What do you think of the proposed Hillsides and Canyons Plan?
The Hillsides and Canyons Plan
The proposed Hillsides and Canyons Plan would help guide future land use decisions in Provo’s hillsides and canyons (see the Project Area map on page 8). It addresses the following key issues: development suitability, development standards, increasing and improving trail and recreational assets, environmental protections, and the mitigation of natural hazards.
The full text of the Hillsides and Canyons Plan can be viewed at the link below. Please be aware that although the content will remain the same, staff and the consultants are currently cleaning up the appendices for future publication.
CLICK HERE to go to the main Planning page and then select "Hillsides and Canyons Plan"
CLICK HERE to read the Planning Commission Staff Report of the Hillsides and Canyons Plan
The proposed plan builds on themes introduced in the Open Space and Recreation chapter of the General Plan and pulls in elements from the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. It is not required by state statute, and there are no external criteria for the plan. None of the recommendations in the plan are legally binding in any way.
The proposed plan divides the recommendations into three themes – the natural, social, and built environments – and provides goals and strategies for each (see pages 35-57). The plan also provides guidelines and best practices for the relevant topics such as hillside development best practices, fuel reduction and mitigation, recommended plant lists, etc. (see pages 60-66).
In addition to the goals and recommendations, the plan also includes research such as the feedback from the random-sample citywide survey (see pages 12-13 and Appendix B) and a thorough research on the current existing conditions of the hillsides and canyons (e.g., land cover and ecology, slopes, fire risk, etc.; see pages 15-34 and Appendix A).
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