What do you think about the Ordinance Text Amendment request to add parking exemptions for existing structures in portions of Downtown?
Applicant: Development Services
Address: Citywide (Downtown)
Development Services requests Ordinance Text Amendments to Sections 14.21A.150 and 14.21B.140 to add parking exemptions for existing structures in portions of downtown. Downtown Neighborhood. Aaron Ardmore (801) 852-6404 [email protected] PLOTA20230094
Parking, Loading, and Access.
(1) Each lot or parcel in the DT1 zone shall provide a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required off-street parking as set forth in Chapter 14.37, Provo City Code, except:
(a) Buildings or portions of buildings located in the required sixty (60) foot transitional setback shall comply with the following parking requirements:
(i) Residential units shall have a minimum of one and one-half (1 1/2) spaces for one (1) bedroom units and two and one-quarter (2 1/4) spaces for units with two (2) or more bedrooms. This requirement does not include any disabled parking spaces required by Section 14.37.110, Provo City Code; and
(ii) Commercial uses shall provide the minimum parking required by Chapter 14.37, Provo City Code.
(2) Residential parking may be reduced to one (1) space per unit for one (1) bedroom units and to one and one-quarter (1 1/4) spaces for units with two (2) or more bedrooms subject to Planning Commission approval of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program as described in Section 14.37.050(2), Provo City Code.
(3) Parking for existing structures described in Subsection (3)(a) shall not be required to provide any new off-street parking, so long as the building is not being expanded.
(a) The above parking exception in Subsection (3) shall apply to properties that front Center Street between 500 West and 100 East, and properties that front University Avenue between Center Street and 300 North.
(3)(4) Parking Design. Parking shall be designed to the requirements of Section 14.37.100, Provo City Code.
(a) Surface parking shall not be provided within thirty (30) feet of a front or street side yard property line of any property adjacent to a primary street. Surface parking is not permitted within the first six (6) feet of properties fronting secondary streets and must be separated from the street by a six (6) foot wide berm that is a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches in height.
Parking, Loading, and Access.
(1) Each lot or parcel in the DT2 zone shall provide a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the required off-street parking as set forth in Chapter 14.37, Provo City Code.
(2) Residential parking may be reduced to one (1) space per unit for one (1) bedroom units and to one and one-quarter (1 1/4) spaces for units with two (2) or more bedrooms subject to Planning Commission approval of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program as described in Section 14.37.050(2), Provo City Code.
(3) Parking for existing structures described in Subsection (3)(a) shall not be required to provide any new off-street parking, so long as the building is not being expanded.
(a) The above parking exception in Subsection (3) shall apply to properties that front Center Street between 500 West and 100 East, and properties that front University Avenue between Center Street and 300 North.
(3)(4) Parking Design. Parking shall be designed to the requirements of Section 14.37.100, Provo City Code.
(a) Surface parking shall not be provided within thirty (30) feet of a front or street side yard property line of any property adjacent to a primary street. Surface parking is not permitted within the first six (6) feet of properties fronting secondary streets and must be separated from the street by a six (6) foot wide berm that is a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches in height.
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