Subscribe to Open Town Hall

Input on the Next Redwood City Fire Chief
Would you like to provide input on the next Redwood City Fire Chief?
2023 Redwood City Economic Development Survey (Business Owner Survey)
How is the health of your business and what ways can the City support you?
Aportaciones sobre el próximo jefe de policía de Redwood City
¿Le gustaría dar su opinión sobre el próximo Jefe de Policía de Redwood City?
Input on the Next Redwood City Police Chief
Would you like to provide input on the next Redwood City Police Chief?
Community Parklet Survey
What do you think of the future of Parklets in our City?
Parklet Survey for Interested Businesses
Are you interested in having a parklet in front of your business?
Hopkins Ave Traffic Safety Project
The purpose of this survey is to decide whether the Hopkins Avenue Traffic Safety Project should be implemented permanently.
Hazard Pay for Grocery Workers
Should the Redwood City City Council require hazard pay and other benefits for grocery and drug store workers?
Redwood City Shopper Survey
How has COVID-19 impacted your shopping preferences and habits?
Redwood City Business Survey