What do you think of Provo City's proposed budget for the next fiscal year?
The Provo City Council has been presented with the proposed Provo City budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023. As part of the process established by Utah State Code, public hearings for the proposed budgets will be held at the June 7 and June 21 regular City Council meetings. A final budget needs to be approved by June 30. More information on the budget process and links to documents and information can be found on the Council's website.
Council staff have made a preliminary review of the budget and created a summary to help Council members and the public quickly gain an understanding of what is proposed in the budget. The FY2022-23 proposed budget and the approved budgets from previous years can be found on the Provo City website. Please take a look and share your thoughts with us. Comments will be shared with Council members prior to the June 21 Council meeting where the final budget is being considered. Click here to share your comments.
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June 21, 2021
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