If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo?
(check all that apply)
No response.
In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
Crowded parking - in a few areas
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Cost of parking enforcement - 0% subsidized, 100% cost recovery
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
Support - Might support
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
More enforcement - Very important
Clear signage - Very important
Ease of payment for parking - Very important
Permits for property owners - Very important
Time limits - Very important
Cost recovery - Very important
Parking fees - Important
Resident input - Very important
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
By approving high density housing within single family sub divisions the City has already created parking issues on the streets that affect the owners and their visitors of single family home owners. The parking ordinances today does not provide for the appropriate number of vehicles that actually exist within a home; whether it be a single family resident or a multi-family resident. In most situations there should be the availability of home residents and their visitors to park regularly in front on there residence; apartment complexes should adequately plan for internal parking space for the number of individuals or families associated with their unit; e.g. if an apartment is appointed as student housing with 3 individuals to the apartment; then the apartment complex should be required to have 3 parking spaces. The percentage of those not needing the parking spaces would be extended to visitors and require a visitor pass if parking is longer than 4 hours. The residents should not have to pay for the privilege for parking in the vicinity of their home even if it is on the street. Occasionally there are get togethers, receptions, etc. that require access to parking in a busy area; these should not require permits; but this could be applied to the 4 hour time limit, etc. and limited guest passes can be provided to the home owners to give to individuals that need to park longer than a 4 hour period.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Do you live in Provo?
If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo? (check all that apply)
No response.In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
By approving high density housing within single family sub divisions the City has already created parking issues on the streets that affect the owners and their visitors of single family home owners. The parking ordinances today does not provide for the appropriate number of vehicles that actually exist within a home; whether it be a single family resident or a multi-family resident. In most situations there should be the availability of home residents and their visitors to park regularly in front on there residence; apartment complexes should adequately plan for internal parking space for the number of individuals or families associated with their unit; e.g. if an apartment is appointed as student housing with 3 individuals to the apartment; then the apartment complex should be required to have 3 parking spaces. The percentage of those not needing the parking spaces would be extended to visitors and require a visitor pass if parking is longer than 4 hours. The residents should not have to pay for the privilege for parking in the vicinity of their home even if it is on the street. Occasionally there are get togethers, receptions, etc. that require access to parking in a busy area; these should not require permits; but this could be applied to the 4 hour time limit, etc. and limited guest passes can be provided to the home owners to give to individuals that need to park longer than a 4 hour period.