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64 Results

PLRZ20220244- Provost South Neighborhood

Provost South Neighborhood - What do you think about the proposed zone change to build a twin home?

PLRZ20220191 - Sunset Neighborhood

Sunset Neighborhood - What do you think about the proposed zone change to build a single-family residence?

PLRZ20220159 - Joaquin Neighborhood

Joaquin Neighborhood - What do you think of the proposed zone change in order to build an apartment building?

PLOTA20220144 - Citywide

What do you think of the proposed amendment to Provo City Code to add mixed-use zones?

PLOTA20220167 - Citywide

What do you think of the proposed amendment to Provo City Code related to annexation?

PLOTA20220010 - Citywide

What do you think about the proposed design standard regulation changes for the West Gateway Zone (between downtown and I-15)?

PLRZ20220008 - Riverbottoms Neighborhood

What do you think about a zone change at 5544 N River Run Drive in the Riverbottoms Neighborhood to allow for a new multi-family residential district?

PLSV20220006 - Riverbottoms Neighborhood

What do you think about a request to vacate a street at 5404 N Edgewood Drive in the Riverbottoms Neighborhood to allow for new office development?

PLGPA20220004 - Riverbottoms Neighborhood

What do you think about a General Plan Map amendment at 5515 N Edgewood Drive in the Riverbottoms Neighborhood to allow for new office development?

PLRZ20220005 - Riverbottoms Neighborhood

What do you think about a zone change at 5515 N Edgewood Drive in the Riverbottoms Neighborhood to allow for new office development?

PLRZ20200419 - Spring Creek Neighborhood

What do you think about a zone change from light manufacturing to low density residential for 1.58 acres in the Spring Creek Neighborhood?

PLRZ20210400 - Riverbottoms Neighborhood

What do you think about a zone change at 193 W 4800 N to allow for a 6-unit townhome development in the Riverbottoms Neighborhood?

PLRZ20210331 - Grandview North Neighborhood

Grandview North Neighborhood - What do you think about the proposed zone change to allow the conversion of an assisted living center to apartments?

PLRZ20210271 - Provo Bay Neighborhood

Provo Bay Neighborhood Neighborhood - What do you think about the proposed zone change from residential to commercial for a property at 2075 W Center Street?