Feedback on Sandpoint park site concepts
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Revised Final Sports Complex Concept
Jennifer Stapleton said over 4 years ago:
Travers/Centennial/Great Northern Sports Complex Pine Street borders the south side of the 18-acre site that makes up the Travers/Centennial/Great Northern Sports Complex (TSC) that was opened in 1986. The initial phase was 5 acres and constructed over an abandon landfill, with following phases being the result of added acreage from a Louisiana Pacific Corporation land trade and a purchase from a private party. The Park is the city’s major sports venue providing competitive opportunities for youth and adults with softball, little league baseball, tennis, football, soccer, skate park, picnicking, and multiple trail loops. There are two shelters and a restroom, an accessible children’s play area, and off-street parking in two locations. The TSC is definitely a well-used sports complex and provides for not only community recreation, but also serves to provide facilities for Sandpoint High School’s use for tennis. The skate park is heavily used through most of the year when snow is not present. The soccer and softball fields are in high demand for league play and tournaments. The playground is popular and used constantly by area neighborhood residents. The perimeter trail system that offers multiple length loop options is used by both bikers and walkers, providing easy access to all areas of the complex.
This is not to say that the TSC is problem free. There are a number of critical deficiencies that limit it being used to its highest efficiency. The southern third of the complex was the first phase of construction and built over an abandoned landfill. The surrounding terrain to the northeast also was a drainage way flowing in a southwesterly orientation. The softball fields and surrounding areas over the landfill that received fill material during construction to create properly graded fields has continued to settle, causing severe grade changes in the playing surfaces, primarily the outfields. These grade changes are in some instances as much as 8-10 inches. There are similar grade issues on the Centennial fields directly to the north of the softball complex where soccer and baseball occur. This condition continues to worsen due to the decay of trash and debris within the landfill. During the spring, the softball, soccer, and baseball fields are so wet that they are not usable for long periods of time. This is influenced by the naturally ‘heavy’ soils of the Sandpoint area that are high in silt content and drain poorly. Additionally, ground water from the original drainage way directs any subsurface water directly below these fields.
The correction of this condition will require significant improvements that will entail excavation of unsuitable soils and replacement with more free draining soils, combined with a subsurface drain system that will collect both surface and subsurface water, and directing it to a location that does not impact use of the complex. These corrective measures must be employed whether reconstructing to natural grass fields or to artificial turf fields. The advantages of converting at least some of the fields to artificial turf are much more efficient surface and subsurface drainage, considerably more scheduled field uses per day and extended seasonal use, especially if the fields are lighted. Based on these considerations, the concept plan recommends that the three softball fields be reduced to two, both converted to artificial turf, allowing for more use throughout the year. The little league baseball field is proposed to be relocated to the northeast corner of the Centennial fields. The concept master plan for City Beach recommends that its two existing tennis courts be relocated to another park location. This is also the recommendation for the two existing tennis courts at Lakeview Park. The TSC concept plan proposes that these displaced courts be reconstructed on the south end of the complex, along with the introduction of pickleball courts. The addition and location of both tennis and pickleball courts also condenses the useable space on the south end of the complex, also contributing to the reduction of softball fields. This consolidation of tennis and pickleball facilities will provide Sandpoint with an accessible location for community and tournament play. The two existing tennis courts are proposed for a possible future enclosed tennis facility. Locating the enclosure or structure here, will preserve the northerly view ‘window’ into the park. Pickleball courts are anticipated to be phased with eight courts per phase.
Total parking stalls are deficient for tournament use of the facilities, especially on the south side of the complex. The concept plan calls for a full reorganization and reconstruction of the south parking lot, extending it further westward to provide a total count for parking on the west side of 220 vehicles. The existing skate park should be more aptly termed a skate pad. This venue is proposed to triple in size with added apparatus, lighting, and possibly shade structures. The existing children’s play structure will remain, and a new splash pad proposed just north of the play area. The existing restrooms are proposed to be replaced with a new facility, shifted slightly north of the current location to allow room for tennis and pickleball courts. An enlarged open natural grass area is proposed north of the splash pad for gatherings and picnicking. The existing youth BMX facility to the east the play structure will remain and be enhanced. A new BMX for young adults is proposed to be located to the far southwest corner of the complex near the railroad right-of-way. A new maintenance facility dedicated to the sports complex will be relocated slightly west and north of its present location.
Name not shown over 4 years ago
RE: Batting Cages - Consider that the proposed relocation of the batting cages moves loud & repetitive activity even closer to residential area and further away from the baseball fields. Consider the batting cages should be relocated to the far west side of the baseball fields.
Name not shown over 4 years ago
RE: Tennis Courts - 8 Tennis courts (in one location) will enable the City of Sandpoint, LPOSD, Sandpoint High School, the Sandpoint Tennis Association and other private entities (who reserve/rent the courts) to host and expand the number of middle-school and high school-related, USTA/UTR tennis tournaments. Due to the increase in the number of tennis tournaments and larger associated groups, consider also a wider area and shade structure between the middle of the 4 relocated tennis courts would provide an area for spectators and players - as well as provide a more natural and energizing entryway/gateway into the park.
Name not shown over 4 years ago
RE: Parks and Maintenance Facility - consider that if the baseball/softball fields are intended to be artificial turf, that the maintenance facility could be relocated to the other side of the park (near the natural turf fields, west side of soccer fields) and out of sight for most park visitors. If not, consider the physical building should be moved as far west on the property (near the trail) but with access to the parking surface and trail surface (if needed) - or adjust the parking area to contain it. This would also enable the tennis and pickleball courts to be spaced out and enable a more natural entryway/gateway down the middle of the park (think Memorial field entrance style but half the size of it).
Name not shown over 4 years ago
RE: Park Lighting - The lights should be effective for each respective sport and meet the following goals: 1. Improve visibility & safety for athletes and spectators. 2. Reduce energy consumption (up to 50% reduction) with energy-efficient LED lighting, scheduling, & controls. 3. Limit light pollution using advanced LED floodlight features (e.g. 0 Tilt optics, full spill light control through louvers, etc).
Name not shown over 4 years ago
Currently, the orientation of the soccer fields on the North end of Centennial is East to West. This proposal changes them to North - South. Originally the soccer fields were oriented North to South, but were reconfigured to prevent soccer balls from being continually kicked into the nearby residences. A change back would not work without high netting being installed to prevent the kind of problems that were there in the past.
Name not shown over 4 years ago
I hope you will consider porous-surface parking options instead of asphalt in the expanded parking area.
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