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What is your vision for Sandpoint's future?

82 registered responses

Does the following overall draft vision reflect your aspirations for Sandpoint over the next 20 years? “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come."

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 72.0% 59
No 28.0% 23

If you answered no, or you think something has been missed, please let us know below:


Do you:

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 46.3% 38
Agree 36.6% 30
Neutral 6.1% 5
Disagree 6.1% 5
Strongly Disagree 4.9% 4

Comments (if any):


Do you:

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 61.0% 50
Agree 25.6% 21
Neutral 8.5% 7
Disagree 2.4% 2
Strongly Disagree 2.4% 2

Comments (if any):


Do you:

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 55.6% 45
Agree 25.9% 21
Neutral 6.2% 5
Disagree 7.4% 6
Strongly Disagree 4.9% 4

Comments (if any):


Do you:

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Agree 58.5% 48
Agree 22.0% 18
Neutral 6.1% 5
Disagree 7.3% 6
Strongly Disagree 6.1% 5

Comments (if any):


Please identify any other essential elements that contribute to the unique character and identity of Sandpoint and should be protected and enhanced over the next twenty years.


Are you a resident of the City of Sandpoint?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 70.7% 58
No 29.3% 24

If yes, how long have you lived in Sandpoint?

Response Percent Response Count
1 - 5 Years 18.8% 12
6 - 10 Years 9.4% 6
10 - 20 Years 20.3% 13
More than 20 Years 51.6% 33

Please tell us about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint (check all that apply):

Response Percent Response Count
I work in Sandpoint 48.8% 40
I am retired in Sandpoint 25.6% 21
I often visit Sandpoint 13.4% 11
I own property in Sandpoint 58.5% 48
I have a business interest or am looking to do business in Sandpoint 23.2% 19
Other 41.5% 34
Eric Berntsen inside the County of Bonner
September 2, 2022, 6:53 PM
  • Does the following overall draft vision reflect your aspirations for Sandpoint over the next 20 years? “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come."
    • Yes
  • If you answered no, or you think something has been missed, please let us know below:
    No response.
  • Do you:
    • Strongly Agree
  • Comments (if any):
    No response.
  • Do you:
    • Strongly Agree
  • Comments (if any):
    No response.
  • Do you:
    • Strongly Agree
  • Comments (if any):
    No response.
  • Do you:
    • Strongly Agree
  • Comments (if any):
    No response.
  • Please identify any other essential elements that contribute to the unique character and identity of Sandpoint and should be protected and enhanced over the next twenty years.
    Proximity to running and hiking trails is critical
  • Are you a resident of the City of Sandpoint?
    • Yes
  • If yes, how long have you lived in Sandpoint?
    • 6 - 10 Years
  • Please tell us about your relationship with the City of Sandpoint (check all that apply):
    • I own property in Sandpoint
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  • The Unregistered Channel: Don't sign in and remain anonymous. Community Feedback will just share your response with Sandpoint staff.

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  • To prevent any single user from dominating the forum, the City of Sandpoint restricts the number of responses any one user can post on selected topics. Registration helps Community Feedback enforce this restriction.
  • Users, staff and government leaders often want to know the neighborhood from which a response is posted. Community Feedback uses registration to show the neighborhood next to each response (not the address).
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Neither the registered nor the unregistered channel represent a certified voting system or ballot box - and that caveat is footnoted on every page of feedback. Instead, both are additional channels for feedback to government.

Users can participate on the registered channel (by signing in) or on the unregistered channel (by remaining anonymous). The City of Sandpoint offers both channels in order to broaden participation and maximize decision makers' insights.

The registered channel enables users to assure decision makers that their feedback comes from a real person in a specific neighborhood. It also enables users to participate in a public discussion on the website, as well as manage their own response after posting it.

The unregistered channel is for users who want to provide quick feedback without registering, and/or whose privacy concerns would prevent them from participating if required to register. Because many users with valuable insights will only share them anonymously, this channel gives decision makers the option to consider those insights in their deliberations.

OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Sandpoint has contracted with OpenGov to administer Open Town Hall.

* required

Please indicate your level of agreement that the following value statement and priorities reflect what is important to move our community toward the stated vision: “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come.”


A.  A diverse mix of businesses and nonprofit organizations benefit from the quality education, versatile workforce, fair taxes, sensible regulation, and reliable connections to the region and the world.

  • A dynamic and resilient year-round economy that provides high quality, high-paying jobs and supports entrepreneurs and local businesses with a commitment to place should be fostered.
  • Workforce training, advanced educational opportunities and life-long learning should be encouraged.  
  • Innovation, technological advances, and robust broadband services to support the next generation of job industries, education, and workspace should be embraced.
  • Affordable, quality, and diverse housing options should be facilitated for Sandpoint’s workforce across all income levels.

Please indicate your level of agreement that the following value statement and priorities reflect what is important to move our community toward the stated vision: “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come.”


B.  Development should be based on principles that assure good stewardship of resources and responsible outcomes relative to the built and natural environment.

  • Sandpoint's natural beauty, open space, and scenic views should be protected through thoughtful development patterns.
  • Growth close to daily needs and existing services should be prioritized and future city expansion managed to preserve natural features and ensure services are not overburdened.
  • A mix of land uses and high-quality development that fosters accessible, enduring, and desirable neighborhoods should be encouraged.
  • Recreational access to the surrounding lake, forests, and other natural features should be balanced with environmental protection and stewardship.
  • Our clean water, air quality, dark skies and other natural resources should be safeguarded.

Please indicate your level of agreement that the following value statement and priorities reflect what is important to move our community toward the stated vision: “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come.”


Development should provide connections among people through a diverse mix of housing, walkable and bike-able neighborhoods that are safe and secure, ready access to recreational facilities and public spaces, and robust street and digital infrastructure.

  • The housing needs for Sandpoint’s full-time residents and workforce should be proactively addressed.
  • Neighborhoods should be designed with a sense of community and identity, and the scale and character of establish neighborhoods respected.
  • Walkability and a comfortable, safe, and aesthetically engaging pedestrian experience for all ages should be fostered.
  • Community connectivity, livability and health, economic vitality, and access to commerce, services, and businesses should be enhanced through a strategic mix of land use and multimodal transportation investments.
  • Cross-community connectivity, safe access to transit, passenger rail, the airport, waterfronts, community destinations, downtown, neighborhoods, and businesses should be strengthened.
  • People should be connected to outdoor experiences through our local and regional network of trails and paths.
  • Cycling should be recognized as essential to a healthy and equitable community, as both a recreational pursuit and a viable means of transportation in all seasons.

Please indicate your level of agreement that the following value statements and priorities reflect what is important to move our community toward the stated vision: “The City of Sandpoint celebrates our local culture, character, and connections with our scenic surroundings, and cultivates a vibrant community for generations to come.”


The Sandpoint community should be inspired to create, experience, and support our history, social events, recreational pursuits, and art of all kinds.

  • Being known as one of the nation’s best small arts towns should be a community  aspiration.
  • The strong sense of pride in the city’s history should be honored with robust standards for design, preservation, and development.
  • Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods should be promoted and enhanced as the cornerstone of Sandpoint’s historic charm and small-town feel.
  • Access to high-quality and diverse parks, natural amenities, and outdoor recreation opportunities should be expanded.
  • A spirit of inclusion and adaptability is essential to accommodate the needs of residents of all ages and abilities in community gathering spaces, events, and programming.

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