If other, what other feature would you like to see included?
A security Guard on duty 24/7. No bathroom in Trolley Barn Park. It will not be safe for the children.
If installed, would you prefer the public restroom(s) be open 24 hours a day or closed each night?
Closed each night
If installed, what number of restroom stalls would you prefer?
No response.
What is your zip code? (Your zip code helps City employees better understand and assess specific community needs.)
On average, how often do you visit Old Trolley Barn Park each month?
5+ times per month
Do you have any other input related to this proposal for the City of San Diego?
Please, no bathroom.
Which race category best describes you? Please select one.
Two or more races
Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish ethnicity?
Prefer not to answer
What is your age range?
Are you a renter or homeowner?
With which gender identity do you most identify?
Open Town Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Do you support the installation of a public restroom at Old Trolley Barn Park?
If a public restroom was installed at Old Trolley Barn Park, what would you like to see included?
Please list your highest priority at the top of the list and your lowest priority at the bottom of the list.
If other, what other feature would you like to see included?
A security Guard on duty 24/7. No bathroom in Trolley Barn Park. It will not be safe for the children.If installed, would you prefer the public restroom(s) be open 24 hours a day or closed each night?
If installed, what number of restroom stalls would you prefer?
No response.What is your zip code? (Your zip code helps City employees better understand and assess specific community needs.)
92116On average, how often do you visit Old Trolley Barn Park each month?
Do you have any other input related to this proposal for the City of San Diego?
Please, no bathroom.
Which race category best describes you? Please select one.
Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish ethnicity?
What is your age range?
Are you a renter or homeowner?
With which gender identity do you most identify?