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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants

Name not available February 3, 2025, 7:14 PM

First, we would like get to know you better. 1 millions de dollars
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here, Work here, Attend school or college here, Grew up here, Shop or spend social time here, None of the above, Other - Financement
What is your connection to North Fair Oaks? (Select all that apply) Work here
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Live here
Please select any interactions that you have had with the Redwood City Fire Department during the last year. Check all that apply. The Fire Department provided emergency medical service to me or a member of my family, The Fire Department provided non-medical emergency aid to me or a member of my family, I have attended a community event that involved the fire department, I have had a business, commercial or residential inspection conducted by the Fire Department, I participated in the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program, I follow the Fire Department on social media, I have not had any interaction with the Fire Department within the last year, Other - Financement
If you have had an interaction with the Fire Department, how would you rate our service? Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
How important are these services (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please list any opportunities for improvement you would like to share regarding your fire department. BP 28 VOGAN TOGO
What method(s) would you prefer the Fire Department utilize to deliver safety and education information to you? (Select all that apply) Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), Email, Fire Department Web Page, Public meetings, gatherings, and/or training sessions, Pulse Point (Emergency notification website and app), ZoneHaven (evacuation website/app)
What else would you like to share with us as we reimagine how we provide services to our community? Demande de partenariat et d'agrément et de sollicitation de financement de subvention pour la réalisation des projets d'investissement et de développement international et durable


Tel. +228 90654827

Name not shown January 23, 2025, 11:33 AM

First, we would like get to know you better. Barbara Bocca
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here, Shop or spend social time here
What is your connection to North Fair Oaks? (Select all that apply) Other - Neighboring community on East Bayshore Rd, Redwood City
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Other - Same as above
Please select any interactions that you have had with the Redwood City Fire Department during the last year. Check all that apply. I have not had any interaction with the Fire Department within the last year
If you have had to call for service from the Fire Department, what do you recall most about the service we provided? Fast response, courteous firemen/women, knowledgeable and respectful!
I needed them 3 years ago after fracturing my femur!
How important are these services (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Please list any strengths you would like to share regarding your fire department Our fire department is top notch!
Please list any opportunities for improvement you would like to share regarding your fire department. Keep up the good work!
What method(s) would you prefer the Fire Department utilize to deliver safety and education information to you? (Select all that apply) Email, Fire Department Web Page, Pulse Point (Emergency notification website and app)
What else would you like to share with us as we reimagine how we provide services to our community? Congrats to our new Fire Chief

Name not available October 12, 2024, 3:16 PM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Deep awareness of, respect for, and ability to connect with different cultures in the community, Demonstrates integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, ethical decision making, and fairness, Effective leader with the ability to build and maintain credibility within the Fire Department and the community
What is going well in the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Responding to emergencies, Community outreach and education programs
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Ability to work with community partners to provide public safety services, Providing information about department activities and responding to community feedback
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here, Shop or spend social time here, Grew up in Redwood City
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Shop or spend social time here
What is your age? 26-40
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Woman
What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Caucasian / White
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? No
What is your estimated personal income from last year? $63,951-83,760
Do you identify as having a physical, learning, mental health, or other disability? No

Name not shown October 11, 2024, 4:37 PM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Has a strong track record and broad experience leading Fire and emergency services, Ability to identify and address public safety issues facing our communities
What is going well in the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Professionalism and conduct of firefighters, Ability to work with community partners to provide public safety services
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Responding to emergencies, Professionalism and conduct of firefighters, Emergency response readiness
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Shop or spend social time here
What is your age? 56-70
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Man

Name not shown October 11, 2024, 4:26 PM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Has a strong track record and broad experience leading Fire and emergency services, Demonstrates integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, ethical decision making, and fairness, Ability to identify and address public safety issues facing our communities
What is going well in the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Responding to emergencies, Professionalism and conduct of firefighters, Other - Please see my comment below.
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Community outreach and education programs, Emergency response readiness, Recruiting and retaining qualified firefighters/paramedics
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here, Shop or spend social time here, Grew up in Redwood City, Other - Worked my entire career here in RCSD and SUHSD.
What is your age? 71-85
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Woman
What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Caucasian / White
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? No
What is your estimated personal income from last year? $125,651-209,400
Do you identify as having a physical, learning, mental health, or other disability? No

Ed Everett October 11, 2024, 2:06 PM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Deep awareness of, respect for, and ability to connect with different cultures in the community, Demonstrates integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, ethical decision making, and fairness, Effective leader with the ability to build and maintain credibility within the Fire Department and the community
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Professionalism and conduct of firefighters, Ability to work with community partners to provide public safety services, Innovation in providing public safety services
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) No connection
What is your age? 71-85
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Man
What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Caucasian / White
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? No
What is your estimated personal income from last year? $209,401+
Do you identify as having a physical, learning, mental health, or other disability? No

Name not available October 6, 2024, 6:33 PM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Deep awareness of, respect for, and ability to connect with different cultures in the community, Experience incorporating new technology to support fire and emergency services, Other - Has a desire to create efficiencies in the department with equipment and vehicle use
What is going well in the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Emergency response readiness, Recruiting and retaining qualified firefighters and paramedics
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Innovation in providing public safety services, Engaging with non-English speaking communities
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here, Work here, Shop or spend social time here
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Live here, Work here
What is your age? 41-55
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Man
What is your race/ethnicity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Caucasian / White
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? No
What is your estimated personal income from last year? Prefer not to say
Do you identify as having a physical, learning, mental health, or other disability? No

Name not available September 30, 2024, 10:13 AM

What are the top three most important qualities and characteristics for the next Fire Chief to have? Has a strong track record and broad experience leading Fire and emergency services, Demonstrates integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, ethical decision making, and fairness, Effective leader with the ability to build and maintain credibility within the Fire Department and the community
What is going well in the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Responding to emergencies, Professionalism and conduct of firefighters, Emergency response readiness
What are your concerns with the Fire Department? (choose up to 3) Fire prevention and inspection services, Emergency response readiness, Recruiting and retaining qualified firefighters/paramedics
What is your connection to Redwood City? (Select all that apply) Live here
What is your connection to San Carlos? (Select all that apply) Shop or spend social time here
What is your age? 56-70
What is your gender identity? Check all that apply and if it is not included on the list, please tell us in the next question Prefer not to say
Do you identify as LGBTQ+? No
What is your estimated personal income from last year? $125,651-209,400
Do you identify as having a physical, learning, mental health, or other disability? No

Adali Arroyo September 24, 2024, 9:23 AM

How many sessions of the speaker series did you attend? 3 - 4
How would you rate your experience overall in the Management Analyst Speaker Series? Excellent
How satisfied were you with the selected locations and the time of day for the speaker series? Very satisfied with both
Did the series meet your expectations? Exceeded
Please specify in what ways the series met or did not meet your expectations. The level of transparency offered by the guest speakers was beyond what I expected. The types of questions asked from other Management Analysts were insightful and helpful.
What did you like and feel we did well?
Please list up to three aspects of the series that you liked and feel we did well.
-The variety in guest speakers offered unique perspectives into local government career trajectories and experience.
-The analyst participation rate and attendance
-The amount of time allocated for analyst to ask question
How did the series help you connect, learn, or collaborate, and what valuable or inspiring insights did you gain? -By simply being in the same room as others in similar roles facilitated work and non work conversations I otherwise probably wouldn't have had
-Learned how others handle similar work issues and the types of thought process had by the questions asked to the guest speaker

What is your vision for the future of the Management Analyst Group? Please share any specific topics, activities or goals you would like to see included. The series was great, I also think it could be helpful to have a couple meetings where analysts discuss how they navigate certain work situations/projects/assignments/people.
What actions or changes would help improve the Management Analyst Group and better meet your needs?" -Similar response as above, having a space where we can offer each other advice/suggestions on different issues/topics.
Based on your experience, how likely are you to stay involved in the Management Analyst Group? Very Likely

Name not available September 20, 2024, 8:57 AM

How many sessions of the speaker series did you attend? 5 or more
How would you rate your experience overall in the Management Analyst Speaker Series? Very Good
How satisfied were you with the selected locations and the time of day for the speaker series? Very satisfied with both
Did the series meet your expectations? Exceeded
Please specify in what ways the series met or did not meet your expectations. It was great to hear from DH's and learn about their career paths. Many of whom have been working in RWC for decades and had great things to say about the evolvement of their job but also the way they manage their teams. It met expectations but feeling that this group is important and appreciated by the various speakers who took time out to help empower us.
What did you like and feel we did well?
Please list up to three aspects of the series that you liked and feel we did well.
It is always nice to provide lunch and give a good mid-day break to reflect and learn.
Providing advance notice of when the meetings would be held is always helpful.
Allowed time for us to ask question and collaborate.
How did the series help you connect, learn, or collaborate, and what valuable or inspiring insights did you gain? It strengthens the importance of our roles in the city and in our departments. It is a good visual of the others who are also in our same classification.
Again, the inspiring take aways were from each of the speakers. Even if it was one thing that they said, it made us think.
What is your vision for the future of the Management Analyst Group? Please share any specific topics, activities or goals you would like to see included. If the CM is deciding to continue the series then we could create working groups to help her tackle city initiatives. There are a variety of priorities she has and if we focused on 2-3 per year, the group might contribute more and be helpful. It would be helpful to have that yearly calendar of what the topics might be or what is important to focus on each time. It might be good to survey the management team to see what they think of our roles. We tend to work along side of them without really having any authority or leadership opportunities to improve efficiencies. Maybe have one of them speak but the topic should relate to what MA's do or could support.
What actions or changes would help improve the Management Analyst Group and better meet your needs?" Potentially setting aside one hour and 15 minutes or an hour and a half it is is more a working/brainstorming session.
Based on your experience, how likely are you to stay involved in the Management Analyst Group? Very Likely
If you selected “Neutral” “Unlikely” or “Very Unlikely”, Please explain why you chose this level of likelihood. If the CM is showing commitment to this group, then we should to. There are a lot of new employees in the group that would benefit from staying involved but also need to make sure the "seasoned" MA's have buy in as well. Has to be a collaborative effort.