Would a new UVX stop on 900 East make your commute harder or easier?
Why would a new UVX stop on 900 East make your commute harder or easier?
Just as the failed Cougar Blvd and University Ave projects have shown, traffic is crammed into fewer lanes and commute time increased. For what? A small, tiny infinitesimal group of college students occasionally riding a bus in it's own lane that cars cannot use? It's a joke. Quit ruining our town with all these hardly used bus stops! It's ridiculous to cause more traffic for the MAJORITY of people using Provo streets for a comparatively SMALL handful of bus riders. It's insane. Driving down University Ave is a joke now. It took me a half hour to cross town yesterday. 2 car lanes jam packed, yet there is an entire lane wide open for an occasional bus that has 2-3 people riding on it. What's wrong with your traffic planning thinking? Please stop allowing bus activists to ruin our city.
Would you oppose or favor a new UVX station on 900 East near BYU and north of Wasatch Elementary?
Why do you oppose or favor a new station?
A press release sited that 100 fewer parking spaces will be available at BYU and you received 200 emails (likely all from students who will live temporarily in Provo)... That is an insanely small number of people compared to the numbers of people actually living here long term and those of us who use 900 East regularly. Would you please stop bowing to the false Utopian Dream of "mass" transit and start caring more about the vast majority of Provo residents? You can't judge the merit of a project by the number of emails you get! It's obvious that those who WANT it the most are the ones motivated to email you. Most people have lives and don't even know what the debate is about. That's why we hire government workers to use skill and good judgement, not "email voting" for pet projects where those benefiting are the ones motivated enough to write it (or even know what's going on). It's just like the false narrative about Cougar Blvd. How many times has anyone seen bike riders on Bulldog Ave? As much as we see Bigfoot... But the Utopian bike dreamers said we need bike lanes for these mythical, rarely seen bike riders. They rebuilt Cougar Blvd and took out 2 lanes and guess what? I've NEVER seen a bike rider in the street in the entire time since it was opened. Another failed project based on loud and motivated environmental activists inside and out of the city gov. Please start using logic and reason. We should NOT jam up our streets with cars stuffed down to one lane because small handfuls of temporary college students don't want to walk or ride their bikes on the new Cougar Blvd bike paths.
Regarding a proposed new UVX station on 900 East near BYU and Wasatch Elementary, what message of concern or support would you want to share with elected officials?
Start supporting the majority of people! The majority of people drive cars and will never ride the bus. These are temporary college students! You keep jamming up our roads and making commute times much longer because of those stupid bus lanes that hardly ever get used. Does no elected official ever actually look at those busses and see how empty they are?? And at the same time, don't they ever looked at how jammed University Ave is while those busses are empty? Start using logic and reason and support the long term residents instead of the temporary college students.
What factors relative to a UVX station on 900 East influence your decision of support of opposition?
Look at the disasters of University Ave and Cougar blvd. Totally did not turn out as promised (usership). Can we not have ONE way to cross Provo city that's relatively quick? Why do you want to screw up 900 E like you did University? Especially for such a small group of people who could walk or ride their bikes? Think about the majority for a change instead of those who are most vocal.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Which Provo neighborhood do you live in?
How often do you ride the UVX line?
Would a new UVX stop on 900 East make your commute harder or easier?
Why would a new UVX stop on 900 East make your commute harder or easier?
Just as the failed Cougar Blvd and University Ave projects have shown, traffic is crammed into fewer lanes and commute time increased. For what? A small, tiny infinitesimal group of college students occasionally riding a bus in it's own lane that cars cannot use? It's a joke. Quit ruining our town with all these hardly used bus stops! It's ridiculous to cause more traffic for the MAJORITY of people using Provo streets for a comparatively SMALL handful of bus riders. It's insane. Driving down University Ave is a joke now. It took me a half hour to cross town yesterday. 2 car lanes jam packed, yet there is an entire lane wide open for an occasional bus that has 2-3 people riding on it. What's wrong with your traffic planning thinking? Please stop allowing bus activists to ruin our city.
Would you oppose or favor a new UVX station on 900 East near BYU and north of Wasatch Elementary?
Why do you oppose or favor a new station?
A press release sited that 100 fewer parking spaces will be available at BYU and you received 200 emails (likely all from students who will live temporarily in Provo)... That is an insanely small number of people compared to the numbers of people actually living here long term and those of us who use 900 East regularly. Would you please stop bowing to the false Utopian Dream of "mass" transit and start caring more about the vast majority of Provo residents? You can't judge the merit of a project by the number of emails you get! It's obvious that those who WANT it the most are the ones motivated to email you. Most people have lives and don't even know what the debate is about. That's why we hire government workers to use skill and good judgement, not "email voting" for pet projects where those benefiting are the ones motivated enough to write it (or even know what's going on). It's just like the false narrative about Cougar Blvd. How many times has anyone seen bike riders on Bulldog Ave? As much as we see Bigfoot... But the Utopian bike dreamers said we need bike lanes for these mythical, rarely seen bike riders. They rebuilt Cougar Blvd and took out 2 lanes and guess what? I've NEVER seen a bike rider in the street in the entire time since it was opened. Another failed project based on loud and motivated environmental activists inside and out of the city gov. Please start using logic and reason. We should NOT jam up our streets with cars stuffed down to one lane because small handfuls of temporary college students don't want to walk or ride their bikes on the new Cougar Blvd bike paths.
Regarding a proposed new UVX station on 900 East near BYU and Wasatch Elementary, what message of concern or support would you want to share with elected officials?
Start supporting the majority of people! The majority of people drive cars and will never ride the bus. These are temporary college students! You keep jamming up our roads and making commute times much longer because of those stupid bus lanes that hardly ever get used. Does no elected official ever actually look at those busses and see how empty they are?? And at the same time, don't they ever looked at how jammed University Ave is while those busses are empty? Start using logic and reason and support the long term residents instead of the temporary college students.
What factors relative to a UVX station on 900 East influence your decision of support of opposition?
Look at the disasters of University Ave and Cougar blvd. Totally did not turn out as promised (usership). Can we not have ONE way to cross Provo city that's relatively quick? Why do you want to screw up 900 E like you did University? Especially for such a small group of people who could walk or ride their bikes? Think about the majority for a change instead of those who are most vocal.