What do you think of the draft of the new General Plan and the Conservation and Resilience Plan for Provo City?
Provo’s new General Plan and Conservation and Resilience Plan are almost complete, and we need your feedback!
In the fall of 2020, Provo City Planning Staff and their consultant Design Workshop began the process of updating the General Plan. The last General Plan was written in 1997, and Provo needs an updated plan as we continue to grow and step into our role as a regional leader. This 80% completed draft builds on hundreds of hours of public input from open houses and a standing Working Group of residents. Now the planners and consultants are bringing the draft back to the public for feedback before the final revisions.
Final revisions will include cleaning up formatting and grammar, so you can focus your attention on the content and the messages in the document.
The Council will hold two public meetings before the end of the year to discuss the General Plan before adopting it or sending it back for further revision.
A General Plan Is:
- A strategic roadmap to help guide citywide policy decisions and priorities
- An integration of existing planning work
- A long-range tool for planning, legislation, financing, development, and conservation
- Inspiration for the future
- Required by state statute
A General Plan Is Not:
- Zoning
- Land use code standards
- A detailed budget document
- Specific regulations, requirements, or ordinances
The 80% draft of the General Plan is too long to post here. You can view it in its entirety by following this link.
The second section of questions is about the Conservation and Resilience Plan. More information and a link to the draft will provided when you get to that section.
This topic has 170 visitors and 9 responses: 7 registered responses and 2 unregistered responses.