If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo?
(check all that apply)
No response.
In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
Crowded parking - everywhere
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Cost of parking enforcement - 100% subsidized, 0% cost recovery
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
Support - Don't support at all
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
More enforcement - Important
Clear signage - Very important
Ease of payment for parking - Not important
Permits for property owners - Very important
Time limits - Not important
Cost recovery - Not important
Parking fees - Not important
Resident input - Very important
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
The parking problem in Provo will never go away because the Provo City Government for years has allowed large complexes to be built without requiring a parking spot for each tenant (don't believe me, one of the most recent large complexes was "The Village" and the city did not require a parking spot for each tenant). You can't change that now but only going forward. The economic life blood of Provo City has always been the University and it's students and now all's you want to do is tax the students for parking on the streets. It's ridiculous (I am not a college student but a home owner). Every college town in the US has parking issues. You are trying to solve a problem by making people "think" that paying for parking will help and it will do nothing but upset the students and drive them away. This does not solve any problem but is just another way for Provo City to raise more money for the city government. It's just a tax and a psychological game you play so that some residents will think it will help. Where will the students park? Do you want a lot of BYU and UVU students to leave and go to school somewhere else because they don't want to pay to park on the streets?. You already charge millions and millions of extra dollars each year by secretly over-charging the Provo residents in their utility bills for Water, Sewer, Electricity and Garbage and those over-charged millions have nothing to do with utilities but go to the general coffers of the city government and now you just want to add another tax "Paid Parking". I'm embarrassed by my elected leaders, seriously, tell me how on earth "Paid Parking" is going to solve any parking issues in Provo around a University??? You need to look at the economic consequences of driving the students away. NOTHING on this survey addresses the consequences of "Paid Parking", that tells me the government leaders wanting to do this don't have a clue what they are doing. Whenever you make a major change, there are always consequences and you are not addressing any of those potential consequences. Provo is a university town and it always has been. Yes there are many wonderful home owners (I am one of them) but taxing the students to park on the streets (yes that's all it is is a tax) is not going to solve any parking problem but it's going to cause larger problems when students start leaving this city. Common sense says if you want plenty of on street parking where you live, don't move to a college town, if you don't like the wind, don't move to the coast, if you don't like rain, don't move to the state of Washington, if you don't like heat, don't move to Arizona. I love our college students, yes our streets are crowded and even I get frustrated at times but I have chosen to live near a university so my streets will be full of student cars and that's a consequence of my choosing to live here. Do NOT punish the students by taxing them (I have no college students). I love living here, STOP the taxes and fees. I am so looking forward to ANY politician that can solve a problem without raising taxes and fees, I'm waiting. PLEASE address the consequences of paid parking before you do some psychological paid parking tax.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Do you live in Provo?
If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo? (check all that apply)
No response.In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
The parking problem in Provo will never go away because the Provo City Government for years has allowed large complexes to be built without requiring a parking spot for each tenant (don't believe me, one of the most recent large complexes was "The Village" and the city did not require a parking spot for each tenant). You can't change that now but only going forward. The economic life blood of Provo City has always been the University and it's students and now all's you want to do is tax the students for parking on the streets. It's ridiculous (I am not a college student but a home owner). Every college town in the US has parking issues. You are trying to solve a problem by making people "think" that paying for parking will help and it will do nothing but upset the students and drive them away. This does not solve any problem but is just another way for Provo City to raise more money for the city government. It's just a tax and a psychological game you play so that some residents will think it will help. Where will the students park? Do you want a lot of BYU and UVU students to leave and go to school somewhere else because they don't want to pay to park on the streets?. You already charge millions and millions of extra dollars each year by secretly over-charging the Provo residents in their utility bills for Water, Sewer, Electricity and Garbage and those over-charged millions have nothing to do with utilities but go to the general coffers of the city government and now you just want to add another tax "Paid Parking". I'm embarrassed by my elected leaders, seriously, tell me how on earth "Paid Parking" is going to solve any parking issues in Provo around a University??? You need to look at the economic consequences of driving the students away. NOTHING on this survey addresses the consequences of "Paid Parking", that tells me the government leaders wanting to do this don't have a clue what they are doing. Whenever you make a major change, there are always consequences and you are not addressing any of those potential consequences. Provo is a university town and it always has been. Yes there are many wonderful home owners (I am one of them) but taxing the students to park on the streets (yes that's all it is is a tax) is not going to solve any parking problem but it's going to cause larger problems when students start leaving this city. Common sense says if you want plenty of on street parking where you live, don't move to a college town, if you don't like the wind, don't move to the coast, if you don't like rain, don't move to the state of Washington, if you don't like heat, don't move to Arizona. I love our college students, yes our streets are crowded and even I get frustrated at times but I have chosen to live near a university so my streets will be full of student cars and that's a consequence of my choosing to live here. Do NOT punish the students by taxing them (I have no college students). I love living here, STOP the taxes and fees. I am so looking forward to ANY politician that can solve a problem without raising taxes and fees, I'm waiting. PLEASE address the consequences of paid parking before you do some psychological paid parking tax.