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Open Town Hall

Please take a moment to share your preferences for engaging with the City.

85 registered responses

How has your experience been at City-led public participation events (e.g. community meetings, public workshops)?

Response Percent Response Count
Very positive 8.2% 7
Positive 20.0% 17
Neutral 29.4% 25
Negative 12.9% 11
Very negative 10.6% 9
I don’t know/Have not participated 18.8% 16

What available resources would encourage you or make it easier for you to attend public meetings to provide input to the City? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Translation/interpretation services at the meeting 16.7% 13
Transportation expense to/from the meeting covered 28.2% 22
Childcare provided onsite 17.9% 14
Food provided 28.2% 22
Other 59.0% 46

Which days are most convenient for you to attend City-led public engagement events? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Weekend Mornings 30.6% 26
Weekend Afternoons 38.8% 33
Weekend Evenings 23.5% 20
Weekday Mornings 4.7% 4
Weekday Afternoons 20.0% 17
Weekday Evenings 58.8% 50
Available Anytime 11.8% 10
Other 3.5% 3

If the City were to host a pop-up event to share information about City initiatives and collect public feedback, which location(s) are most convenient for you? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Park 70.6% 60
Public plaza 42.4% 36
Church 21.2% 18
Grocery store 14.1% 12
Public transit 22.4% 19
Recreation center 58.8% 50
Street 16.5% 14
Shopping mall 14.1% 12
Library 71.8% 61
School 56.5% 48
Other 8.2% 7

In which ways would you be most likely to provide your IN-PERSON input to the City? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
In-person large public meetings (+20 people) 45.2% 38
In-person small public meetings (6-20 people) 72.6% 61
In-person focused group meetings (5 or fewer people) 52.4% 44
Tours/field trips/site visits 32.1% 27
House meeting 10.7% 9
Community chats at local venues: coffee shops, restaurants, etc. 45.2% 38
Door-knocking 11.9% 10
Do not prefer any of these 2.4% 2
Other 10.7% 9

In which ways would you be most likely to provide your VIRTUAL/ONLINE input to the City? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Online survey 76.2% 64
Phone calls/hotlines 8.3% 7
Zoom meetings 60.7% 51
Video conferencing 26.2% 22
Livestreams (Twitch, YouTube Live, etc.) 20.2% 17
Do not prefer any of these 4.8% 4
Other 7.1% 6

In which ways would you be most likely to communicate your input to the City? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Text messages 41.7% 35
WhatsApp 11.9% 10
E-mail 76.2% 64
Traditional mail 15.5% 13
Social media page 35.7% 30
E-newsletter 22.6% 19
Do not prefer any of these 4.8% 4
Other 8.3% 7

What words would best describe your ideal participation experience when providing input for City plans, policies or programs? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Casual 61.4% 51
Formal 25.3% 21
Brief 31.3% 26
Leisurely 7.2% 6
Energetic 14.5% 12
Simple 36.1% 30
Data-Driven 50.6% 42
Social 24.1% 20
Meaningful 61.4% 51
Individual 9.6% 8
Led by the community 41.0% 34
Led by experts 25.3% 21
Interactive 57.8% 48
Fun 18.1% 15
Educational 45.8% 38
Conversational 53.0% 44
Other 12.0% 10

Where do you find trustworthy information about what is happening in your community? For example, what places, groups, or news sources (e.g. church, school, newspaper, community organization, TV news, internet news)?


How can the City build trust and encourage continuous dialogue with you? (Select all your preferred options.)

Response Percent Response Count
Provide timely feedback on where my input was used 64.3% 54
Engage the community continuously 57.1% 48
Engage the community in diverse ways 48.8% 41
Communicate realistic and clear timelines and expectations 54.8% 46
Create a transparent decision-making process 63.1% 53
Be open and responsive in communication channels 69.0% 58
Implement active listening best practices 42.9% 36
Other 22.6% 19

What is your overall level of concern or interest regarding the City’s different plans, policies and programs?

Response Percent Response Count
High 66.7% 56
Moderate 32.1% 27
Low 1.2% 1

What is your zip code? (Your zip code helps City employees better understand and assess specific community needs.)


What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
25 or younger 21.4% 18
26-34 8.3% 7
35-44 10.7% 9
45-54 8.3% 7
55-64 15.5% 13
65+ 28.6% 24
Prefer not to answer 7.1% 6

Which race category best describes you? Please select one.

Response Percent Response Count
Asian 6.0% 5
Black or African American 7.1% 6
White 52.4% 44
Two or more races 9.5% 8
Prefer not to answer 25.0% 21

Are you of Hispanic, Latino/Latina/Latinx, or Spanish ethnicity?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes, of Hispanic, Latino/Latina, Latinx, or Spanish ethnicity 22.0% 18
No, not of Hispanic, Latino/Latina, Latinx, or Spanish ethnicity 54.9% 45
Prefer not to answer 23.2% 19

With which gender identity do you most identify?

Response Percent Response Count
Female 36.9% 31
Male 45.2% 38
Transgender male 2.4% 2
Prefer not to answer 14.3% 12
Other 1.2% 1

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