Feedback on Sandpoint park site concepts
Downtown Waterfront Concept #1
Jennifer Stapleton said over 5 years ago:
This concept features parks and recreation improvements which provide connectivity to City Beach and promote economic vitality in the downtown core. The design at Gunning's Alley/Farmin's Landing along the Sand Creek waterfront and between the Panida Theater and Bridge Street includes significant stormwater management and treatment features which was the principal reason the City purchased this property. This is the primary outfall for stormwater runoff from the downtown core and it drains into Sand Creek. The concept anticipates the businesses/building owners along Sand Creek eventually expanding their face to the waterfront and taking advantage of the opportunity along the water. It features a connecting boardwalk along Sand Creek, under the byway and rail bridge to City Beach. It expands the dock into Sand Creek to create a public gathering space along the water's edge. It envisions expansion of the public boardwalk to the Cedar Street Bridge or beyond, which would require agreement of the adjacent property owners. (Click on the image to see the concept full screen.)
Mike Bauer over 5 years ago
Great job on this, very exciting. I know this is a tall order, but one addition could be a bridge connecting the Sand Creek Trail with the Long Bridge Trail.
Jennifer Stapleton about 5 years ago
Thank you. We've heard that comment from many others as well. This is likely something that will come up in the multi-modal transportation plan currently underway.
Rebecca Holland over 5 years ago
Where is the promised bike path? For years, the community has wanted to address the lingering question, “How can we get 10 year old safely to City Beach on their bike?” The answer is connect Yellow Bike Route on Main at First through this area to Bridge Street. A creative graduated path would handle the slope. Kids first!!
Daniel Haley about 5 years ago
The proposed relocation of the City Beach Boat ramp needs some serious re-evaluation. The proposed new location is in a shoal area that will not only require extensive dredging to install, it will require frequent re-dredging to keep it open. The environmental impact of frequent re-dredging needs to be address. Perhaps equally important is how much re-dredging will cost the city. This is not a one-time fixed cost, but a cost that will go on forever. What the city really needs is a four-season boat ramp that can be used for emergency response in the winter when a train derailment or other haz-mat spill occurrs on the lake. The proposed relocated boat ramp is not likely to be usable in the winter. I wish I could suggest a better location, but the current location, with its faults, is far better suited for emergency response and the boating community.
Vickie Graeff over 4 years ago
I think that the trail expansion is a great idea. Yes what happened to the bike trails? They were painted over recently downtown. Bikes and traffic do not mix well, and we end up on the sidewalks where we are not supposed to be.
The city beach boat ramp, as someone else noted on another site, could be located at the Windbag pier. Having it take over the swimming beach will not sit well with any of our locals. Squeezing us over by the railroad, which will soon have two rail bridges and be twice as noisy, seems very low-life, prioritizing motorboats over swimmers and kayakers. This is a Coeur d'Alene idea, not a Sandpoint idea. That is my opinion.
Daniel Haley's points about environmental impacts has not yet been addressed by anyone on the council.
I just looked at the results of the survey taken and what it found, and this plan does not match the opinions of our citizens.
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