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What are some of the challenges businesses are facing due to COVID-19?

31 registered responses

What kind of business do you own/operate?

Response Percent Response Count
Eating Establishment 29.0% 9
Retail 9.7% 3
Service Business 3.2% 1
Personal Services (e.g., nail salon, hair salon, massage) 3.2% 1
Professional or Technical Services 3.2% 1
Educational Services 9.7% 3
Health Care Services 6.5% 2
Hospitality 3.2% 1
Home-based business 3.2% 1
Other 29.0% 9

How many employees do you currently have?

Response Percent Response Count
0 3.2% 1
1-4 51.6% 16
5-9 12.9% 4
10-19 22.6% 7
20-49 6.5% 2
100-499 3.2% 1

What is the current status of your business?

Response Percent Response Count
Fully operational 22.6% 7
Temporarily closed 9.7% 3
Limited operating hours 38.7% 12
Remote work/online only 6.5% 2
Other 22.6% 7

Have you taken any of the following actions? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Employees let go 29.0% 9
Employees furloughed or temporarily laid off 48.4% 15
Employees on reduced hours 74.2% 23
Employees have been re-hired 22.6% 7

How is your business doing since July 1, 2020?

Response Percent Response Count
Worse 61.3% 19
Slight improvement 25.8% 8
No change 12.9% 4

If current economic conditions continue or worsen, how long do you believe you can sustain your business?

Response Percent Response Count
Three months 32.3% 10
Six months 35.5% 11
1 year 22.6% 7
Indefinitely 9.7% 3

If you applied for and received financial support, please indicate the names of the programs from which you received funds

Response Percent Response Count
Paycheck Protection Program Loan (SBA) 88.5% 23
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (SBA) 34.6% 9
Economic Injury Disaster Grant (SBA) 15.4% 4
Private banking loans 3.8% 1
San Mateo County Strong - Small Business Grant Program 26.9% 7
Loans or grants from other entities (private companies, foundations, etc.) 15.4% 4
Other 11.5% 3

What challenges are you facing in operating your business? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Cost of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and supplies required by County health orders 41.9% 13
Availability of PPE supplies 19.4% 6
Cost of materials, supplies and products for sale by business 32.3% 10
Difficulty obtaining materials, supplies and products for sale by business 19.4% 6
Difficulty understanding County and State health orders 19.4% 6
No money or time for marketing and promotion of business 48.4% 15
Difficulty hiring employees 9.7% 3
Difficulty retaining employees 29.0% 9
Other 41.9% 13

How are you selling products and services? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Most of my sales are now online orders 25.8% 8
Orders are delivered 19.4% 6
Orders are mailed 6.5% 2
Orders are picked up by customers 41.9% 13
Transactions are at place of business 41.9% 13
Other 19.4% 6

What advertising or promotion tools do you use? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
None 9.7% 3
Email 58.1% 18
Social media 80.6% 25
Website 80.6% 25
Print advertising in local newspapers 6.5% 2
Consistent printed or electronic communication with customers 25.8% 8
Promotion of sales and incentives to encourage customer loyalty and attract new customers 38.7% 12
Other 6.5% 2

Please indicate which of the following resources would be most helpful to your business. Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Access to capital (grants or loans) 80.6% 25
Assistance with marketing and promotions 41.9% 13
Creating and improving websites and online sales 25.8% 8
Use of social media 32.3% 10
Technical assistance with merchandising, store layouts, menu options, etc. 6.5% 2
Finding employees 9.7% 3
Assistance with regulatory permitting (city, county, state and federal) 29.0% 9
Other 22.6% 7

What can the City do to assist small businesses? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Assistance with tenant/landlord relations 32.3% 10
Streamline permitting (building, planning, public works) for making modifications to business space in order to operate under new health orders and for delivering services and products 25.8% 8
Identify grants and loans for businesses 80.6% 25
Provide clear and consistent information about county and state health orders 41.9% 13
Provide online resources and tools that help businesses meet state and county health order requirements 29.0% 9
Provide information about digital tools that can help improve sales 22.6% 7
Other 29.0% 9

Would a "shop local campaign" assist your business?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 58.1% 18
No 41.9% 13

If yes, what do you think would be helpful? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Marketing campaign to raise business visibility 94.7% 18
Phone App incentive program 31.6% 6
Other 10.5% 2

What is the best way to communicate information to you? Please select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Email 96.8% 30
Phone 25.8% 8
Social media 9.7% 3
City website 6.5% 2
Traditional mail 6.5% 2

Name of Business


Preferred contact person




Email address



Name not available
December 14, 2020, 5:03 PM
  • What kind of business do you own/operate?
    • Other - Insurance Agency
  • How many employees do you currently have?
    • 1-4
  • What is the current status of your business?
    • Other - shorter hours
  • Have you taken any of the following actions? Please select all that apply.
    • Employees on reduced hours
  • How is your business doing since July 1, 2020?
    • Worse
  • If current economic conditions continue or worsen, how long do you believe you can sustain your business?
    • Three months
  • If you applied for and received financial support, please indicate the names of the programs from which you received funds
    • Paycheck Protection Program Loan (SBA)
  • What challenges are you facing in operating your business? Please select all that apply.
    • Cost of materials, supplies and products for sale by business
    • No money or time for marketing and promotion of business
  • How are you selling products and services? Please select all that apply.
    • Transactions are at place of business
  • What advertising or promotion tools do you use? Please select all that apply.
    • Social media
    • Website
    • Print advertising in local newspapers
    • Promotion of sales and incentives to encourage customer loyalty and attract new customers
  • Please indicate which of the following resources would be most helpful to your business. Please select all that apply.
    • Access to capital (grants or loans)
    • Assistance with marketing and promotions
    • Creating and improving websites and online sales
  • What can the City do to assist small businesses? Please select all that apply.
    • Identify grants and loans for businesses
  • Would a "shop local campaign" assist your business?
    • Yes
  • If yes, what do you think would be helpful? Please select all that apply.
    • Marketing campaign to raise business visibility
    • Phone App incentive program
  • What is the best way to communicate information to you? Please select all that apply.
    • Email
  • Name of Business
    Marketing Direct Insurance Services, Inc
  • Preferred contact person
    Jennifer Barajas
  • Address
    463 Brewster Ave Ste 5
  • Email address
    [email protected]
  • Phone
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