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Digital Customer Experience Survey

Please help the City of San Diego learn how we can improve our customer service.

Guía de Participación Ciudadana Inclusiva

Por favor háganos saber sus preferencias de participación ciudadana en San Diego.

Inclusive Public Engagement Guide

Please take a moment to share your preferences for engaging with the City.

Public Restroom Installation at Old Trolley Barn Park

Please complete this survey to provide your input on the proposed installation of a public restroom at Old Trolley Barn Park.

Preguntas de la encuesta de evaluación de la equidad del cannabis

Por favor, ayude a la Ciudad de San Diego a crear recomendaciones para un futuro Programa de Solicitantes de Equidad de Cannabis.

Cannabis Equity Assessment Survey

Please help the City of San Diego create recommendations for a future Cannabis Equity Applicant Program.

Point La Jolla Sea Lion Survey

Please share your input on management of Point La Jolla.