Considering the concepts listed above, which ones would be your top priorities in choosing a map? (Required items are not listed) Please select in order of preference.
Keeping precincts in the central/downtown area in one district.
West side generally refers to the area west of the freeway. There is not enough population west of the freeway to make a district without including some precincts east of the freeway. Several ideas on what precincts to include are:
Grandview area (north)
East Bay/Spring Creek, etc. (south/southeast)
Parts of Dixon, Franklin, and or Franklin South (central)
There is not enough population west of the freeway to make a district without including some precincts east of the freeway. If you think that creating a westside district is a priority, what is your preference for which precincts to add in?
The west side of I-15 is very suburban in character; whatever precincts are added to it should be as well. To me, this eliminates Franklin, Dixon, and Franklin South as viable options. Grandview is probably the best choice.
The following maps were selected by the Council to show some of the concepts being considered. Please choose the map(s) you prefer the most.
You can view all the maps here:
I dislike maps that pair Dixon and Franklin neighborhoods with the West Side.
What do you like best about the map(s) you chose?
The central/downtown district is compact and reasonable.
Certain concepts were discussed when reviewing the submitted maps. Please rate the importance of each of each concept in evaluating the City Council District maps (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Preserving central/downtown area district - 5
Preserving southeast area district - 3
Balancing number of registered voters - 2
Splitting college student population across districts - 2
Grouping by communities of interest - 4
Creating a westside district - 5
Are there other criteria you think should be used to evaluate the maps?
No response.
Are there other maps you prefer to the ones that we've selected as the top maps (pick up to three)? See all maps here:
See all maps here:
No response.
Are you a Provo resident?
Do you have any other comments on the redistricting maps or how to choose the final one?
I wish the State Legislature had given you better State House and Senate maps so that precincts didn't split neighborhoods so much. I also wonder if many of the problems and compromises with the current maps could have been avoided if we were drawing 7 districts instead of 5. More representation on the City Council could be a good thing for Provo in general. Finally, the metric of "core preservation" is not remotely relevant to making GOOD districts in the city. Preserving old districts preserves the status quo, nothing more. Redistricting is a time to IMPROVE cores and make districts more representative. Old, bad cores should be discarded without apology. We must not be held back by the past when we are planning for the future.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Considering the concepts listed above, which ones would be your top priorities in choosing a map? (Required items are not listed) Please select in order of preference.
Keeping precincts in the central/downtown area in one district.
West side generally refers to the area west of the freeway. There is not enough population west of the freeway to make a district without including some precincts east of the freeway. Several ideas on what precincts to include are:
Keeping areas together that share common interests.
Keeping precincts in southeast Provo in one district.
There is not enough population west of the freeway to make a district without including some precincts east of the freeway. If you think that creating a westside district is a priority, what is your preference for which precincts to add in?
Any other thoughts on a westside district?
The west side of I-15 is very suburban in character; whatever precincts are added to it should be as well. To me, this eliminates Franklin, Dixon, and Franklin South as viable options. Grandview is probably the best choice.
The following maps were selected by the Council to show some of the concepts being considered. Please choose the map(s) you prefer the most. You can view all the maps here:
Which map attributes do you like least?
I dislike maps that pair Dixon and Franklin neighborhoods with the West Side.
What do you like best about the map(s) you chose?
The central/downtown district is compact and reasonable.
Certain concepts were discussed when reviewing the submitted maps. Please rate the importance of each of each concept in evaluating the City Council District maps (1=not important, 5=very important)?
Are there other criteria you think should be used to evaluate the maps?
No response.Are there other maps you prefer to the ones that we've selected as the top maps (pick up to three)? See all maps here: See all maps here:
No response.Are you a Provo resident?
Do you have any other comments on the redistricting maps or how to choose the final one?
I wish the State Legislature had given you better State House and Senate maps so that precincts didn't split neighborhoods so much. I also wonder if many of the problems and compromises with the current maps could have been avoided if we were drawing 7 districts instead of 5. More representation on the City Council could be a good thing for Provo in general. Finally, the metric of "core preservation" is not remotely relevant to making GOOD districts in the city. Preserving old districts preserves the status quo, nothing more. Redistricting is a time to IMPROVE cores and make districts more representative. Old, bad cores should be discarded without apology. We must not be held back by the past when we are planning for the future.