Applicant: Garrett Seely
Address: 1069 N Geneva Rd.
Request: Garrett Seely requests a Zone Map Amendment for a PD (Performance Development Overlay) Zone to be applied to 16.5 acres of land in the R1.8 (One Family Residential) Zone in order to create a 56-unit twinhome development, located approximately at 1069 N Geneva Road. Lakeview North Neighborhood. Aaron Ardmore (801) 852-6404 [email protected] PLRZ20230104
Purpose of the Performance Development Overlay Zone: Encourage imaginative and efficient utilization of land, to develop a sense of community, and to insure compatbility with the surrounding neighborhoods and environment. This is accomplished by providing greater flexibility in the location of buildings on the land, consolidation of open spaces, and the clustering of dwelling units. These provisions are intended to create more attractive and more desirable environments within the residential areas of Provo City.
Principle uses of the R1.8 One Family Residential Zone: One family detached dwellings on individual lots, or attached one-family dwellings in a planned open space development; Minimum lot size = 8,000 square feet; Minimum lot width = 80 feet.