First, please tell us about yourself (choose all that apply)
I live in the City of Sandpoint
If you don't live or work in the City of Sandpoint, please describe your primary reason(s) for visiting. Please select all that apply.
Visiting family
Medical Appointments
Do you have a disability or support a person with a disability?
I support a person with a disability
How often do you walk, jog or run outside?
Daily, more than 30 minutes per day
When you walk in your neighborhood, what are the reasons you walk (check all that apply)?
Walk my dog
Going to bus stop
Getting out with children
Enjoy the outdoors
Going to a specific place (store, post office, etc.)
When you are walking to a specific destination, where are you going?
Work - Often
School - Often
Shopping - Often
Dining - Sometimes
Parks/Beach - Usually
Events - Sometimes
Friend's house - Often
Other - Often
How much time per one-way trip do you spend walking to a destination?
Less than 5 minutes - Occasionally
5 - 10 minutes - Occasionally
10 - 20 minutes - Frequently
30 minutes or more - Frequently
When you do walk, jog, or run, how often do you use sidewalks?
When you walk, jog, or run, how often do you use multi-modal pathways currently?
What currently deters you from walking, jogging, or running?
Lack of sidewalks - Often
Lack of safe street crossings - Often
Poor quality of the sidewalks - Often
Length of walk (distance) - Never
Too much traffic - Sometimes
Traffic speeds/Bad drivers - Sometimes
Lack of curb ramps - Often
Too much snow or ice - Sometimes
Not enough time - Sometimes
Physical ability - Never
General safety concerns, unrelated to traffic - Sometimes
Time of day/lighting - Never
Weather conditions - Sometimes
Prefer to bike - Sometimes
Prefer to drive - Sometimes
Other - Often
Please rate your level of comfort with the following:
Sharing a path with bicycles - Very Comfortable
Walking or running in the street because no sidewalk exists (residential, low speed street) - Not Comfortable
Walking or running in the street even when sidewalks exist (residential, low speed street) - Not Comfortable
Walking or running in the street on a designated path/shoulder - Somewhat Comfortable
Walking or running on a separated multi-modal path - Somewhat Comfortable
Crossing a low speed residential street to access a sidewalk that allows you to reach your destination - Somewhat Comfortable
Allowing your kids to walk to a destination without an adult - Not Comfortable
Allowing your kids to ride a bike to a destination without an adult - Not Comfortable
What level of priority do you feel our community should have for providing:
More sidewalks - Very Important
More paths or designated lanes - Very Important
More multi-use pathways - Very Important
Overall, how walkable is our community?
Somewhat Walkable
Is there a question about sidewalks or walkability you wish we had asked in this survey or a comment you would like to share? If so, please let us know.
No response.
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
First, please tell us about yourself (choose all that apply)
If you don't live or work in the City of Sandpoint, please describe your primary reason(s) for visiting. Please select all that apply.
Do you have a disability or support a person with a disability?
How often do you walk, jog or run outside?
When you walk in your neighborhood, what are the reasons you walk (check all that apply)?
When you are walking to a specific destination, where are you going?
How much time per one-way trip do you spend walking to a destination?
When you do walk, jog, or run, how often do you use sidewalks?
When you walk, jog, or run, how often do you use multi-modal pathways currently?
What currently deters you from walking, jogging, or running?
Please rate your level of comfort with the following:
What level of priority do you feel our community should have for providing:
Overall, how walkable is our community?
Is there a question about sidewalks or walkability you wish we had asked in this survey or a comment you would like to share? If so, please let us know.
No response.