What are your thoughts about the recommended solutions to improve the Division Avenue corridor and its safety and the citywide bicycle/pedestrian networks?
Division Avenue Road Safety Audit and Citywide Pedestrian/Bicycle Priority Networks
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Lack of snow storage and no snow removal on the east side creates an issue on the sidewalks and paths which pushes school children and other users into the road
- Lack of a pedestrian crosswalk between Cedar Street and Spruce Street
- School zone speed areas not adhered to consistently
- Limited roadway/crosswalk lighting in some areas
- Shrubbery/foliage overhanging into sidewalks
- The final configuration shall consider delivery access needs along the corridor
Recommended Solutions
These proposed solutions on Division require implementation of the Baldy Extension project, which will be featured in our Part 3 final series of solutions and concepts posted for public review and comment.
- Implement a walking school bus program
- Implement a crossing guard during school closing peak period
- Add an east-west crosswalk at Fir Street
- Increase school zone sign visibility – change school zone speed limit to the school peak opening and closing time frames
- Reconfigure northbound approach at Division Ave & Pine St
- Perform lighting inventory and add lighting as needed
- Remove/cut back vegetation in problem areas
Medium to Long-term
- Redo the pedestrian ramps to be ADA compliant
- Relocate power poles in the sidewalk at Division Ave & Fir St and Division Ave & Larch St
- Reconfigure the cross-section of Division Avenue to include two travel lanes (one lane in each direction), 6 feet buffer and 6 feet sidewalk on the eastside, 8 feet planter strip and 12 feet multi-use path on the westside.
You can review the full safety audit report by clicking the link here. The audit report findings will be presented at the Sandpoint City Council meeting on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Gaps in pedestrian connectivity and sidewalks occur on various streets throughout Sandpoint.
- Some streets have adequate sidewalks; while others have missing gaps or areas that need repairs and upgrades.
- Resources are limited to address these gaps all at once; streets must be prioritized and addressed in phases.
- Maintenance and condition of existing sidewalks varies throughout town.
Recommended Solutions
- Identify and implement a priority pedestrian network as shown in draft map below for public review.
- The priority network will guide decision-making on investment in projects and pedestrian improvements with each budget cycle.
- The City anticipates setting aside funding annually for a sidewalk improvements program and working to address gaps in the pedestrian network, focused on the priority routes identified in the priority pedestrian network map.
Other Pedestrian and Bicycle Recommendations
- Focus on key routes for implementing a citywide bicycle network as shown in the below draft map for public review.
Additional Draft Recommendations to Support Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility and Access to Transit:
- Snow Removal Program: consider designating priority network plan as critical area.
- Maintenance Program: consider designating priority network plan as critical area.
- Improve multimodal access to/from Amtrak Station (pedestrian, bicycle, transit).
- Work with SPOT to identify priorities and improve pedestrian access to/from transit stops and/or relocate some SPOT stops.
- Partner with SPOT on improving accessibility of SPOT stops within public right-of-way.
- Consider allowance of bicycles on sidewalks on specific routes in Downtown Sandpoint only to facilitate access to/from City Beach.
- Conduct a study to determine micro-mobility such as bike share/scooter share pros and cons in Downtown Sandpoint and for access to/from waterfront.
- Develop and implement a Traffic calming request program/ policy
- Accessibility Improvements Planning/Program— Set aside budget allocation each year for phased accessibility improvements throughout town, including but not limited to parking improvements resulting from the parking study to be completed in 2021.
Past Deadline
The deadline for posting statements was 12:00 PM on February 12, 2021
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