4 registered statements
Mary White inside City Boundary
May 21, 2021, 9:00 AM
I have an idea for the sanitation department, and the 311 operator said to share it here.
I've seen other cities that have garbage cans about half the size of the black cans in Provo. Could we offer those smaller cans as a less-expensive residential garbage pickup option? The benefits I see are...
>Smaller solid waste cans would incentivize residents to create less trash and to recycle more;
>Smaller cans would be less of an eyesore and easier to tuck away on a resident's property;
>A reduced solid waste fee would incentivize residents to opt for the smaller cans.
In 17 years, our household has fluctuated between ten and four people, and we've almost never filled our one large can in a week. I am confident that many Provo households could manage their trash in smaller cans, and our city could thus make less negative impact on the environment.
Duane Call inside City Boundary
May 12, 2021, 10:21 AM
Three things I would like to see improved:
1. Lean on folks owning unkempt yards.
2. Enforce requirements for convenient off-street parking.
3. Removal of utility poles and unsightly overhead wiring.
Thanks. You're doing a great job otherwise.
Kathy Jolley inside City Boundary
May 10, 2021, 8:57 PM
You the council work for the citizens. Listen to their input. You are not the experts on everything!’
May 6, 2021, 11:11 AM
There was a startling statistic from the survey on Ranked Choice Voting: one-third of voters complete the entire ballot even if they don't know about all of the issues on the ballot. Wow. What are the consequences for RCV (or other systems) if one-third of voters are doing this?
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The statements in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
I have an idea for the sanitation department, and the 311 operator said to share it here.
I've seen other cities that have garbage cans about half the size of the black cans in Provo. Could we offer those smaller cans as a less-expensive residential garbage pickup option? The benefits I see are...
>Smaller solid waste cans would incentivize residents to create less trash and to recycle more;
>Smaller cans would be less of an eyesore and easier to tuck away on a resident's property;
>A reduced solid waste fee would incentivize residents to opt for the smaller cans.
In 17 years, our household has fluctuated between ten and four people, and we've almost never filled our one large can in a week. I am confident that many Provo households could manage their trash in smaller cans, and our city could thus make less negative impact on the environment.