If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo?
(check all that apply)
No response.
In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
Crowded parking - in a few areas
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Cost of parking enforcement - 100% subsidized, 0% cost recovery
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
Support - Don't support at all
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
More enforcement - Somewhat important
Clear signage - Somewhat important
Ease of payment for parking - Not important
Permits for property owners - Not important
Time limits - Not important
Cost recovery - Not important
Parking fees - Not important
Resident input - Very important
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
Resident input include the students attending BYU and UVU who have to deal with they land owners not having enough parking for the amount of people in their apartment complex. If you charge for parking, you are charging the people who live there and already pay for parking passes for their apartment complexes and who still can’t park at their complex most of the time because there isn’t enough room in the parking lots. BYU has more than enough parking for faculty and graduate students and has cut the amount of undergraduate parking in half. It’s students who have to drive in from outside of Provo who need parking.
Another consideration is how are you going to regulate the people who can get parking passes? Are the students living in Provo going to be able to get a parking pass of this is passed? They aren’t permanent residents. If they can’t park on the street and they can’t park in their apartment complex’s parking lot, what are they supposed to do? Do you expect people who move to your city from thousands of miles away to come here without a car?
Provo does not have ENOUGH parking. The problem is not whether people are paying for parking. I would rather pay to have more parking structures built than have to pay for a parking permit that I renew every year that makes life harder for students.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Do you live in Provo?
If you don’t live in Provo, what activities bring you to Provo? (check all that apply)
No response.In your experience, are there issues with crowded parking in Provo?
How much should cost recovery or subsidization be part of more parking enforcement?
Rate your support of the concept of paid parking as a mitigation tool against crowded on-street parking?
How important are these factors in a parking management program?
Do you have any other comments about this proposal?
Resident input include the students attending BYU and UVU who have to deal with they land owners not having enough parking for the amount of people in their apartment complex. If you charge for parking, you are charging the people who live there and already pay for parking passes for their apartment complexes and who still can’t park at their complex most of the time because there isn’t enough room in the parking lots. BYU has more than enough parking for faculty and graduate students and has cut the amount of undergraduate parking in half. It’s students who have to drive in from outside of Provo who need parking.
Another consideration is how are you going to regulate the people who can get parking passes? Are the students living in Provo going to be able to get a parking pass of this is passed? They aren’t permanent residents. If they can’t park on the street and they can’t park in their apartment complex’s parking lot, what are they supposed to do? Do you expect people who move to your city from thousands of miles away to come here without a car?
Provo does not have ENOUGH parking. The problem is not whether people are paying for parking. I would rather pay to have more parking structures built than have to pay for a parking permit that I renew every year that makes life harder for students.