What do you think of the proposed Agritourism Overlay Zone?
Applicant: Development Services
Address: Citywide
Item: Development Services requests approval of an Ordinance Text Amendment to adopt an Agritourism Overlay (AT) Zone. Citywide Application. Aaron Ardmore (801) 852-6404 [email protected] PLOTA20230221
Purpose and Objectives: The Agritourism Overlay Zone is provided to allow limited commercial activities within an agricultural context and setting to attract visitors to a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business to help preserve existing agricultural land in the city.
Permitted Uses: Uses permitted in the AT Zone shall be limited to those listed as permitted uses in the A1 Zone, and the following:
(a) Commercial Tours
(b) Educational Classes
(c) Museums
(d) Event Halls (subject to 14.08A.100)
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