What matters most to the Lents neighborhood in its next phase of development?
62 registered responses
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What is your relationship to the Lents neighborhood? Choose all that apply (hold down the Ctrl key on your PC or Command on your Mac to select multiple items).
What activities do you, your family, and/or friends like to do in Lents?
I like going to local businesses like Bella’s, the Eagle Eye, El Pato Feliz and the Flipside. I love the Farmers Market and tool library. I’m really excited to be able to get healthcare at Western U and AHSC, and dental services at Atlas.
What kinds of businesses are important to you? What kinds of businesses would you like to have added to the neighborhood?
Please do everything possible to bring People’s co-op to this site. I’m thankful for Bella’s the Eagle Eye, El Pato, the Flipside, Western U, AHSC, Atlas Dental....more of this!
What kind of open public space do you imagine here? What could it be used for (e.g., Lents International Farmers Market)?
Permanent space for the Farmer’s Market and Tool Library. More outdoor space to relax, eat, enjoy music, art. An intergenerational arts center that highlights the contribution of the working class to visual and performing arts would be great.
What kind of housing do you imagine here? Do you want to see a mix of affordable housing units and market rate units? Do you want to see a mix of units to accommodate families of all sizes?
Market rate with the inclusionary housing being universal design units on ground floors serving low-income people with mobility barriers (ie wheelchair accessible housing). This is a terrible site for family sized housing or ownership because of the limited access points for autos.
What are your top priorities for Prosper Portland's investment in this development?
Housing without rent restrictions
Support local neighborhood small businesses through commercial space renovations
Programmed events in public spaces, install public art
Create open spaces for neighborhood events
Additional parking for businesses and residents
I have another priority (let us know below)
If one of your priorities was "Other" please describe it:
Maker space and a sculpture courtyard that features art made from things sourced from the local materials recovery businesses.
What additional equitable development goals are important to you?
Larger sized live-work spaces where the work portion of the space is big enough for a full size shop or restaurant. This helps provide a housing /business type that supports immigrant owned businesses.