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Feedback on Sandpoint park site concepts

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Sports Complex Concept #1

Jennifer Stapleton said over 5 years ago:

This concept encompasses Farmin, Centennial and Great Northern Parks.  It contemplates expanding the skate park which is arguably the most used area of the park system by 400%.  It recognizes that the parking lot at Travers is significantly undersized and triples the amount of parking available.  Great Northern is in the best shape of any of the fields the City currently owns.  They are in good enough shape that they do not need to be re-built.

This concept contemplates a tennis complex centered at this location and adds two additional courts which anticipates the removal of the tennis courts at Lakeview Park and City Beach.  In addition, sixteen pickleball courts are centered at this location, a splash pad is added near the playground, an expanded bmx track is next to the tennis courts.  

Travers was built over a landfill and the soils are not good.  There are significant freeze/thaw conditions and subsurface issues which require constant maintenance in order to ensure safety. The concept anticipates replacing the three current natural turf softball fields with two artificial turf fields.  In addition, micro-soccer fields have been added.  Playability will be significantly icreased with these fields because the current fields are often un-playable in the spring.  In addition to softball, these fields can also be used for soccer practice and other purposes.

Great Northern is currently in the best condition of all of the city fields, but this concept does anticipate improved drainage at that field as well.

(Click on the image to see the concept full screen.)


Name not shown over 5 years ago

Will the softball fields be for slowpitch softball and fastpitch softball?


Ethan Schaffer over 5 years ago

Just curious, how did you decide on Pickle ball? Is it known to be popular?


Jennifer Stapleton over 5 years ago

Pickle ball is one of the fastest growing sports nationally and that is true in our community as well. We have had many comments and lots of input from the community and user groups about the need for more pickle ball courts and, just as importantly, dedicated courts.


Francis Ogilvie about 5 years ago

Enclosing 8 of the pickleball courts would greatly increase their use and make them a year round amenity for the park.


Jennifer Stapleton about 5 years ago

Thank you for the input. We've heard this from many others as well and will be contemplating that option in the final concept -- even if it needs to be considered as a phased option.


James Hagler over 4 years ago

PIckleball is the fastest growing sport in the world. It is the perfect community sport for adults and kids. It has been slow coming to the Sandpoint area but has well over 200 plus locals who play the sport year round. It could easily surpass a doubling of that with the proper area to play and a proper introduction as it has everywhere else. Google it, it has been around since 1965.


Name not shown about 5 years ago

Don't forget that it is very hard to get kids safely to this park without driving. The parking area could be smaller if we were invited to ride bikes or walk there. I think this plan should also incorporate a pedestrian route with an awesome crosswalk over Division. If you improved the "East/West" route you'd be utilizing all of the new improvements already in place on Oak, and connect the complex into Downtown/City Beach. IMHO, a traffic light at Pine wouldn't be ideal. When I cross Hwy 2 on foot, I go out of my way to use the awesome crosswalk at Oak. Drivers seem to only be focused on me, and not me + cars running the red + oncoming traffic + the light turning yellow....


Name not shown about 5 years ago

We definitely need a bigger skatepark. It is definitely the most used part of travers in the summer during most days it is packed to the brim from dawn to dusk. If this goes through please talk to locals about fun features we’d like to be added as I go to a lot of parks and you can tell whoever designed them as never skated in one. Or bring in experiences designers who actually ride skateparks.


Name not shown over 2 years ago

Excited about the addition of the biking area. Fingers crossed it is similar to the skills development area on Duthie Hill in Seattle


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