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The West Side Committee has been developing a proposed land use map as a vision for Provo's future west of the freeway. What do you think of what they have proposed?

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34 registered comments

Please tell us what you think of the Southwest Area future land use map. What do you like/support? What would you change? What do you have questions about?

Becky Bogdin inside City Boundary
May 20, 2018, 3:32 PM
  • Please tell us what you think of the Southwest Area future land use map. What do you like/support? What would you change? What do you have questions about?

    1-15 and 500 west interchange.
    1. I like the buffer between the residential and commercial. I appreciate how the mdr zone lines both the dike system and 500 west. I would like to see this built jointly with the commercial not the mdr, then years later the commercial. Where East Bay and the mall are both struggling, I would like to see a statement in the notes stating this portion can be developed after east bay and the mall are strong and doing well.

    2. A dike trail would need to be installed in order to preserve them from being torn down. With this current plan the dikes would still be needed. Parks and Rec supports a circular trail around this property. I am concerned about it being in back yards. I LOVE THE CIRCULAR TRAIL around the perimeter with the ramp reinstalled to access the freeway walking over pass. In the design standards I would like to see something next to the dike trail all along it on the South that WOULD NOT BE A BACKYARD. Something that would make the trail scenic and not an ally way.

    3. I am worried With the type of commercial being proposed here that this mdr zone would be low income. This section of town in already low income and CANNOT currently sustain the issues it currently has. I would like to see some hefty design standards for this section that could help the current neighborhood. I would love to see mandatory elevators in the apartments next to the commercial node.
    4. With the need to bring in about 7 feet of fill dirt in order to bring this section out of the FEMA flood zone I would like to see SINGLE LEVEL TWIN HOMES next to the dike area.
    5. I do worry about building anything in the flood plain.
    6. I worry about the eagles nest in this portion of the neighborhood. Some citizens have asked for a protection to its tree where it nests. Maybe that could be a portion of the open space requirement for this mdr zone.
    7. With all of this building up out of the flood zone it is CREATING A HUGE BOWL/RETENTION POND/LOW SPOT out of the existing neighborhood. We do have an open pump house on the South end of 500 west. I worry what all this will do to the existing neighborhood that relays on the dikes and the open pump house.
    8. 500 west needs so many upgrades that I have been BEGGING for and there is NO MONEY. Our intersections DO NOT Line up, the open pump house blocks the view when turning left off of Lakewood Drive onto 500 west, and the road is way to narrow. The city has a plan to widen the road...Only there is NO lateral housing stock for these people to move into. I have people who would literally not be able to afford to buy something if the city were to buy their property for expansion. I also worry about the grid lock and accidents if the city could not afford to improve the road before the growth.
    9. The LDR ZONE behind the Osprey dike. This neighborhood CANNOT sustain all of that density. I know Dr. Horton has that property and would really like it to go ldr, but as explained earlier i dont believe this lower income neighborhood can sustain it. Kim Hawkins, the Franklin Elementary Principal....this part of the neighborhood is bussed to Franklin, has expressed the need and desire for more 1/4 acre lot homes in this section. With the mdr buffer along 500 west, I would like to see the LDR ZONE moved west of 1100 west where the neighborhood could better sustain that density and the western section of 500 west be single family residential. Again I am concerned with building in the flood plain and this section is definitely in that Area- the dike is NEEDED in this section as well. Parks and Rec is not supporting this section as a trail, but in my conversations with public works I get the impression the dike would need to be a trail to ensure survival. Osprey resients currently use this dike as a trail system. Again I am concerned about a back yard alley way. I hope something could go along the trail to the South in order to make it more open and nice.
    10. The older homes along both trails DO NOT OWN all the way to the dike. Jeremy Stubbs owns his portion of the Osprey dike however, the next home DOES NOT and neither does the rest of the older homes along the lakewood dike. There is much concern that this will leave an undesirable alleyway. I would like to see something done to prevent that in the design standards.
    11. One might assume that with all of the issues presented to this section of Lakewood that it might be better to place the piece from the freeway to the new Osprey subdivision from the dikes to the underpass under redevelopment with more commercial node, office space and more mdr. This would give this section enough money upon commercial negotiations to relocate allowing the intersections, road width, and flooding worries to be mitigated. I do have some concern with the current state of the mall and east bay if this would be sustainable. If it is sustainable...maybe it is something we should propose to the citizens and the city.
    12. I appreciate leaving the lakewood park aka power line Park along with its 4 acre future expansion. This is something the neighborhood fought hard to preserve nearly 2 years ago.
    Other neighborhoods
    1. I would like to see the souther portion of 600 south to be placed under redevelopment. I have concerns this road, with power lines along both sides will NOT be wide enough for the future expansion needed. It will be a major roadway. If the section of farm land below it were to be purchased along with the houses directly north of it along the South side of 600 South this would allow for that road to be reconstructed and expanded along with the powerlines moved. It would also allow those people the financial means to move rather than being bought out by the city. I think other roads like the lower portion of 1600 west also need the same provisions.
    2. From my understanding of things...when the fill dirt was brought in for the new lift station by the airport fill was brought in to bring the site above the fema flood plain and it immediatly sank 3 feet. More dirt was brought in and compacted and it sunk another 3 feet. Dirt Contractors have recommended that the sequencing of development needs to go from 600 south South to the parkway. I would like to see something like that done.
    3. I would like to see some kind of curing period after the fill is brought up to the 4496 elevation level. The road sat for around 1 year. I would like to see these homes cure for a while as well.
    4. NO BASEMENTS. With the fill dirt needed to bring this land out of the flood plain it will sit higher than the existing neighborhood....also with it being in a high water table....I would like to see no basements.
    5. I would like to see some Provo river preservation...meaning no housing immediately along it but instead open space there.
    6. I love the little commercial node by the sports park. I think everyone that has ever been to a tournament knows you need a close place for food, drinks, and of course ice cream. I would hope this node would be a little larger where it would not just accommodate the local residents but also the sports park tournaments as well.
    7. I love the idea of changing the language to .25 of an acre net.
    8. Thank you! For think of us and trying hard to create a good plan to help solve some of our current issues in our neighborhoods and trying to help us conquered some of the challenges we will see in the future.

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Southwest Area Future Land Use Map

This map was developed by a steering committee focused on creating a master plan for four of the six Provo neighborhoods west of the I-15 freeway. Please take a look at the map and click to expand and zoom. 

Click to expand and zoom

Land Use Key

The Future Land Use Map describes land uses over a long period of time, up to 30 or 40 years into the future.  NO PROPERTY WOULD BE REZONED AS PART OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN.  Zone changes consistent with the Future Land Use Map would take place over time as property owners asked for zone changes or as property owners put their land up for sale. 

  • RES          Four units per acre, based on the NET acreage.  This will yield lots that are 10,000 to 12,000 square feet.  The NET calculation means that the roads are taken out of the property, or acreage, and what is remaining cannot exceed four units per acre.

  • LDR          Low Density Residential will allow for up to 15 units per acre.  The dwelling units cannot be stacked, like apartments or condominiums.  Side-by-side townhomes are the highest density housing type that would be permitted.  Three types of housing would be required in these areas with less housing density at the borders adjacent to RES properties.
  • MDR        Medium Density Residential allows up to 30 units per acre and these units can be stacked.  MDR areas would need four different housing types to appeal to different demographics and to prevent too much of one type of housing.  Appropriate buffering would be required on borders where not contiguous to roadways. 
  • Regional Sports Park       The LDS Church property of approximately 100 acres is being purchased by the City for a regional sports facility.  It is anticipated that 20+ soccer fields could be located here.  It is also anticipated that neighborhood park amenities would be included within the Regional Park property.
  • Village Center                  This area is located at the intersection of Center Street and Geneva Road.  A mixed use area that would include commercial amenities, housing and possibly even professional office uses would create a focal point for West Provo.  This includes land already owned by Smith’s grocery store. 
  • Airport compatible Industrial/Commercial    These areas would not allow for additional housing but would be used for industrial and commercial uses that may be ancillary to the airport or they could be independent industrial/commercial uses.  These properties are currently zoned for agricultural uses and they would remain zoned that way until a property owner asks for a zone change on their property. 
  • A1.10          These areas are currently zoned Agricultural with a 10 acre minimum lot size for housing.  These areas would be kept as A1.10 because they are within the Airport Protection Area.  The land shown in a cross-hatched pattern is within the Airport Protection Area.
  • Dashed Green Lines        These indicate future trails along major roadways.
  • RA - Residential Agriculture   Residential and Agricultural uses are permitted in this zone and the minimum lot size for a home is 20,000 square feet (basically one-half acre). 
  • Light Blue diagonal Lines          This indicates the 100 year flood plain, according to FEMA.  Housing within the 100 year flood plain would have to have flood insurance or the developer/builder would have to raise the elevation of the land to be above the flood plain. 
  • Neighborhood Mixed Use Allowed         These development nodes are located at intersections of major roads.  The Plan would allow for commercial, residential and office uses on a neighborhood scale but it is anticipated that the Plan would not require mixed use.  Neighborhood-scale commercial uses can be found in the current SC1 Zone.  It is not anticipated that each of these nodes would develop as mixed use as it is not likely that the west side could support that much neighborhood commercial. 
  • Commercial (By the I-15)          This would be intended for regional commercial uses, big box stores, auto dealerships and similar uses.  The current SC3 Zone is used for regional commercial uses.           
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