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December 3, 2018, 2:39 PM
You're an expert when it comes to your city and your neighborhood. Your participation in this online forum helps to shape the Broadway Corridor, a 34-acre site in NW Portland that is a once-in-a-generation development opportunity for our city. The online forum is available now until Sunday, December 9 at 11:59pm.
Prosper Portland is leading a development planning process (anticipated to take about one year), which will result in a document called a Development Plan for the Broadway Corridor, which establishes guidelines related to:
- Land Use
- Density, Building Types, and Heights
- Public Benefits
- Transportation
- Sustainability
- Development Phasing
To build on the vision, guiding principles, and project goals established by our Steering Committee and on public feedback from our July Open House and online Open House, September Open House and online Open House, stakeholder interviews, and pop-up events, your input will help us select a preferred development concept in March 2019. After we select a concept, we will continue to refine it so that the concept is the best it can be for our all Portlanders.
July 30, 2015, 2:20 PM
The Broadway Corridor is identified in the City of Portland’s West Quadrant Plan as a key opportunity site for high-density employment and signature city attractions, connecting the Old Town/Chinatown and Pearl District neighborhoods. The Broadway Corridor Framework Plan will provide a comprehensive vision for this 24-acre portion of the Central City. While this area has long been envisioned as a potential regional asset, growth in the corridor has been modest until recently. Now, thanks to ongoing development in the neighborhoods surrounding the Plan study area, as well as the potential partnership with the United States Postal Service (USPS), the timing has never been better to identify how, when and what growth could occur here.
While the Framework Plan encompasses the larger Broadway Corridor area, the focus for this survey is the approximately 14-acre USPS site. We will ask you to review five preliminary USPS site concepts; the concepts represent a spectrum of ideas, and certain elements are intended to provoke reactions regarding what you want and don’t want to see in this location in the future.
Your input will inform our decisions to retain, eliminate, or combine various elements as we refine and test concepts for the area, with the goal of reaching a preferred concept in early September. The concepts were informed by the previous input received regarding the Five Guiding Principles and key characteristics and urban design features in the study area.