Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are currently allowed as accessory to detached single family dwellings with a size limit of 900 sq.ft., one bedroom and one parking space, in addition to other restrictions in City Code.
I SUPPORT incentives to encourage ADU construction or conversions of existing accessory buildings (i.e. garages) into ADUs.
If you support changes to ADU regulations, please indicate what changes you would like to see below.
No response.
Would you support a change to the Sandpoint City Code that would allow for smaller lot sizes than currently allowed to provide more housing options (i.e. townhouses or other fee simple attached single family units or smaller detached homes).
No, I do not support lot sizes smaller than current code allows 50 ft. wide/5,000 square feet
Image 1:
Do Not Support
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Do Not Support
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Do Not Support
Image 4:
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Do Not Support
Image 6:
Do Not Support
What would improve your neighborhood?
A larger buffer between lots and more space between buildings. Although it is commercial at PIne Street where we own a property, the recent trend of building ginormous buildings that take up every square inch of the lot and block out the sun for neighbors is not welcome. I like the diversity and I like how it has both businesses and residence. You know what else would improve the downtown area? A limit or ban on condos which do not benefit locals and create an exclusivity zone and an unfriendly vibe not conducive to Sandpoint.
What do you like best about your neighborhood?
Diverse, one of the oldest in Sandpoint. Mature trees and a real history. Located directly downtown and close to everything including regular institutions like the post office, a local hardware store and restaurants. Also the Farmer's Market.
Using the numbered areas in the map above, identify where you live in Sandpoint. If you do not live in Sandpoint city limits, please select the city or area in which you live.
Bonner County
Tell us a little about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint. Select as many as apply.
I live in Sandpoint
I work in Sandpoint
I own property in Sandpoint other than my residence.
I have a business interest or am looking to do business in Sandpoint
Other - I am a longtime local and own multiple businesses in Sandpoint.
What is your age?
50 - 59
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are currently allowed as accessory to detached single family dwellings with a size limit of 900 sq.ft., one bedroom and one parking space, in addition to other restrictions in City Code.
If you support changes to ADU regulations, please indicate what changes you would like to see below.
No response.Would you support a change to the Sandpoint City Code that would allow for smaller lot sizes than currently allowed to provide more housing options (i.e. townhouses or other fee simple attached single family units or smaller detached homes).
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
Image 4:
Image 5:
Image 6:
What would improve your neighborhood?
A larger buffer between lots and more space between buildings. Although it is commercial at PIne Street where we own a property, the recent trend of building ginormous buildings that take up every square inch of the lot and block out the sun for neighbors is not welcome. I like the diversity and I like how it has both businesses and residence. You know what else would improve the downtown area? A limit or ban on condos which do not benefit locals and create an exclusivity zone and an unfriendly vibe not conducive to Sandpoint.
What do you like best about your neighborhood?
Diverse, one of the oldest in Sandpoint. Mature trees and a real history. Located directly downtown and close to everything including regular institutions like the post office, a local hardware store and restaurants. Also the Farmer's Market.
Using the numbered areas in the map above, identify where you live in Sandpoint. If you do not live in Sandpoint city limits, please select the city or area in which you live.
Tell us a little about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint. Select as many as apply.
What is your age?