners?
No response.Using the numbered areas in the map above, identify where you live in Sandpoint. If you do not live in the Sandpoint city limits, please select the city or area in which you live:
Tell us a little about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint. Check all that apply:
What is your age?
What is your annual household income?
How many children under the age of 18 live at home?