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Broadway Corridor: Refinar los conceptos del Desarrollo

¿Cómo se ven los parques, las calles, y los espacios abiertos en los planos de estos conceptos? ¿Qué tipo de actividades te gustaría que hubieran para ti y tu familia?

Broadway Corridor Refined Development Concepts: Your Input Wanted!

Deadline Extended to 12/17! -- How do the streets, parks, and open space feel to you in these concepts? What activities would bring you and your family here?

Broadway Corridor Preliminary Development Concepts: Your Input Wanted!

Can you see yourself spending time in the concepts described? What aspects of each concept will create the best blend of community ideas that should be refined in the next phase of the process?

Broadway Corridor Visioning: Your Input Requested!

What would make the Broadway Corridor (downtown USPS redevelopment) project an inclusive place for all Portlanders?

Gateway Park Mixed-use Project

We'd like your input on three possible building alternatives for the property at 10520 NE Halsey.

Gateway URA

Which actions from the Gateway Action Plan are most important to you?

Lents Town Center

What kinds of amenities would you like to see in Lents?

Broadway Corridor Framework Plan

What is your vision for the Broadway Corridor area?

Broadway Corridor Framework Plan: Concepts

USPS Development Concepts

PDC Draft Strategic Plan

Give us your feedback on PDC's 2015-20 Draft Strategic Plan

Lents Town Center RFI

What would you like to see in Lents?

Investing in Foster Corridor

How would you invest $500 in the community? What improvements are most important to you along the Foster Corridor in East Portland?