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Please share your thoughts about recreation in the City of Sandpoint's Little Sand Creek Watershed.

123 registered responses

In the past year, approximately how often do you engage in recreational activities within the Little Sand Creek Watershed (e.g. biking, hiking, berry picking, etc.)? Please select one.

Response Percent Response Count
Daily 1.7% 2
A few times per week 33.1% 40
A few times per month 31.4% 38
A few times per year 24.8% 30
I have never recreated within the watershed 9.1% 11

In which season(s) do you typically visit or participate in outdoor recreation in the watershed (select all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Spring 71.8% 84
Summer 94.9% 111
Winter 55.6% 65
Fall 81.2% 95

When do you recreate in the watershed?

Response Percent Response Count
Mostly on weekends 23.5% 27
Mostly on weekdays 22.6% 26
Equally on weekends and weekdays 53.9% 62

How long have you been recreating in the Little Sand Creek Watershed?

Response Percent Response Count
Less than 1 year 0.8% 1
2 - 5 years 22.1% 27
6 - 10 years 23.0% 28
Over 10 years 47.5% 58
I have never recreated in the watershed 6.6% 8

Please select who you are typically with when you recreate in the watershed. (Select the option or combination that is most common for you.)

Response Percent Response Count
I recreate alone 36.9% 45
I recreate with friends 57.4% 70
I recreate with my spouse/significant other 51.6% 63
I recreate with family and have at least one child under the age of 13 participating 25.4% 31
I recreate with family where all children are over the age of 13 9.0% 11
Does not apply to me 5.7% 7

What type of outdoor recreation activity do you participate in most often in the watershed (select one)?

Response Percent Response Count
Hiking 17.8% 21
Trail running 0.8% 1
Mountain biking 35.6% 42
Road biking 0.8% 1
E-mountain biking 1.7% 2
Backcountry skiing 1.7% 2
Nordic skiing 3.4% 4
Snowshoeing 1.7% 2
Nature walk, wildlife viewing, bird watching or photography 4.2% 5
Berry picking or foraging 4.2% 5
Dog walking 3.4% 4
Other 24.6% 29

Where do you most commonly access recreation in the watershed?

Response Percent Response Count
Switchback #2 trailhead up to Lower Basin Trail network 22.5% 27
Switchback #4 pull-off (Rainbow Bridge) into Lower Basin Trail network 9.2% 11
Schweitzer roundabout parking lot down to Lower Basin Trail network 10.0% 12
Schweitzer roundabout parking lot east to "Ski Trail" loop 8.3% 10
Schweitzer roundabout parking lot north east to "Waterfall Trail" 5.8% 7
Schweitzer roundabout parking lot west to the Upper Basin Trail network 5.8% 7
Schweitzer Mountain Resort Village to access resort trails 9.2% 11
Schweitzer Mountain Resort Village to access the "High Point Trail" or "Solar Ecstasy" or other Upper Basin Trails 3.3% 4
Access from a hotel or private residence on mountain 3.3% 4
Access from Schweitzer roundabout lot by fire station to non-trail areas 4.2% 5
Other 11.7% 14
I've never accessed the watershed 6.7% 8

Do you utilize the summer shuttle?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 11.4% 14
No 88.6% 109

If you use the summer shuttle, what activity are you using the shuttle for (example: downhill mountain biking, hiking, berry picking, etc.)


If you use the summer shuttle, how often do you use it in a typical season?

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly 8.3% 2
Monthly 41.7% 10
Once 33.3% 8
Other 16.7% 4

Please prioritize the following statements by what is most important to you when it comes to the Little Sand Creek Watershed.

Average priorities over 123 responses
  1. A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (including restricted areas) to ensure the quality of drinking water.

    Balancing multiple uses (recreational user desires and maintaining quality drinking water)
  2. The Little Sand Creek Watershed is owned by the City of Sandpoint's water utility.  It is one of of the two sources (the other being the lake) of drinking water supplied through the Sandpoint water system.  The Sandpoint water utility provides water in the City of Sandpoint as well as the adjacent cities of Ponderay and Kootenai and it also provides wholesale water to the Syringa, Northside and Edelweiss Water Districts.

    Clean, good quality drinking water
  3. A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (which may include restricted areas) to protect other sensitive natural areas other than drinking water.

    Well-planned recreation with access limited based upon sensitive natural areas
  4. Quiet, peaceful interaction with nature.

    Exploration and enjoyment of nature
  5. A wide range of activities to benefit all people.

    Public access to recreation for people at all skill levels
  6. Maintaining the ecological balance of the watershed.

    Diversity of wildlife and vegetation
  7. Close-in recreation in wide-open space with limited to no development.

    Access to "remote backcountry experience" just minutes from Sandpoint

What are your biggest concerns when it comes to recreation in the watershed?

Response Percent Response Count
Overuse/too many people 49.6% 61
Conflicts between different user groups 18.7% 23
Degrading water quality 35.8% 44
Erosion from recreational use 28.5% 35
Spreading invasive plant species 15.4% 19
Off-Leash Dogs 23.6% 29
Lack of adequate parking 26.0% 32
Lack of adequate restrooms 20.3% 25
Disruption to wildlife and birds 17.9% 22
Lack of accessibility to trails for people of all abilities 8.1% 10
Overdevelopment of infrastructure 28.5% 35
Long-term maintenance 9.8% 12
None 8.1% 10
Other 8.1% 10

What would most improve your recreational experience in the watershed?

Response Percent Response Count
Better or more trailheads with information and facilities 36.4% 44
Trails that make loops 42.1% 51
Easy trails for people of all abilities 22.3% 27
Groomed tracks for Nordic skiing or winter recreation 32.2% 39
Better wayfinding or informational signage 16.5% 20
Areas for passive recreation like bird watching or star gazing 6.6% 8
Trail options that reduce conflicts between users 38.0% 46
Improved connection between town/neighborhoods to the watershed 24.0% 29
Volunteer stewardship activities 5.8% 7
Educational programs to learn about the watershed 13.2% 16
Nothing, it's fine as it is 6.6% 8
Other 9.1% 11

How do you get information about recreational opportunities (select all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) 60.3% 73
City or county website 23.1% 28
General web search 18.2% 22
Trail focused websites (e.g. Alltrails, Trailforks, etc.) 40.5% 49
Paper maps 9.1% 11
Brochures, guidebooks, or other printed media 10.7% 13
Local businesses or outfitters 9.9% 12
Groups such as Pend Oreille Pedalers, Sandpoint Nordic Club, etc. 61.2% 74
Word of mouth 51.2% 62
Schweitzer Mountain Resort 35.5% 43
Other 5.8% 7

What would be the most effective way to communicate with you, your family, and friends about recreational opportunities or stewardship events in the watershed (select all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Instagram 25.2% 30
Facebook 47.1% 56
Twitter 2.5% 3
E-newsletter 69.7% 83
Print or online newspaper 31.1% 37
None 1.7% 2
Other 6.7% 8

Are you?

Response Percent Response Count
A full-time resident and live in Sandpoint city limits 55.7% 68
A full-time Bonner County resident but live outside Sandpoint city limits 38.5% 47
A seasonal resident and/or second homeowner in Sandpoint city limits 4.1% 5
I am a visitor 1.6% 2

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
25 - 34 10.6% 13
35 - 44 21.1% 26
45 - 54 23.6% 29
55 - 64 20.3% 25
65+ 24.4% 30

What is your gender?

Response Percent Response Count
Male 48.8% 60
Female 49.6% 61
I prefer not to answer 1.6% 2

Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding recreation in the Little Sand Creek Watershed?


What different types of recreational activities do you enjoy in the watershed (select all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
Hiking 79.8% 95
Trail Running 25.2% 30
Mountain biking 63.9% 76
Road biking 21.0% 25
E-mountain biking 10.9% 13
Backcountry skiing 30.3% 36
Nordic skiing 35.3% 42
Snowshoeing 42.9% 51
Biking or running on the road 15.1% 18
Berry picking or foraging 55.5% 66
Nature walk, wildlife viewing, bird watching or photography 43.7% 52
Dog walking 35.3% 42
Other 6.7% 8
Preston Andrews inside the County of Bonner
October 23, 2022, 5:33 PM
  • In the past year, approximately how often do you engage in recreational activities within the Little Sand Creek Watershed (e.g. biking, hiking, berry picking, etc.)? Please select one.
    • A few times per year
  • In which season(s) do you typically visit or participate in outdoor recreation in the watershed (select all that apply)?
    • Spring
    • Summer
    • Winter
    • Fall
  • When do you recreate in the watershed?
    • Mostly on weekdays
  • How long have you been recreating in the Little Sand Creek Watershed?
    • 6 - 10 years
  • Please select who you are typically with when you recreate in the watershed. (Select the option or combination that is most common for you.)
    • I recreate alone
  • What type of outdoor recreation activity do you participate in most often in the watershed (select one)?
    • Hiking
  • Where do you most commonly access recreation in the watershed?
    • Schweitzer roundabout parking lot west to the Upper Basin Trail network
  • Do you utilize the summer shuttle?
    • No
  • If you use the summer shuttle, what activity are you using the shuttle for (example: downhill mountain biking, hiking, berry picking, etc.)
    No response.
  • If you use the summer shuttle, how often do you use it in a typical season?
    No response.
  • Please prioritize the following statements by what is most important to you when it comes to the Little Sand Creek Watershed.
    1. Maintaining the ecological balance of the watershed.

      Diversity of wildlife and vegetation
    2. The Little Sand Creek Watershed is owned by the City of Sandpoint's water utility.  It is one of of the two sources (the other being the lake) of drinking water supplied through the Sandpoint water system.  The Sandpoint water utility provides water in the City of Sandpoint as well as the adjacent cities of Ponderay and Kootenai and it also provides wholesale water to the Syringa, Northside and Edelweiss Water Districts.

      Clean, good quality drinking water
    3. A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (which may include restricted areas) to protect other sensitive natural areas other than drinking water.

      Well-planned recreation with access limited based upon sensitive natural areas
    4. A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (including restricted areas) to ensure the quality of drinking water.

      Balancing multiple uses (recreational user desires and maintaining quality drinking water)
    5. Quiet, peaceful interaction with nature.

      Exploration and enjoyment of nature
    6. Close-in recreation in wide-open space with limited to no development.

      Access to "remote backcountry experience" just minutes from Sandpoint
    7. A wide range of activities to benefit all people.

      Public access to recreation for people at all skill levels
  • What are your biggest concerns when it comes to recreation in the watershed?
    • Overuse/too many people
  • What would most improve your recreational experience in the watershed?
    • Educational programs to learn about the watershed
  • How do you get information about recreational opportunities (select all that apply)?
    • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
    • General web search
    • Trail focused websites (e.g. Alltrails, Trailforks, etc.)
    • Paper maps
    • Brochures, guidebooks, or other printed media
  • What would be the most effective way to communicate with you, your family, and friends about recreational opportunities or stewardship events in the watershed (select all that apply)?
    • E-newsletter
    • Print or online newspaper
  • Are you?
    • A full-time resident and live in Sandpoint city limits
  • What is your age?
    • 65+
  • What is your gender?
    • Male
  • Is there anything else you would like to share with us regarding recreation in the Little Sand Creek Watershed?
    No response.
  • What different types of recreational activities do you enjoy in the watershed (select all that apply)?
    • Hiking
    • Backcountry skiing
    • Snowshoeing
    • Berry picking or foraging
    • Nature walk, wildlife viewing, bird watching or photography
    • Dog walking
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Quiet, peaceful interaction with nature.

A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (including restricted areas) to ensure the quality of drinking water.

Close-in recreation in wide-open space with limited to no development.

The Little Sand Creek Watershed is owned by the City of Sandpoint's water utility.  It is one of of the two sources (the other being the lake) of drinking water supplied through the Sandpoint water system.  The Sandpoint water utility provides water in the City of Sandpoint as well as the adjacent cities of Ponderay and Kootenai and it also provides wholesale water to the Syringa, Northside and Edelweiss Water Districts.

A wide range of activities to benefit all people.

Maintaining the ecological balance of the watershed.

A balanced approach that ensures a wide variety of recreation with limitations (which may include restricted areas) to protect other sensitive natural areas other than drinking water.

Check out our guidelines for civility
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