Have you experienced (used/tried) Ranked Choice Voting?
Did you vote in any of these elections? If yes, select "yes" in the appropriate row. If no, mark a reason why (mark all that apply).
2020 (presidential) - Yes
2019 (municipal) - Yes
2018 - Yes
2017 (municipal) - Was not registered to vote
2016 (presidential) - Yes
What best describes you as a voter?
I complete the entire ballot because I know about the candidates I am voting for
How do you decide to vote for one candidate over another? (mark all that apply)
Family or friends
Social Media
Press newspapers or Television
Information sent by the campaigns
Information from political parties
Thinking about Provo City Elections how positive or negative do you find the tone of the campaigns? (1 being very negative and 10 very positive)
The tone of the campaigns for Provo City Mayor - 5
The tone of the campaigns for Provo City Council seats - 10
How satisfied are you with the outcome of the elections for Provo City offices (Mayor, City Council)?
Now that you've seen a brief explanation of Ranked Choice Voting, please rank your understanding of this voting method and your support for Provo using this method.
Rank your understanding of this voting method (1 is do not understand at all, and 10 is fully understand) - 10
How supportive would you be if Provo changed to Ranked Choice Voting (1 is not supportive at all, and 10 is very supportive) - 8
Considering the arguments in favor of Ranked Choice Voting, how supportive would you be if Provo changed to this voting method (1 is not supportive at all, and 10 is very supportive)?
Support for Ranked Choice Voting - 8
Considering the arguments against Ranked Choice Voting How supportive would you be if Provo changed to this voting method (1 is not supportive at all, and 10 is very supportive)?
Support for Ranked Choice Voting - 8
Are there any thoughts you would like to share about Provo City Elections?
No response.
Are there any thoughts you would like to share about Ranked Choice Voting?
No response.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
What is your age?
What is your gender?
Have you heard of Ranked Choice Voting?
Have you experienced (used/tried) Ranked Choice Voting?
Did you vote in any of these elections? If yes, select "yes" in the appropriate row. If no, mark a reason why (mark all that apply).
What best describes you as a voter?
How do you decide to vote for one candidate over another? (mark all that apply)
Thinking about Provo City Elections how positive or negative do you find the tone of the campaigns? (1 being very negative and 10 very positive)
How satisfied are you with the outcome of the elections for Provo City offices (Mayor, City Council)?
Now that you've seen a brief explanation of Ranked Choice Voting, please rank your understanding of this voting method and your support for Provo using this method.
Considering the arguments in favor of Ranked Choice Voting, how supportive would you be if Provo changed to this voting method (1 is not supportive at all, and 10 is very supportive)?
Considering the arguments against Ranked Choice Voting How supportive would you be if Provo changed to this voting method (1 is not supportive at all, and 10 is very supportive)?
Are there any thoughts you would like to share about Provo City Elections?
No response.Are there any thoughts you would like to share about Ranked Choice Voting?
No response.