What are your thoughts about the transportation changes proposed to improve east-west connectivity into and through Sandpoint?
Several changes are proposed to increase east-west connectivity into and through Sandpoint. A summary of the key issues and considerations, recommended short- and long-term solutions and a graphic identifying the locations and changes can be found below:
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Intersection control is somewhat abnormal and confusing
- Intersection is confusing for visitors on which direction to go – wayfinding signage
- Neighbors are concerned about the amount of cut-through traffic in south Sandpoint
Recommended Solutions
- Redo the striping and add signage to limit westbound-through traffic onto W Superior St and westbound to southbound left-turns from Superior Street onto First Avenue
- Explore need for a traffic signal
- Explore need to implement physical devices (raised medians or the like) to further restrict westbound-through traffic onto W Superior St and westbound to southbound left-turns from Superior Street onto First Avenue
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Intersection will be congested during peak times and will continue to get worse with future traffic growth, the proposed changes to the Pine Street corridor, and the proposed changes at First Ave & Bridge Street.
Recommended Solutions
- Convert from an all-way stop to a traffic signal
Keys Issues and Considerations
East Pine Street is limited to one-way eastbound.
- This encourages more cut-through traffic on Superior Street and Lake Street.
- This does not provide a main thoroughfare for travel between US-2 and US-95.
Recommended Solutions
- Convert Pine Street to two-way travel between Fifth Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
- Remove bulb-out on northeast corner of the intersection.
- Install a traffic signal and coordinate the signal timings with the Cedar Street traffic signal to the north and the Boyer Avenue traffic signal to the southwest.
- US-2/Fifth Ave to be converted to a couplet between Cedar Street and Pine Street
- Retain a traffic signal at this location
Keys Issues and Considerations
- The traffic signal at this location is in close proximity to the traffic signal at Cedar Street. To favor the north-south traffic on Fifth Avenue, the vehicle queueing on Church Street spills back to intersections to the east causing additional congestion in the core of downtown.
Recommended Solutions
- Remove the traffic signal at this location and move it to Pine Street. This provides better traffic signal spacing between the other traffic signals along US-2/Fifth Ave.
- US-2/Fifth Ave to be converted to a couplet between Cedar Street and Pine Street (the “Curve” concept)
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Given the location of this intersection with its close proximity to the curve in the road of US-2 (resulting in limited sight distance) both to the east and west, left-turns from Pine Street onto Euclid Avenue and left-turns from Euclid Avenue onto Pine Street present safety concerns.
Recommended Solutions
- Convert this intersection to a right-turn movement in and right-turn movement out only – restricting left-turns in and out at this location.
- US-2/Fifth Ave to be converted to a couplet between Cedar Street and Pine Street (the “Curve” concept)
Keys Issues and Considerations
- Given the location of this intersection with its close proximity to the curve in the road of US-2 (resulting in limited sight distance) both to the east and west, left-turns from Pine Street onto Sixth Avenue and left-turns from Sixth Avenue onto Pine Street present safety concerns.
Recommended Solutions
- Convert this intersection to a right-turn movement in and right-turn movement out only – restricting left-turns in and out at this location.
- US-2/Fifth Ave to be converted to a couplet between Cedar Street and Pine Street (the “Curve” concept)
Keys Issues and Considerations
Pine Street is limited to one-way eastbound between Fifth Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
- This encourages more cut-through traffic on Superior Street and Lake Street.
- This does not provide a main thoroughfare for travel between US-2 and US-95.
Recommended Solutions
- Convert Pine Street to two-way travel between Fifth Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
- Remove bulb-out on northeast corner of the Fifth Ave & Pine St intersection.
US-2/Pine St to be converted to a couplet between Cedar Street and Pine Street (the “Curve” concept)
- Explore the potential of retaining Pine Street as two-way travel between approximately Sixth Avenue and Fifth Avenue with the couplet concept – this will keep Pine Street as the main east-west thoroughfare in downtown.
The intersections and connectivity at First Avenue/Bridge Street and First Avenue/Church Street require their consideration and depiction. The image below identifies the key issues and considerations at these locations as well as the recommended solutions. The image depicts the short-term changes being considered for Bridge/First. If traffic, pedestrian and bicycle counts continue to increase at this location, additional improvements as discussed may be required to achieve a long-term solution.
Keys Issues and Considerations
- During peak summer months these two intersections experience a high amount of delay for vehicles caused by the large number of pedestrians crossing these roadways.
- The analysis shows that this intersection currently fails, and that a long-term solution may be warranted upon further monitoring of conditions.
Recommended Solutions
- Implement physical devices (planters or raised medians) to restrict left-turns from Bridge Street on to First Avenue.
Depending upon actual future conditions the following solution may become warranted to provide functionality and safety.
Close First Avenue between Church Street and Bridge Street to create a pedestrian-only zone (similar to a plaza).
- This will naturally restrict First Ave & Bridge St to a free-flow north to eastbound movement and west to southbound movement and will restrict First Ave & Church St to a free flow east to northbound movement and south to westbound movement.
- This will help reduce the vehicle delay at both intersections by eliminating stop signs and reducing the amount of pedestrian and vehicle conflicts.
- This recommendation also helps incentivize the cut-through traffic (traffic wanting to travel from US-95 to US-2, and vice versa) to travel along Pine Street rather than through the core of downtown where traffic is intended to move slower with the amount of pedestrian activity and on-street parking.
- The existing grid network in the downtown area will allow traffic to distribute evenly through downtown to reach their destinations.
Past Deadline
The deadline for posting statements was 12:00 PM on February 12, 2021
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