Construction of Phase II of the Sandpoint Downtown Revitalization Project begins Tuesday, September 3, 2019. This phase will include a feature intersection at First and Bridge adjacent to the Panida Theater and at the entrance to the Sandcreek waterfront at the artistic fish arch.

This intersection will feature colored concrete crosswalks which draw attention to this area as a focal point and major area of activity in the downtown core. We are asking for your input as to the color choice for the concrete crosswalks. This public poll will be open until Noon on Wednesday, September 4th, at which time our contractor will order the color for installation later this fall. We encourage you to take a last trip downtown this Labor Day weekend to support our local businesses and take in the colors and sights in the area to help advise your color selection.PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHOICE FROM THE COLORS BELOW (click more):

Outcome: Closed
September 4, 2019
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